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Posts posted by Datjusticebro

  1. So I get this, but my solutions (Original post) actually takes care of that? It has DIB in the same XP bracket as DFB. have you read the OP?



    It is being awarded properly. It still gives more xp than what Live did with xp boosts (which are free).


    The announcement thread - where you also posted this is the OFFICIAL feedback to that announcement. There was no need for this suggestion as you have already posted it in another (official) thread. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the changes to DFB - it is now more in-line with its intended purpose as a very low level trial to introduce people to the LFG concept, teaming, etc. It was never meant to be ran until level 32 and frankly it should have it's xp cut even sooner - then maybe people will run the DiB trial and actually start to use some of their powers and learn more about game mechanics.




    Official feedback, as in I posted it somewhere other than the feedback thread, not that I have any affiliation with the game.


    That's probably a good thing; we can't have people play the content that they want and actually get rewarded properly now can we?

  2. Hear me out on this one, I am posting it here as an official feedback to an issue that seems to be plaguing the playerbase with the new rollout of the update going on.



    Hey I know that I didn't get on the bandwagon sooner, but the changes to the DFB seem to have effected many in a way that they want to quit the server, or find something else to do, and the hype of getting 5 billion alts to 50 seems to be what they're after.


    Now, this isn't to say that people like this sometimes are MMO butterflies, (guilty myself of a little bit of flitting between MMO's), but perhaps we should keep the playerbase strong rather than having it dwindle out to the hardcore players before it really takes off.


    More people = more groups, more groups=more content that you want to play. I would run 1-2 DFB, run around and do radio missions, and then jump back into DFB's to do my 50 character, and I have only one (altaholism hurts). But more than anything, I wanted to get back into DFB for two reasons,


    1: my character was optimized for the level 1-10 content that was available there, and I knew how to build my spec for that content. I had maneuvers and assault, a healing skill, and an aoe damage skill. I liked farming this content because I knew how to play it, knew how to deal with it, and knew that I could lead if I was stuck at the forefront, and could assist newbies in their endeavors to know what the game was like.


    2: I liked the playerbase when people start out on their character and they're like WTF is this!? I can do an electric/fire scrapper and blow mobs up! Neat, but I want to do a Rad/fire, so let me make an alt RQ and i'll BRB in the next round or two. It was fun to see the iterations of fledgeling heroes bud up, without making a new character myself.


    Something that I think that the devs might want to take a look into is a scale sortof like this:




    Levels 1-10 Lvl 15-20 Lvl20+                                        EXP Bonus

    -------------                                                                100%

                    -----------                                                  75%

                                  -------------------------------------  50%


    DIB (Drowning in blood) EXP

    Levels 15-25 Lvl 26-35  Lvl35+                                        EXP Bonus

    -------------                                                                100%

                    -----------                                                  75%

                                  -------------------------------------  50%



    (Insert Level 25 TF here (because I don't know of one)) EXP

    Levels 25-45 Lvl 46-48 Lvl48+                                        EXP Bonus

    -------------                                                                100%

                    -----------                                                  75%

                                  -------------------------------------  50%


    (Insert Level 45 TF here (because I don't know of one)) EXP

    Levels 45-50                                                                EXP Bonus

    -------------                                                                100%



    Incarnate trials should have a better reward system than farming the merits on a mothership run, yes, so that needs to be BUFFED rather than nerfing something as well.


    We're trying to play the game our way, but also add a little variety, and it would be awesome to go with one group through something (like anything) like DFB all the way from 1-50 if at all possible.


    There was a system in Dark Age of Camelot that did this called 'instance dungeons' where if you got in with a group, it scaled the exp, mob difficulty, and rewards with the group size, but you got a BASE of 100% increased experience. This was when it was limping along to help boost the character base, and it did for a very very long time.


    People want to play their way, and so this might be a good suggestion to mitigate some of the people who want to roll 50 alts, and also get rid of a few key issues:


    1: DFB spam sucks

    2: People only running DFB, it's boring. we get it.

    3: We want variety!

    4: we want to play the game our way, and get EXP in our own way, because let's just face it, most of the playerbase is either millenial or wants to relive their glory days of having 30 level 50 toons and being able to PL based on the situation and what their SG needs at the time for Endgame Content.

