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Posts posted by jack_nomind

  1. 9 hours ago, Marshal_General said:

     I am curious when you mean by a quasi rage build using SR and DM? I am looking at making a hard to kill self healing tank so I have been looking for something to pair DM with besides the obvious DA.

    Soul Drain can be made permanent at +300% recharge, which is technically achievable with incarnate and/or temp powers or abuse of force feedback, and can stack (slightly) at +400%.  It behaves a bit like Rage in that respect, although it's also a little similar to Follow Up or other attack/build-up powers.

  2. 9 hours ago, Ideon said:

    According to paragonwiki, "Note that in the Incarnate Trials, enemies have an equivalent to +14% ToHit, so the Incarnate soft cap is 59% instead of 45%."


    By "enemies", I assume it's all enemies, not just AVs.


    That statement has no source and the user who added it provided only the note "Incarnate soft cap."  Nor do I see a +14% tohit power added in any general way to Incarnate enemies in the game files.  (It's possible I'm overlooking it somewhere.)


    The use of "equivalent" is confusing there, because it suggests that the bonus is relative to something -- but tohit never works that way.  My suspicion is that the person who added it is confusing a level differential accuracy bonus with a to-hit bonus, which does make a relative change to the final hit chance.  But accuracy bonuses aren't affected by Defense, so the softcap wouldn't change in that case.

    • Like 1
  3. FWIW, I have no idea why the Incarnate cap is given as 59%.  A level 50 with no level shifts in the Magisterum trial would need 65% or more (because of his self to-hit buff power) defense to softcap against Tyrant, but there's basically no circumstance where you'd be doing that fight w/o shifts.  I could see an argument for 50 or 55% easily enough -- or even more, for tanking specific fights -- but I don't know what prompted people to land on 59% as 'the Incarnate softcap.'

  4. 9 hours ago, malonkey1 said:

    I got the archetype working on my server! Now all I have to do is figure out how to modify the powers.


    And make new powers.


    And code the inherent power.


    And then get it working.


    And then get somebody on the dev team interested.

    Excellent work!  Changing the powers bin file isn't too difficult; ourodev lists what the bin files compile and the def format works relatively easily as a template.

    There are other people in the community who've done more with custom powers -- asking for a bit of guidance on the HC Discord or one of the other ones might give you someone who has experience doing custom powersets.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Leogunner said:

    Do you think players would invite a Tanker just for that?  Like they would specifically reserve a spot for a Tanker so they can get another measly extra damage?  And do you think a Tanker will finally feel like their inferiority complex is unfounded because they can do something unique yet imperceptible to anyone but themselves?  I mean, my Stalkers can apply an unresisted -ToHit...but nobody cares or likely even realizes it.

    With Steampunkette's suggestion, an all-Tanker team would not need to kill any towers to down Recluse in the MLTF.  It's pretty far from imperceptible.


    I don't like single-approach resolutions because I think the Tanker AT needs an identity more than a shtick, but as far as creating a desire for the AT that would absolutely do it.

    • Like 1
  6. BUT: the idea of a frontline support is one that's lacking in CoH right now (aside from VEATs atm, but those are limited in power option). It's simply about letting people make a wider variety of characters: maybe you want to make a support, but the idea of a frontline support fits your concept better. Something like Kharazim from Heroes of the Storm


    There are a good half-dozen proposals for melee support in this forum already, and nearly all of them bring something else to the table.  In comparison to e.g. The Duo, as one example, this seems like -- ah, sorry, but -- a much less interesting option.  And while there's something to be said for simplicity this:


    they'd also be the only frontline archetype to lack a defensive powerset.


    just isn't true in either sense.  First, this AT isn't any more specifically 'front line' than a Dominator; and second, they have a defensive powerset by way of Support.  An FF defender isn't really worse-off, defensively, than an /Ice scrapper.


    I'm blunt but I mean this with no cruelty: you're solving a problem that doesn't exist in an uninteresting way.  I too want to see a general frontline support AT, but I think there are more inventive ways to go about it.

  7. Wait, didn't I read somewhere that a Tank's inherent ability is bugged and does not work properly? Or was this fixed?


    I don't know if this counts, but I saw COXG server group patch notes posted on reddit and one of the notes was:




            In the code, Gauntlet didn't actually DO anything. Due to Brutes more or less deprecating Tankers, they have received a shiny new passive.

            As a Tanker's health gets low, his damage resistance goes up. At 1% health, a Tanker will have a bonus 20% resistance to all damage types.




    I wonder how they're going to fix Scrappers?

