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Posts posted by Aerous77

  1. I thought the Netherlands were chosen due to their more "liberal" policies in terms of permitting this kind of server that might be "illegal" in some countries, and its distances from both the US and Korea. Doesn't moving your servers to Canada put you both physically and legally closer to NCSoft America, and the legal dangers they pose? I mean, I appreciate a greater ping time as much as the next player, but I want to make sure Homecoming sticks around for the long term!


    Take this with a grain of salt, as I am not a Lawyer and this is all just info I pulled from reddit.


    Apparently there's a specific Canadian province that has some really funky internet privacy laws that pretty much makes it a safe haven for all things private-server related. Something about the parent company having to prove they handled personal data 'up to spec' before they can do anything. Which.. given the potential user data leak; is going to be a catastrophe for NCSoft from the word "Go"


    Sadly I cannot find the 'source' (but I read it on multiple occasions, and even once about Epic Games an account hacking incident)  nor do I remember the specific province, but maybe this can serve to give you a little peace of mind. Homecoming seems to know what they're doing. There's got to be a reason they chose Canada, and that specific host etc.



    Also, as a US user I have not experienced any detrimental ping outside of rubber banding once in awhile. Unless the servers were about to croak. So I suspect Ping for the EU users should be fine.


    The Homecoming Team is awesome. I trust their decisions cause they are on top of it!

  2. Dear Homecoming Team,


    As I type up this letter, I am watching my Tequila launcher patching this game with a new update, and a snazzy new logo.




    This is something that is totally unique, in my experience, and I've experienced a lot in the last few years.


    I got to meet two of my idols. I got to see "Weird Al" Yankovic live again for the first time in almost 20 years, got to shake his hand and got him to sign my full-size replica of his Walk of Fame Star. I got to watch Joel Hodgson riff a movie live on-stage, and then shake his hand, look him in the eye, and have him tell me that he liked the patches on my jacket. I got to see, first my kids' names up in the credits for an episode of MST3K on the first Revival season, and then got to see my name up on ALL of the credits of the second Revival season. I've gotten to see SO many of my geek dreams come true with the rise of the MCU, and all the greatness that that has brought.


    However, those things were not as unique and important as what's happening tonight. Why is something as mundane as waiting for a software patch so much more unique and important than those other phenomenal things?


    Because, for the first time in my life, I get to experience a video game that I loved for years, that I spent hours enjoying with family and friends, come back to life... after a gap of almost a decade. After I thought it was gone forever. And not only in the state that it was in when it disappeared from my life oh so long ago, but in a new and improved format. Not only THAT, but with a team of fellow fans behind it that are dedicated to ensuring that the lights NEVER go out in Paragon City ever again, and that we don't just keep looking at the past, but rather keep moving forward to the future.


    I've already gone over how I've gotten to this point before, but what matters isn't really how I got here, but how YOU got me here.


    • YOU took the risk of downloading code that could potentially have caused harm, not only to yourself, but to those around you.
    • YOU decided to take in that code, solidify it, modify it, and improve it, in every way.
    • YOU made the decision, not to go backwards and try to restore the game to a state from before the shutdown, but rather to move it forwards into the next era.
    • YOU put your time, effort, blood, sweat and tears into not only starting this whole thing, but keeping it going.
    • YOU are under constant attack, not only from competing servers, internet trolls, and armchair ethicists, but even from your own playerbase, without wavering.
    • YOU have put your own personal reputations, livelihoods, and financial stability at risk to keep the lights on.


    In short, YOU, the Homecoming Team, have given this thing your all, your everything, whatever you could spare, in order to make not just your dream come true again, but the dreams of literally [glow=white,2,300]thousands[/glow] of other people come true. THAT is an enormous feat, and an enormous accomplishment. You should be proud of yourselves.


