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Posts posted by Dax55708

  1. 6 hours ago, s3ri0us said:

    There are ppl who farm with defenders. I'm bored with my brute too so i farm with a Plant/Dark controller 😛 you just do the same maps but with S/L mobs not fire.

    Plant/Dark controller? 🤔 Now that’s something I wouldn’t have even thought of for farming. lol Definitely sounds interesting!

  2. 2 hours ago, Makobolite said:

    Ice/Fire/Fire holds the fastest clear time for the meteor map because they Blizzard, Ice Storm, Burn are things that continually do damage to new units and aren't limited by initial target count. Your goal is to get the decoys in those maps and summon your Lore to soak up aggro so that you never have less than 30+ mobs on yourself.


    I've also made a Fire/Rad/Fire and it's pretty fun, the AoE from rad hits harder, it has more recharge, but one downside is that it has REGEN instead of health ticks, which makes it feel slightly less survivable than the /Fire blaster, but it makes up for it to by having a spammable AoE hold if you need it, and a ridiculous single target rotation with the Rad Melee attacks.


    Water/Fire is also fun, but the mechanics kind of get in the way since the spammable AoE also eats charges.


    Fire/Psi is the most survivable because you cap Regen with it, and it's AoE is actually one of the nicest because it has a 16 target cap, albeit it's only one AoE. Kind of good if you're playing semi lazily and just want to fireball/shockwave, but there is some need to get good at cones if you go psionic because you'll have psychic scream/firebreath to combo some damage.


    DP is also promising, but haven't fully tested it out. 


    Archery used to feel good, but rain doesn't clear enough trash mobs consistently to feel super nice. At least at +4

    I’m think Ice/Fire/Fire will be my newest build.  I’m a fan of Blizzard and Ice Storm!

    I’ll pass on Fire/Psi because honestly I don’t want to have to pay enough attention to cone damage lol  And I just never got into water at all for some reason. Just feels odd to me. 

    Thanks for all the info!

  3. 56 minutes ago, Digirium said:

    I tried this as well a couple of weeks ago i.e. fire/fire/fire blaster -- as described, the mob flees all over the map and made it too unmanageable. It was fun for about an hour until mob fleeing made consistently quick map clearance unrealistic. Getting 75% fire resist and 45% fire defence was not a problem and the healing tick from cauterising aura was helpful. This is +4/8 with T3 incarnates, +1 level shift. It stood in the middle of the mob and survived without any intervention.


    I will eventually return to try farming with a different blaster primary/secondary combination i.e. */*/fire but not */fire/fire again  -- perhaps fire/rad/fire because the level of generated recharge looks interesting. It may be viable for fire/fire/fire to not use either burn or hot feet to avoid the fleeing but for me it was either "burn or go home" and try another blaster combination for farming.


    Hmm Fire/Rad might be interesting. I agree the fleeing mobs is pretty irritating. Tough to beat a brute as far as farming goes. I just made this toon as a challenge to myself. Fun anyways 😉

  4. 5 hours ago, Makobolite said:

    Yea, the asteroid map I think is the best for solo even with all the resets because you can grab all the mobs fairly easily, and since patrols will crash into you, it's even better. 

    I ran the asteroid map a few times tonight and it went well. My brutes are definitely faster but it’s nice to know a “squishy” blaster is feasible as a farmer. I wonder if I could make a Defender farmer 🤔 lol 

  5. 43 minutes ago, Makobolite said:

    You have greater range, and ability to pull mobs so you can take advantage of that by fireballing all the mobs far from you and then just spamming your AOEs around where you're standing, that way, even if the mob is running away you're saturated with enemies so it doesn't matter until the very end when there's just a few here and there, but they go down fast with blaze/snipe. Usually your style would probably be better by either hopping around a lot from mob to mob, or jumping to center and essentially pulling from all corners of the map.

    Hmm great ideas. I think this strategy would work best on the asteroid map since it’s a somewhat small area and plenty of mobs standing around and patrols wandering around. I’ll give it a shot  tonight. Thanks!

  6. So I’ve gotten bored with farming with my 2 brutes so I decided to try something more challenging. And yes, I play all content in the game so please no flaming (no pun intended) about “Well do something OTHER than farm!” Lol 

    I made a Fire/Fire/Fire blaster. It’s not completely done yet as I need to finish off incarnates and get the important Accolades. But I can currently run the Comic Con outdoor map at +4x8 with no problems other than mobs running away from me since I don’t have Taunt like my brutes. Bonfire helps a lot with the KB to KD proc but I still lose stragglers. I can’t post my build right now since I’m at work but if anyone has any interest in it I can post it later. 

    Does anyone else have any experience in farming with a blaster?

  7. Have you tried resetting your password here:




    Yes I actually did end up resetting my password on the forums as well as my game account. Unfortunately  it seems that also gets rid of your original account. I lost all of my characters, influence, recipes, global name, friends list etc etc. Basically it’s now a brand new account.

    I gave up on trying to get help from a GM. I tried many times in game, on Discord, on here, on Facebook........ I did receive one email that said “I hope your problem has been resolved”, I responded twice and said it had not been resolved. With no follow ups.

    Oh well, I started over at square one. I just hope it doesn’t happen again.

  8. So I’ve been playing for weeks and have several characters. Yesterday I logged in and played for about an hour and logged off. A few hours later I fired up Tequila, entered my regular password (username is saved) and got “The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect.”

    It’s the same name and password I’ve used for weeks!  :o Checked that cap locks weren’t on, nope. Even erased the saved username and password and same message. Tried logging into the forums and that wouldn’t work either. Had to reset my password here via email. Now I can log in on the forums but still not the game. I sent in a ticket but no response yet. I also tried revalidating the files.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Maybe my account was hacked?

    I’d prefer not to start a new account and lose my characters, friends list, etc.

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