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Posts posted by ajax34i

  1. Yup, safe mode works like you describe, it restricts the arrow to not appear outside the COH render area, ONLY in mouselook mode.  The other two modes don't do this.  Also


    /compatiblecursors 1 or 0

    /cursorcache 1 or 0


    don't change the mouse behavior in any mode.  And I couldn't find a command to restrict the mouse to the game render area.  If there was one, perhaps you could have bound "++mouselook$$restrictmousetorenderarea" to force it.

  2. I'm running windowed full screen, Win7 Pro 64 bit.


    I'm seeing the behavior you're describing, but not having trouble clicking out and back into the game:


    For me, toggle mouselook = shift+rightclick.


    So if I shift-rightclick, mouselook gets activated and my character starts spinning even as I see the mouse arrow on the second screen.


    If I click on the second screen, either left or right, my character stops spinning and my mouse interacts with chrome etc. 


    Then if I move my mouse left (to bring the arrow into the COH render area), the arrow disappears but I can click and that puts the game in the foreground and my character resumes spinning in mouselook mode.  Then shift-rightclick to disable mouselook and get the arrow visible again.


    EDIT:  OH I see, the problem is that the mouse should be limited to the COH window while in mouselook mode, so you don't click outside the screen.



  3. Same problem, seems to work for the rest of the keyboard just not the numpad.  Recommend switching to ctrl-numpad binds.  The patch notes say they're now using the default Windows keyboard functionality, and Windows may not have "shift" options for the numpad, since nothing on the numpad can be capitalized.  I don't know.

  4. Switched to 64 bit cityofheroes.exe, running on Win7 Pro (64 bit).


    I had the following keybinds:


    numpad0 "powexec_toggleon fly$$powexec_toggleon afterburner"

    shift+numpad0 "powexec_toggleoff afterburner$$powexec_toggleoff fly"

    decimal "powexec_alt2slot 9"

    shift+decimal "powexec_alt2slot 10"


    The shift no longer appears to register as a modifier key for the numpad keys.  Pressing shift+numpad0 and shift+decimal just activates numpad0 and decimal.  I also tried a new /bind for shift+numpad1 and it just activates numpad1.  I tried to set up a new bind from the Options/Keybinds window, and when I pressed my shift+numpad1 combo only Left Shift registered.


    I modified my key binds to use ctrl+numpad0 and ctrl+decimal, and ctrl appears to work just fine.


    I also checked shift+F1 "inspexec_slot 1" and that works, so I would conclude that SHIFT works as a modifier for the rest of the keyboard, just not for numpad keys.


  5. I tried to edit my post to add that going specifically for LotG would be more expensive than if you just go for "whatever sells", but it said "post no longer editable".


    From (my) experience:  50 recipes + 450-ish converters -> 50 enhancements that sell for 3 - 3.5 m average.  A few 6m (LotG), a good number 4m (Miracle, Kismet, Perf. Shifter), the majority 2m (the various damage sets that have "chance for xxx damage").  50 million -> 50 million return + 100 million profit - 15 million taxes.  So you spend a few hours clicking like a maniac, and you see your numbers increase by 85 million over time (they take a few days to sell).  The converters being 80k instead of 100k saves 10 million (offsets the taxes), but enhancement prices on the /ah are dropping to compensate.

  6. So, basically, let's say you want a specific enhancement:  Luck of the Gambler: Increased Global Recharge.  It's a rare (orange color), defense (category in the AH) enhancement in the Luck of the Gambler set.  Sells for 6-7 million on the AH.


    Start with a random uncommon (yellow) recipe, because uncommon recipes don't require rare mats (that cost 400-500k each).


    You "up" the uncommon enhancement you got from the recipe, from an "uncommon" to a "rare" by rolling Out of Set - Category: (same category as the enhancement you have).  Each category has a few sets in it, and some are yellow some are orange.  Roll a few times "in the category" and  you'll eventually roll from yellow to orange.  It costs you 200k (2 converters) to roll, so hopefully you luck out and only roll once or twice, otherwise it's cheaper to pay 400k and get an orange recipe and the mats to make an enhancement that's already orange.


