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Posts posted by RiotAce

  1. Made a 2 part mini farm using the Rave warehouse and ambushes. The enemies are fire (same build as Brigg) the pats and ambushes are particularly unfriendly towards doorsitters. The map is small and they tend to gravitate toward the entrance first. Designed it for quick clears, I wanted an alternative to the asteroid/city block/battle maiden, and cave farms. I actually run it on +2/+8 for drops more than XP/Influence. Please give it try and rate. Also if any knows a better map for ambushes, let me know. I love a good ambush.

  2. 14 minutes ago, alexmendez said:

    Ok, now that the moron has answered, we can get to the people who can actually provide answers.

    No need for name-calling. Being half-serious tho. People don't just MAGICALLY appear in your SG ranks. You must of misclicked something, tried to invite them to a team and sent an SG invite instead. 

  3. 15 hours ago, Heraclea said:

    You haven't by any chance tried to edit the mission on two different computers, did you?

    Nope. Same machine. I remade it and it seems okay. Ran is with 8 and it was bananas. The 7 other were doorsitters and everytime I triggered an ambush the mobs would spawn near the door and murder them before heading my direction lol. I wish I could of been at their end to see those mobs file back, 3 to 4 triggers spawn in the one big room at the end. They still got lvls lying on the floor so they weren't to sad. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, Ankylosaur said:

    I did notice something like this recently. I had added several pop ups on mission entry and published. I tried the mission a few days later and they were not there. 

    Weird. I made it last night, tested and published. Ran it this morning np. Tried to invite more people and it vanished. Gonna see if I'm missing something. Also noticed custom enemies I created are missing as well. 

  5. I recently created and published an arc (1 mission) using the rave warehouse map with lots of good ambushes. 3 of which where the clickie triggers would spawn,in the same room sending 3 huge ambushes pretty much simultaneously. I ran it a couple of times solo successfully so I decided to invite a couple of doorsitters to try it out. When entered it was an older version(different map) the published one I was running completely vanished. Anyone have this happen?

  6. 1 hour ago, Sovera said:

    One annoying thing the few times I did use the asteroid map, is that they start lovely and patrolling, but then end clustered around the edges of the map and immobile for some reason.

    Exactly. Ever since the AE ambush nerf AFK farming has lost its luster for me. Ive never tried a cave map, but it seems eventually I'll have to move and if i have to move I may as well clear the damn thing myself.

  7. Buildings the easy part, finding a map that caters perfectly is the hard part. I used to afk-farm the asteroid map and still had to go in every few minutes to reposition my farmer because the mobs don't wander in as quickly or if at all. Any good map suggestions? Raven's Asteroid map spawns a lot of mobs quickly but still have to reposition a couple of times.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Seigmoraig said:

    All the attacks in TW are very good, the only skippable thing is Taunt. I like to take it on my Tankers but it's not a must.

    TW doesn't do well with attacks from epic power pools because they sheathe your weapon and it's really long to get the ball rolling again once you do. It is a very self contained set that has everything it needs to go to town without outside help

    Was considering Mu mastery for even more AoE but hadn't considered the redraw factor. Might take energy mastery for the end help instead.

  9. 20 hours ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    Are you referring specifically to the badges named 'Resistance Member' and/or 'Loyalist'. If so, those can be earned as a hero or villain via Ouro as far as I know. I can't recall exactly how, as it has been a while, but I remember looking into it for the badger site.

    The titles you get at 15. Got my new one going at 19 about to leave after I get the last sewer badges and the zone event, and that one from getting fried at the border.

  10. not a badge question, but i figured id find the best help here. how do you gain access to them if you started red or blue side? currently burning through Oro arcs as a rogue, chosing only resistance, those are the ones im really after.

  11. On 2/28/2020 at 11:23 AM, Apparition said:

    The trick to this is aggro, aggro, aggro.  You need everyone to run around the map and aggro the Freakshow destroying vehicles as quickly as possible.  I usually bring out my Lore pets, and run around, tossing out Ion Judgement and various AoEs as I pass Freakshow.

    team AOEs/damage dont damage the vehicles?

  12. On 4/4/2020 at 6:50 PM, Herotu said:

    Energy blast:

    All knockback has been converted to knockdown for both blasters and defenders.