  8. You're right, I was confused; the limit is lower normally. Normally 2 GB, right?


    Wouldn't full x64 be a lot harder?


    Yeah, normally 2GB.


    Full 64 bit support is a matter of finding or making replacement 64-bit compatible libraries and recompiling the client and replacing/recompiling associated files (like dlls).  It could be anywhere from "three clicks in a modern compiler environment" to "rewrite half the calls in the entire source and also new custom low-level libraries for things we couldn't find replacements for."  I think it's probably closer to the former (I think that probably the client is relying mostly on public or commercial libraries that have since been updated for facially identical x64 versions), but that diagnosis is beyond my hobbyist-level skill.  In either case, it does require recompiling the client, and I don't know where that code is.

  9. I do like Shadow Meld as alpha/debuff stack mitigation, and having a DEF buff that doesnt eat resources has helped me on long, solo, high-difficulty TFs and the like.


    I can see that; it is an insp on a keychain.  I think even then it might still be a little redundant with Defensive Adaptation, but I'd probably propose other different changes if this is intended as a long-tough-solo TF build (particularly to the Heal-slot-type powers).  I think I might also suggest Spiritual over Musculature, relying on the Assault Hybrid for damage, but I'd have to think about that.

  10. There's also the issue that no other AT in the game gets anything remotely like what you're suggesting.


    For what it's worth, that's not entirely true.  Kheldians get a scaling Resist buff depending on ally comp, and Masterminds also get an innate mitigation power. 


    I don't think it's very well balanced in this case; having a higher melee damage multiplier than Tanker puts them in Corruptor damage territory, and having Scrapper-level defenses along with a Support set fairly easily positions them as one of the most survivable ATs in the game.  (I don't think these problems are fixable with merely numerical changes, either.  As-proposed, it's just too close to Defender to be anything but a better or worse version of its sibling AT.)  But I don't think that having "some" innate Defense or Resist is inherently unworkable, either.

  11. Superior Conditioning is a great power for /WP since it multiplies the rest of your recovery.  Physical Perfection might not do a ton, but it does at least serve as a slot mule.


    Although if you're Batman, I really feel like you should have Darkest Night...


    I usually guide my concept by what I want to do rather than the other way around.  Even Batman gets flashy superpowers when the writing calls for it.

  12. I ask this because I would like to find another a secondary that is solo friendly. I have a fire/shield scrapper that can take on a lot of things on it's own. Not everything, but a lot of things. I am guessing it is the whole "positional defense" nature of the set. So does that make all secondaries with innate positional defense (like SR and NIN) more solo friendly? When I say solo I mean taking on large groups as well as AVs. I have a /DA toon that is softcapped s/l and maxed s/l resists. That toon is fine and all, but it's more of a team player. I know with some primaries, surviving while fighting large groups can go slower because of single target damage, but I'm more concerned with the surviving aspect. Any opinions on this matter?


    There are vanishingly few nonpositional attacks, so there is a small advantage there vs typed defense, but it really sounds like what's going on is that you're comparing a toon with broad resilience to a toon with narrower resilience.  Even squishies chase S/L/E at a minimum; Dark Armor on Scrappers very much wants to have comfortable all-around defense levels and drag enemies into Cloak of Fear to augment that.


    SR is very solo-friendly and Nin can be, but so can any other kit if it's build to leverage all of the set's strengths.  I'd say the three toughest for soloing are Regen, FA, and Electric, but even those are fine with some planning and good tactics.

  13. Defensive Sweep is basically redundant with Shadow Meld -- but to be honest, I'd drop both of them.  Shadow Meld gets a lot of attention for its strong mitigation potential, but it in practice it ends up only being useful at the start of an encounter, particularly with TW.  It's a long activation with a short duration, so keeping it up as you fight ends up eating significantly into your attack chains.  But consumable items accomplish the same effect, with less cast time and a longer duration -- and importantly don't need slots.


    With Shadow Meld gone, you're probably better off without Moonbeam, as well; you can't effectively use it in TW's single-target attack chain and you can use temp powers as ranged pulls. 


    The main reason I suggest dropping these powers is to free up their slots, but it also opens up space for Combat Jumping and Maneuvers (adding two slots to each, you still have a net gain of 8 slots.  Use the CJ slots for the two Resist uniques you skipped; you'll cap S/L resist that way).  If you'd like, you can even keep Defensive Sweep purely as a slot mule -- this would let you cap out your LotG uniques, and you could add in some more defense by finishing the Gaussian's set, more haste by finishing Preventative Medicine, and you still end up with four slots left over.  I'd probably look into slotting up Health with Numina's and etc, but you could instead add damage procs or chase some more Defense.