    Once you have an orange enhancement, you spend 100k each time (one converter) to roll randomly for Out of Set: Rare.  This will convert your enhancement to other enhancements from other sets, but keeping it "rare".  Roll until you get any enhancement from any of the Defense Sets.  It may take a while to "hit" into a defense set, 500k depending on luck.


    Once you have any of the defense enhancements, switch to rolling Out of Set:  Category: Defense, until you get an enhancement in the Luck of the Gambler set (blue dice icon).  May cost you 1-1.5 million until you "hit" into Luck of the Gambler.


    Once you have a Luck of the Gambler enhancement, switch to rolling In Set until you get the Increased Global Recharge enhancement, on average (because of the 1:5 odds), this costs 1.5-1.8 million.


    The taxes for selling a LotG: +Global Rech on the market at 6 mil are 600k.  Don't forget taxes.


    So the total cost to get a LotG: +Global Rech from "random recipe" is somewhere in the 4.2 million range, again depending on luck.

    • Like 2
  7. I did post the sales+listing fee on its own line, above that.  The 250k in fees if you keep taking things off the market to re-post at a lower price, you lose 5% every time you do that in just listing fees. 


    Things used to sell daily, now they tend to stay up until the weekend, if you try to list for close to the "old" prices.  3 million, it will go right away, 5 million, may take a week or two (or forever) to sell.

  8. The markets have definitely flattened out since this was posted, but oh well such is life.


    This still works because people farm to get high level and to get inf, and don't want to bother with the tedium of logging into multiple characters to /ah, or with the clickfest that the converting interface requires.  All of the enhancements named in the guide are very recommended for every single alt that's made, and people keep making alts. 


    So anyway, the effect of making this info public has been that the supply of these enhancement has tripled, and their prices have dropped, which is good for people making alts and needing to buy these things.


    Anyway, to get to the point, some statistics:


    Most sets have 6 enhancements in the set.  That means, to go from any enhancement to a specific one (from whatever Miracle you have to the specific Miracle: +Recovery one), you have a 1:5 chance of doing it.  Because the rolls are more or less random, over your 20 recipes per character and a week of doing this, you end up with an average of about 6 "rolls" to get that Miracle: +Recovery, once you have a Miracle (any) enhancement.  So 6 rolls x 3 converters x let's call it 100k per converter = 1.8 million to roll.  +200k for the initial upgrade from uncommon to rare + 100k per attempt to convert a random to a Miracle (any) = you're looking at approx 2.5 million in costs to "make" a desirable enhancement from a cheapo recipe.


    Add to that the 500k AH taxes and fees to list and sell something that's in the 5 million price range.


    So you get a total cost of 3 million to "make" one of these.


    They used to go for 5 million, now they go for 3.5 million, maybe 4, so like I said, a lot more supply, and so the price has dropped to about what it costs to make them.


    To make a profit, make sure you "guess" your price range correctly, because every time you cancel and re-list, you lose the AH fee (150k-250k).  That may not seem like much, but if it costs you 3 million to make it, and you sell for 4, your "profit" is 1 million, and losing 250k in fees means you've just lost a quarter of your profit.

    • Like 2
  9. If you're smart and follow the "Base Builder's Cheat Sheet" instructions, that's a moot point because you can build under/on top of your base.


    Well, I learned something, thank you.


    Fill up all your rooms with the floor raised all the way to the ceiling, then add water on top of that platform and/or whatever else you want.  Set a teleporter from your entry room to take people to this "outside" area, or put your entrance teleporter there, and they won't be bound by the base walls.


    You can walk on the un-built plot grid, but you can also fall off the edge, and get stuck in the gaps between the rooms.

  10. You cannot remove the outer walls of your base.


    However (and I haven't tried this yet in my base, but it should work), you can try to put your island in the middle of a very large plot, and then use a 1 degree or 3 degree tilt on the water itself, so it gradually rises up till it's over the wall.  A 3 degree tilt should be easy to disguise as "flat level water"; you may have to also tilt any "far islands" or ships on the water, to give the illusion that it's all flat to the horizon.

  11. If you do underwater Atlantis, set it in modern times:  stick the "destroyer" vessel, bow in the mud, stern up, bubbles effect coming from doors / windows, as a background "in the distance" shipwreck.  Not the Titanic, but similar.  Otherwise the architecture can be castles again, or whatever you feel like.


