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Posts posted by FireFox

  1. That applies to quite a few of us I suspect. I'm hoping that the Devs can set the graphics and audio to where any effect can be disabled. Thus those who aren't affected can enjoy the game, but thosd with vision/ hearing, color blindness, flashing lights sensitivity and so forth can enjoy the game... That as a whole I would place at a priority closer to 7 of 10.


    Hopefully I used Affect and Effect in the right places 🙂


    • Thanks 1
  2. On 3/2/2021 at 5:42 AM, Haijinx said:



    Was really hoping this was possible to do.  

    100% Agree. So many people make fantastic costumes and then the game hides them from you. If no one has a solution then would love for the Devs to add a way (Null the Gull) to allow us to view Invisable characters either while in PvE zones or if that would cause issues at least those on my team. Mind you it's not a high priority (2-3) so if it would be difficult to code I understand.

  3. Yeah I get that, which is why I am mystified  :P


    If 7 years hasn't corrupted my memory, then I will TRY to expand upon Impish Kat's accurate and helpful post.


    It was stated by the Devs/Mods at Paragon Studios at one point that bases were originally designed and coded with PvP base raids as a feature. As an example the code was supposed to prevent base builders from placing items blocking PvP raiders from accessing the parts of the base. Not that it even seemed to slow the exploiting of PvP base design. One alternative tactic used was to place high graphics objects (hundreds of torches in a hall) thus causing the opponents computer to lag worse then a Issue 4 Hami-Raid or  for those who never did one a HD youtube video on a 56k modem.


    Many of the requested base wish list items were not EASILY implemented because of that coding. In Issue 13 base raids were disabled allowing certain base editing features to be "easily" added, however some features that were requested were still hampered from being implemented by this original code.


    Fully working doors MIGHT well be one of those items.


    I am hoping if it isn't already in the works that a graphic-less Teleport portal can be added that when passed over will automatically TP  someone to one of the beacons. Think of a CoT Teleporter without the ring, Though it might "open the door" for griefing :( and thus be impractical.


    Like wise a generic clickable and tintable glowing aura that acts like the current teleport items but with customizable text so it can be place on objects such as doors and windows. Thus one could have it say when clicked


    "Enter the lounge"



    Sorry for going off topic.




    Things could have been handled better, maybe. But the problems were so entrenched that I'm not sure if it was possible to do so without any backlash from those affected. But we did also in general panic and cry DOOM without even testing to see how bad the changes were going to be.


    I have to agree with Belles recollection for the most part. While I feel ED was a good thing, the way Jack handled it was abysmal. The video, the statements, and the dishonest way it was handled, that Belle mentioned, dramatically increased the damage. On at least one occasion Jack/Statesman posted misinformation, in an ED thread to try to downplay the effect, then when called on it he deleted the post.


    Once he lost credability with a portion of the player base any attempts by Cryptic or the supporters of the change to legitimately explain or justify all the changes from that time period were met with disbelief and disappointment.


    On the whole it would have been far less damaging if they had simply been upfront and honest with the player base or at the very least declined to comment.




  5. It could be that the bids are not correct. I have encountered a strange bug on several items "Call to arms" being an example, where if you click on it it will show you one history listing sales between 100K and 5mil, but click it a second time and it will show a different history 500-50K. Don't know if its my system or the server. Hope this helps.

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