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Posts posted by whorlbinder

  1. Haven't played with the changes yet but I really like the look of them. As others have said, wider AOEs and higher target caps give Tanks a unique position as "secondary effect dispersal" and "entire crowd of dudes bopper."


    Really hoping these go live as-is because I'm excited about knock-on effects from an increased base damage scalar... and am I reading it correctly in that Gauntlet is always a 15' AOE taunt? 😍


    Also, pitching in my voice to say I won't be missing Bruising much. Literally, folks, it was added to help Tankers do more damage (with a side benefit of helping their team a little as well). Rolling it into a base-level buff to Tankers' damage seems completely appropriate.

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  2. I guess most of what I want are expansions to the ever-repeatable randomly-generated "evergreen" content in the game, so expansions to the newspaper/radio/tip mission system would be very very welcome. Things like...
    - The ability to get a randomly-generated radio/newspaper mission in basically any zone could breathe life into the game simply by letting players go to less-travelled places like Croatoa and hazard zones.
    - More variety in said missions generated would be extremely welcome. The Dark Astoria repeatable missions showcase some of the newer things we can have to do in missions - protecting stuff, escorting harmable targets, etc, so on and so forth.
    - An overhaul of the tip system, ideally something less Specific than the current ones with their Set Plots that get stale after running them over and over and over and over again.
    - Increased difficulty caps.


    In a more general sense, the game could really probably use a UI overhaul to bring it out of the late 90s. Talking more "functionality" here, than look and feel.


    Some overhauls to the costume creator would also be welcome - new parts are fantastic and all, and I'd still absolutely love love love love love the ability to have a character like one of the Snakes, or bestial like the Demons, but adding a "horns" or "top of head" slot so we could have characters with glasses AND horns would be lovely. Primarily, I'd want an overhaul to focus on allowing a greater depth of player choice, through fewer nonsensically-mutex pieces, as well as, if we're allowed to dream, a third colour channel to allow things like patterned Tights With Skin. Porting more pieces across the gender gap would also be great!


    Lastly, powerset additions, tweaks, proliferation, and general changes are also something I want to see more of. The recent changes to snipes, assault sets, and the Devices powerset were utterly fantastic and honestly feel so natural and great in the game I can't believe they weren't already part of the base functionality. In this category, just... seeing changes that make the game more overall enjoyable would be wonderful. Status protection/cleanse powers conferring some passive mez protection to the owner would give a reason to pick them up, more Pool powers getting to be *actually good* would be lovely, so on and so forth. Also, proliferation of some long-standing desires - Super Strength to other archetypes, Illusion to Dominators (it's not like we have another control set on the horizon), and so on.


    ... also I guess it'd be nice to have the aggro cap tweaked upward a little bit, at least on Tankers.


    Edit: Oh also more Ancilliary/Epic pools please please please god it's been 15 years ;___; I can design some even

  3. In all fairness I don't think the bombs in traps meshed particularly well with contemporary CoX when they were added. The amazeballs powers in it were amazeballs back then, but the bombs were, at least to me and mine, fluff picks, even back in 2005.


    Stealing Omega Maneuver for /Traps seems incredibly decent and I support the concept, or at the very least having some kind of alpha-eating dummy to throw down, which, since it's Superhero Land and a trap set, probably would explode...


    So, yeah, stealing Omega Maneuver seems like a good call. While we're at it, why not make Shield Drone into a bot that hovers around the user a la Targeting Drone, so you can't lose it anymore and the buff area is reliable.


    Also 😱 @ the possible implications of Temporal Manip and Tactical Archery nerfs, lol

  4. I love the Devices changes! Targeting Drone in particular having good functionality makes me wonder if similar changes could happen for /Nin on Blasters. Last time I toyed with one, at least, it felt like it took ages to get the (smaller) damage bonus back from their Build Up replacement. (and i mean while we're at it, maybe that power could get a little bit of buff value love too, since it's currently bad at being both a defence booster and a damage booster)


    Also, the numbers on it feel fine. De-facto SO slotting gets you about 25% uptime on build-up, Targeting Drone provides less tohit (18% vs 20%) and provides one fifth the strength of the damage buff, with periodic alpha strikes at four fifths the strength. Seems fair. Blaster secondaries, in my opinion, need something relatively equivalent to Build Up to be viable.

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