    5: it still won't limit the people that want to do the story missions, (which I am currently doing and getting a kick in the pants out of, I love the storytelling aspect of this game, don't change.)





    TLDR: at least look at my table and it makes the rest of the block of text make sense.

  3. Hey I know that I didn't get on the bandwagon sooner, but the changes to the DFB seem to have effected many in a way that they want to quit the server, or find something else to do, and the hype of getting 5 billion alts to 50 seems to be what they're after.


    Now, this isn't to say that people like this sometimes are MMO butterflies, (guilty myself of a little bit of flitting between MMO's), but perhaps we should keep the playerbase strong rather than having it dwindle out to the hardcore players before it really takes off.


    More people = more groups, more groups=more content that you want to play. I would run 1-2 DFB, run around and do radio missions, and then jump back into DFB's to do my 50 character, and I have only one (altaholism hurts). But more than anything, I wanted to get back into DFB for two reasons,


    1: my character was optimized for the level 1-10 content that was available there, and I knew how to build my spec for that content. I had maneuvers and assault, a healing skill, and an aoe damage skill. I liked farming this content because I knew how to play it, knew how to deal with it, and knew that I could lead if I was stuck at the forefront, and could assist newbies in their endeavors to know what the game was like.


    2: I liked the playerbase when people start out on their character and they're like WTF is this!? I can do an electric/fire scrapper and blow mobs up! Neat, but I want to do a Rad/fire, so let me make an alt RQ and i'll BRB in the next round or two. It was fun to see the iterations of fledgeling heroes bud up, without making a new character myself.


    Something that I think that the devs might want to take a look into is a scale sortof like this:




    Levels 1-10 Lvl 15-20 Lvl20+                                        EXP Bonus

    -------------                                                                100%

                    -----------                                                  75%

                                  -------------------------------------  50%


    DIB (Drowning in blood) EXP

    Levels 15-25 Lvl 26-35  Lvl35+                                        EXP Bonus

    -------------                                                                100%

                    -----------                                                  75%

                                  -------------------------------------  50%



    (Insert Level 25 TF here (because I don't know of one)) EXP

    Levels 25-45 Lvl 46-48 Lvl48+                                        EXP Bonus

    -------------                                                                100%

                    -----------                                                  75%

                                  -------------------------------------  50%


    (Insert Level 45 TF here (because I don't know of one)) EXP

    Levels 45-50                                                                EXP Bonus

    -------------                                                                100%



    Incarnate trials should have a better reward system than farming the merits on a mothership run, yes, so that needs to be BUFFED rather than nerfing something as well.


    We're trying to play the game our way, but also add a little variety, and it would be awesome to go with one group through something (like anything) like DFB all the way from 1-50 if at all possible.


    There was a system in Dark Age of Camelot that did this called 'instance dungeons' where if you got in with a group, it scaled the exp, mob difficulty, and rewards with the group size, but you got a BASE of 100% increased experience. This was when it was limping along to help boost the character base, and it did for a very very long time.


    People want to play their way, and so this might be a good suggestion to mitigate some of the people who want to roll 50 alts, and also get rid of a few key issues:


    1: DFB spam sucks

    2: People only running DFB, it's boring. we get it.

    3: We want variety!

    4: we want to play the game our way, and get EXP in our own way, because let's just face it, most of the playerbase is either millenial or wants to relive their glory days of having 30 level 50 toons and being able to PL based on the situation and what their SG needs at the time for Endgame Content.

    5: it still won't limit the people that want to do the story missions, (which I am currently doing and getting a kick in the pants out of, I love the storytelling aspect of this game, don't change.)





    TLDR: at least look at my table and it makes the rest of the block of text make sense.

  4. So the new ToS basically says that if they get caught not only are they going to go down with the ship, but that they have to release our information and also that they aren't held financially responsible for attorney fees, fines, imprisonment... etc. from playing this game, (which I thought was a violation of the original ToS from the original CoX). Am I reading this right or not? Just wondering. Also, can we get a better picture of how "Grey" this legal area is? Doing something clearly illegal is awful, but I am on board with the whole disney copywrite system (A.K.A. Beauty and the beast, Little mermaid, Cinderella... all stories which Disney plaigarized because they were too old to have rights. And technically anyone can make their own version of any of these).


    Anyhow, just wondering if we can get a clarification on what is and is not legal about this system. Thanks!

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