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  1. Goldside content is included in both red and blue for ouroboros. This badge would be for making all your ouroboros storylines yellow (played) for each side.
  2. If new story arcs are added, that won't change that you've earned the badge. It's based on completed content at the time the badge is earned. If you're two arcs away and they add a new arc, you're now three arcs away. Once earned, the badge stays even if arcs are added.
  3. I checked in ouro and my badger has finished all the storylines on the blue side. I'm working on the red side. How about a badge like "Hero of the City" or "Villain of the Isles" for those who finish everything blue or red, respectively. Every mission in ouro is marked yellow. Badge name isn't that important, but it takes forever to do, so a badge would be great! Snopes
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