    I won't give you more thanks in this post for that, you're already getting tons of thanks from myself and others in the past, and will continue to receive more in the future, I'm sure. No, this post isn't to thank you for what you've done, this post is to put everything that you've done and are going to do in the future in perspective, and to get YOU to stop for a moment and thank YOURSELF.


    • Thank yourself, for having the courage to step forward and make this dream a reality in the first place.
    • Thank yourself, for having the perseverence to continue in spite of all the naysayers, and mudflingers that want to tear down what others have built.
    • Thank yourself, for having the tenacity to stick to your guns, and move forward with developing I25, rather than doing what virtually all of the other public servers are doing and going backwards, losing six years worth of work.
    • Thank yourself, for having the constitution to stomach the grunts and groans from the small minority of players that always speak out whenever anything that looks like nerf gets released.
    • Thank yourself, for having the dedication to accomplish ALL of this, WITHOUT the benefit of any of it giving you a paycheck, as the original developers and staff received for their work.


    Know this: this is YOUR world, a world of your own creation. Make of it what you will, use your own best judgement to mold this new world into one that you'll happily spend years more enjoying. And know, that for all of the vitriol and scorn you may receive from a few buzzing busybodies... you'll still have a legion behind you that will support you in what you are doing.


    Creation is INFINITELY harder than destruction, and this legion realizes the inherent value of that creation. We are with you, and we will continue to be. For as long as you're willing to keep standing strong and keep something that you love alive, we will be here to support you. Ignore those who spend their lives trying to destroy what others build. They are wasting their lives away on efforts that make the world a worse place via destruction, while you are working to make the world a better place via creation. Focus on the positive future ahead, and rest easy knowing that you're doing a Great Good in bringing joy to thousands of people.


    Godspeed, Homecoming Team, and I will now log on and crack a great many more Skuls, in your honor.


    Well said!

  3. "what it means for yourself personally."


    No game has ever held a candle to CoX. Year after year I bemoaned the loss of this game. Every time I played an mmo, before eventually unsubscribing, I'd compare it to CoX. While playing Dcuo I WOULD PLAY THE CoX MUSIC in the background!


    Other people have said it best. Thank you Homecoming Team.

  4. "This kind of has me alarmed"

    Man up. (Or woman...up I guess)


    Homecoming is a bloody miracle. Appreciate it. Play it! Get addicted! We're all lucky to have the chance yet again. I mean, gone are the days of having to log out to play the TF again the next day to finish it. Posi TF was cut in two parts back in 2012. Most things can be done in under two hours. All the perks and game changes make me feel like we're playing in an expansion (That took years to make :/ ) City of Heroes / Villains is more casual friendly than ever before, and just in time!

  5. Its about players using the costume creator to make blatant copies of superheroes that belong to marvel or dc etc and that’s copyright infringement, so it’s arguably bait for Disney or Fox or Marvel to try to get us shut down.


    I just had s convo in game with a character called ‘The Incredible Hulk’ after he shouted ‘Hulk smash!’ In local in Atlas. He disagreed with me that creating copies of Cap or the Hulk or whatever (Back In The Day it was Wolverine who was flavour of the year with the clone-makers I recall) is creatively lazy and dangerous for our game.


    Back then, we could report IP-infringing toons.


    What’s the official line on this now? Do we report?




    Yeh. I think this is fear-mongering.  ::)


    Look. I understand the trepidation. Being back home when you thought it was gone forever is exhilarating. But, let's trust the HOMECOMING Devs. They did all this without our help, or criticism.  8)"IT IS A GIFT" just like Boromir said. HOMECOMING is the Precious...


    Let's enjoy it responsibly. Have faith that the servers will run on without incident, with the Caveat that anything can happen. Enjoy it, don't spoil it!



  6. Like all of you I have been waiting a long time for this. I can't believe I'm about to log in! Those feels  ;D


    I will be looking to donate monthly sub of 15$ Not much but it's the going rate for MMOs. Since CoH died I tried subbing to so many different games and quit them all. This Pseudo-subscription is the least I can do.

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