    And for the surface of the water, the effect of water looks better, imo, when viewed from above, than from below.  So, consider setting it upside-down in the sky.


    You have a lot of talent, and patience.  I haven't played for 2 weeks, every day has been getting that stupid courtyard "just so".  And it's just a courtyard.  And granted, I started from scratch a couple times (I was trying to make a port with said destroyer in it, at one point, with the rooms "inside the destroyer", but unfortunately I couldn't get rid of the far wall.  The LOD may get rid of it, if it's foggy enough and distant enough, though).


    Anyway, awesome work.


    EDIT:  Oh wow, I just got an idea:  a 3 degree upslope on the water would probably turn the biggest size plot into an infinity pool.  Like this, destroyer on the right, masked base wall on the left.

  12. My own "castle courtyard in the evening" attempt (work in progress).  I really wanted to break up the flat ceiling skyline created by the default walls, and add some vertical wow-factor without resorting to city buildings.



    • Like 3
  13. As the others have said:  Hold shift and drag up to lift objects, but release the mouse first, and the shift key last.  For horizontal movement, ctrl is the key.


    In practice, you ALSO have to be able to click on the actual material of an object.  It's very easy with water or fire effects, for example, to click "through" and start moving the object behind them, because you absolutely have to have your mouse arrow on the red parts of the "effect" icon, and not in any of the spaces in between, at the moment when you click.


    It also stops working if your mouse arrow gets too close to the edge of the screen, OR if you pass your mouse over any of the game's UI elements.


    Ultimately, if you're having trouble with it, and especially if you're trying to put a group of objects up in the sky, my suggestion is to build scaffolding.  Use dock planks or some of those stone columns or rectangular stone blocks to build a flat platform, angled or positioned however you want it, then raise it up there and use it as a surface to anchor everything else to it.  This will line up the height and angle of rotation of all the objects you put on it.  And when you're done, you can delete it very easily, and everything will stay in place.

  14. Tricks with water: 


    - increase your snap-to size in options, makes the water panels snap to the walls more readily and line up without gaps.

    - right-click to rotate the panels, the surface effects definitely have a flow direction, so make sure you match.

    - the splash effects, shift-drag down to submerge just a little, maybe 1/4 (smallest snap).


    Now, if you want headaches with water seams, try making a sloped water channel, heh, or a pool area that has a down-sloped channel feeding it.


    Fortunately, the surface of the water panels "stops" other effects from penetrating, so you can mask the seam by placing some rocks to "obstruct the flow" down to a narrow gap, and then placing a water fountain effect horizontally just at the surface of the transition.  Looks like water rushing between boulders.  Might have to use a flat stone block or a door, placed vertically at just the right spot, to anchor the water-fountain effect to its surface (so the water effect shoots horizontally at just the right height), then delete when done positioning.


    Otherwise, I've seen some "underwater" SG bases in the Show Off thread, and if you want something like that, the calm water is the best transparency (so you can still see the sky through it), but you have to upside-down it for best visuals when viewed from underneath.


  15. That's what the OP means.  The fees you have to pay to craft (high-level) IO's have convinced you (and others) to NOT craft those IO's, because you can still get the IO's from lower level and lower quality recipes that are much much cheaper to craft.


    The crafting fees "stifle" crafting.  Not necessarily the market, but crafting in general.


    However, as the other replies have tried to point out, it's very unlikely at this point in time that a large project like "revamp the crafting system" will be started by the Homecoming devs.  They're still working on modernizing the database and server software, so, "there is no problem" kinda means that it's a bit pointless to bring it up right now.

  16. Fire/Dark Corruptor, Magic Origin:


    I really wanted to cast magic missile at the darkness.


    What can I say, I was young.  Banged on their door, begged.

    Offered Cheetos as payment, Mountain Dew.  Turns out they

    liked Mountain Dew, because the door opened, and ... well,

    here I am, no longer a kid.


    The missiles, and the fire, are easy.  The darkness, on the

    other hand, has to be summoned, and after a while, like in

    Russia, it masters you.


  17. As a suggestion, increase your emergency fund to cover an extra month's worth of the known recurring costs.  Because if for whatever reason you don't meet that goal, it'll take time to make an appeals post and get extra donations, and it's preferable to not have an outage in the meantime.

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