  14. I brought up the simple, inescapable truth that in order to do this, you would have to have multiple versions of the in-game code.  No, not just some art assets, but actual code - the hooks at Trams and the TUNNEL thingie, for example - to allow you to go to Galaxy City. 


    I... just explained why that's not necessary, any more than you need to spool up a new server to create a mission prompt at the tram, or to have the game list Hero zones from Ouro to Heroes and Villain zones to Villains.  I suppose that would get in the way of --




    Well, nice talking at you.  Feel free to check out ourodev someday.


    Standard Code Rant is not "code is evil magic".


    It shouldn't be!  But somehow its use has devolved to cruise control for cool level of rhetorical dogmatism here.  The game does conditional doors all the time


    Hacking this in badly would be relatively easy by bloating the game's static maps and adding in X number of new "types" of player.  (Right now, the map controller can only easily tell the difference between Primal Heroes, Primal Villains, and Praetorians.)  But the bad hack version would perceptibly slow down every map change in the game.  Hacking it in well would change quite a few files, like making staticMapInfo.c support looking at a new dynamic player attribute... but the fact that I'm the one actually discussing the code here should suggest it's worth re-evaluating your position.  Stop using SCR as a blunt object.

  15. Wouldn't you want Weave for overage to offset debuffs and doing +4/+8s?




    +4s don't get a tohit bonus and you can (should) easily hit >50% defense on an SR tanker w/o weave anyway.  SR's greatest claim to fame as a Defense set is its capped DDR, so that's plenty for 'normal' situations.  Since you'll likely be on teams with support for the really hard stuff, it should also be plenty for non-normal situations.


    Taking Weave on an SR usually means you're stealing slots from somewhere else for some reason -- as one example, you can crank up recharge (maybe for a Dark Melee quasi-Rage build) by loading up on normal Defense powers in SR with Agility Alpha and almost no additional slotting.

  16. /JRanger


    Doing this would essentially mean maintaining multiple versions of the code, which would multiply the workload of maintaining and bugfixing the game.


    No - it wouldnt.


    Different versions of some zones - yes, that is the assets and art. The game engine would be exactly the same.




    Do you know what goes into a zone server?

    Have you looked at the code?

    Do you know how that ties back to the rest of the game?

    Do you know how art assets are handled by the game?



    Translation:  Yes.  It would.


    Yes, I know what goes into hosting a zone.

    Yes, I've looked at the code.

    Yes, I know how it ties back to the rest of the game.

    I sort of know how art assets are handled.  That's overly broad.


    The gist of the OP's suggestion doesn't require maintaining different versions of the code base, nor unique servers.


    It just requires renaming every zone with an identifier or coordinate system (Atlas_616?) and making a lot more zones.  Connections to those zones can be handled by conditional switches so you *could* have one server be only "one" reality (in bad psuedocode, 'if servername="Stupidworld" all connections to zone "1" connect to map named "Atlas_Stupidworld"'), but that seems kind of boring.  It'd be way cooler to handle the map movement by an attribute set on individual characters.


    FWIW I actually disagree with this idea.  It's just too much work, doing something like making a "no Council" reality requires dropping or redesigning a ton of TFs.  I just also hate the "can't do it, it's impossible because code is evil magic" response.  That's almost never true.


  17. I noticed some extreme lazyness from new players and the "want it nao" attitude. Some even don't read the menues or basic stuff and want everything handed to them on a silver plate. I usually reply to those "questions" explaining how to get/look up the information they want.


    Yeah, I've started responding to questions that are answered explicitly on Paragonwiki with just direct links to the Paragonwiki page they're answered on, in order to promote people going there as a first resort.


    I might at some point make a thread here that breaks down why "What is the best X" (AT, set, power, enhancement, etc) without enough context is unanswerable and by the time the questioner has the context they should be able to answer it for themselves or rephrase it into a much more specific question.

  18. Wot necessarily; there is the path Warframe took which has no lootboxes nor pay to win.


    it's got both


    they were sensitive enough to minimize the card packs when it became clear just how much gamers hate 'surprise mechanics,' but they never pulled them and one relatively recent design council question was how to revitalize them.  yes, people really do buy those.


    as far as pay to win -- modern p2w games always work on the same principle.  there's a random mechanic, like a gatcha or low drop dungeon, that you can earn in-game if you spend enough time at it or get really lucky; or you can spend a few bucks to skip the long grind and randomness to get it immediately.


    ever try to unlock atlas?  nidus?  ivara?

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