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Posts posted by joeyp1022

  1. I'm aware of the reward merit lists for flashbacks on paragon wiki but I can't seem to find one for empyrean rewards. Does one exist?


    Also, I noticed that "Aura of Power" and "Manticore's Wedding Woes" did not get starred or flagged as completed on the list after I finished them. Is this a bug or is there a reason I'm unaware of that they weren't?

  2. Who are some of the heroes you see just about everytime you log in that you enjoy? They aren't on your friends list but are usually hanging about in Atlas.


    I see Cap'n Capitalism 95% percent of the time I log on. I think he's a great character and he roleplays his part some of the time as well.

  3. I do random costume contests and give out way too much.


    Buy full sets of IOs for people.


    Give struggling lowbies cash.


    I pl people that want it free of charge.


    I find myself spending a lot of time explaining the entire incarnate system and veteran reward drops in great detail to people just starting out with it. Soon as someone asks anything about it in help I immediately send them a tell, and if they know nothing about it, spend the next half an hour explaining the whole thing. It's so simple once you know but when you don't it can seem so complex.


    What I really like is giving out influence to people but with interaction from players or a reason, along the lines of a costume contest. What I did back in the day was have trivia night and give out influence to the first correct answers. People really like that stuff. If you have any suggestions or ideas for things like that, let me know!

  4. I am The Influencor!


    You may have seen me before... usually dismissing Ms. Liberty's passes at me, broadcasting some amazing jokes, or constantly searching for a portal to Dalaran.


    I like to help out those who are in need with influence. It never hurts to ask. I enjoy a meager living and am not greedy.


    I like to donate some free time to the local animal shelter whenever I can. Paragon City has a major stray cat issue.


    I like to powerlevel those who need a few quick levels. I never charge, I only ask that you pay it forward when you are wealthy and can finally beat your way out of a wet paper bag.


    I frequently like to donate to costume contest prize pools. We should all encourage snazzy dressers. Let's face it, you can't change how ugly you are but you can at least dress well!


    Sometimes some of my "friends" like to try to ask for cash from strangers as a test, just to see if they will help. They tend to greatly reward those that do!


    If you ever need anything you can contact me at www.The-super-awesome-amazing-cool-guy-known-as-The-Influencor-goes-by-the-handle-Master Owl.com/sweet.


    If you ever need anything and I have the time, I will do whatever I can to help. Feel free to ask. I hope I can... influence... you to do the same. :)

  5. "Simian Defense Force"


    Was that the simian themed group that had a mostly white themed costume and they were essentially med and taxi bots?

    If so what server was that?


    Also my favorite SG I have seen so far had been "Brutes Farming L.L.C."

  6. You know what. You're mentioned the threads you get from those first 11 levels... completely forgot about them. So it's not merits alone. Those threads equal 66 merits, plus the 360 merits by level 50 and we have 426 merits worth to work with. What do you know!


    I just misunderstood because I had stritcly merits in mind and forgot about the free threads. Thank you.


    It can be done! Tell your friends!!!

  7. So this is ultimately a question of "Am I doing something wrong?".


    I've seen videos saying you should have all tier 4 Incarnates by veteran level 50 based on merits alone. The patch notes state this as well with a layout of how many you get for every 3 levels. The problem is the math doesn't work.


    If you were to get a T4, on spending merits only, it will cost you 68 merits. 38 spent directly towards 2 crafting items and 30 converted to threads to get the rest of the items. That makes the total cost of all 6 slots 408 merits.


    By level 50, you will have recieved a total of 360 merits, which obviously isn't enough. You will have to get to level 63 to total 410 merits.


    Now, before you bring up thread and shard drops, this is all based on merits and merits alone. Even if we do talk threads and such, the grand total of needed threads is 2640 for all t4s. Shards aren't worth messing with because of low drop rate and component cost. If I remember correctly, by the time I hit veteran level 50 I may have got 120 shards and maybe 600-700 threads.


    So... am I doing something wrong? Is there something I don't understand or overlooked and I'm doing some expensive way to get them? Were there patch notes somewhere that stated changes to the system that I am unaware of?

  8. I can't remember how to set Haste to auto cast. It can be done or am I just crazy?


    Do the tailors serve any function now. Haven't went to one yet. Do they have more costume options to purchase or is literally everything unlocked at character creation?


    How many enhancements can a base storage hold?


    Can you change your Supergroup name later on if you want to?


    What happens to a Supergroup and base if the leader swaps to the other side?


    Thanks in advance for any help!

  9. So... yeah. Posting here instead of help because that seems to almost be strictly technical issues at this point.


    Can you store enhancements like Frozen Blast and Avalanche in supergroup base storage?


    How many boosters can you actually use on a single enhancement?


    How long will in game mail last before deletion? As in superpack claims?


    How do you see your true level when you are teamed up?


    Any suggestions for a Dark/Emp contoller? What to focus on and pool/epic powers?


    Appreciate any answers and help I can get! Thanks!

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