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Posts posted by gronbek

  1. When doing contact missions i always try to see if they have interesting story archs.


    But how can one actually see if the mission is a start of a story arch? The first mission of a story arch is often not distinguishable from single missions.


    I know that i can look it up but i mean ingame.


    Missions that involve time limit or defeat a number of enemies are mostly not archs.


    Anyone have a good strat for this?

  2. 14 hours ago, Trike said:

    It’s certainly possible. Who knows what influences might inspire us? It’s a mystery.




    yes, we are all a big custome creator familly sharing our creations and taking inspirations.

    I remember when i started playing coh in 2004 when i sat hours at end creating costumes and looking at media like you attached here. 🙂

    And when i finally was finished and named my toon it was rejected due to a name copyright thing!


  3. 6 hours ago, FrauleinMental said:

    But not all types make it to level 20 without at least one defeat.

    You mean they are scripted by game to be defeated?

    In that case it does not count.

    Rules for this SG are quite simple.

    No cheating :)

    No rez of any kind.

    No debt badge if there is one in game.

    Otherwise its free to play the way you want really.

    And I am the type of player that prefers to read up on stories and contacts lore in game so I am not rushing gameplay in any way :)


    I'll get the SG started and post the details here.

  4. Hi.

    Been soloing a ice fire defender lately.

    Just did positrons TF by my self.

    Ice is great for single target debuffing so far.

    How would it compare to dark later when facing AV's?

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