    NOT ON HOMECOMING* I don't hate it - knockback can be inconvenient- but I'm a bit disappointed that the solution wasn't to turn knockback into a damage bonus based on mag value.


    What do you think of their solution to the slight inconvenience of energy knockback?

    the solution? learn to manage it. KB might be annoying for teams sometimes, but it is something i want/love for solo. 


    On 4/5/2020 at 11:09 AM, Blastit said:

    I think it's a bad idea to change all KB into KD because knocking stuff around is a very superhero thing.

    also this, its very superhero.

    • Like 2
  13. On 4/1/2020 at 12:26 AM, DR_Mechano said:

    Taking it purely for theme since my character is based on Crash from Quake 3 Arena and thus a certain other particular character



    Thus having LRM plays into the 'classic FPS' style even if it doesn't make sense.


    However yes Munitions Mastery is one of the weakest APPs/PPPs on blaster and could do with a rather large upgrade if I'm honest.

    Hell yea man! I've got crash-style costume on my blaster. Q3A was my jam!

  14. Doing something similar  with an AR/Time Blaster. Lvling through story arcs both red/blue at the same time-no double XP. Once I realized it was damn near impossible to nail every story arc simultaneously, shutting my XP on and off and such I decided to just nail all the badges associated with my lvl range. As far as Blasters go the real challenge was getting thru 15-20 arcs, endurance issues are near unbearable. Recovery serum and inner inspiration are life savers. Make sure you reject small inspirations and it will only drop better ones,when you punch it. Currently 23 about to oro my way through Goldside arcs I skipped, I want those sweet resistance titles unlocked. Good luck though, id highly recommend a blaster to do it with.

  15. Wharf exploration/possibly history badges. 


    possessed scientists defeat badge.


    kill even more skulz badge for killing even more skulls. 1000, 5000,10000, and so on. Each tier a new badge. If it was me, id add one at 1million that gives a badge/and title. 

    On 3/1/2020 at 12:46 PM, Twilight Singer said:

    Just want to see more Defeat badges, really. There are so many factions and in-faction mob types without Defeat badges or even Gladiator badges associated with them, sometimes you wonder why you're even punching them.

    Arrow To The Knee - You've forced early retirement on siginificant portions of Wyvern's security detail - Defeat 100 Wyvern Talon Agents

    Sting Like A Bee - These jetpack rent-a-cops better hope for a decent severance package - Defeat 25 Wyvern Sting Agents

    Drone Warfare - The Rikti have seen all they want to see, and they don't like it - Defeat 500 Rikti Drones

    No Backup - The Rikti will have to do without reinforcements today - Destroy 100 Rikti Communications Officer Portals

    Cancelled The Apocalypse - The 4 Riders now know greater terror than War, Famine, Pestilence and Death - Defeat all 4 Rikti Riders

    Enviromentalist - No one likes chores, but it's time to take out the trash - Defeat 200 assorted Slag Golems

    Gunked Up - The Hydra has been depositing matter all over Paragon, and you've mopped it up - Defeat 500 assorted Hydra

    Hosed Down - You've beat your way through throngs of Dominatrix's minions, and they liked it. Now take a shower - Defeat 100 of Dominatrix's minions

    Made In Battle - Battle Maiden's warriors drop their weapons and flee at the sight of you - Defeat 100 of Battle Maiden's Champions

    Back To Black - You've sent Black Swan's Shadows back to whence they came - Defeat 100 of Black Swan's Shadows

    It's Not A Car - Longbow Chasers, what's next? Longbow Mobiles? - Defeat 100 Longbow Chasers

    Breaker Of Tradition - You've ruined the legacy of a bunch of mystic misers - Defeat 333 Legacy Chain

    Straight To Gulag - In Soviet Rogue Isles, Spetsnaz fear YOU - Defeat 50 Spetsnaz

    Legatus Legionis - You have broken the ranks of 5000 of Augustus' traitors - Defeat 5000 Cimeroran Traitors [Grants Praefectus Castrorum Gladiator/badge]

    Ex-Agent - You've made an ex-ample of Agent X - Defeat Agent X

    Fully Automated - Turrets make you see red. While you're watching them explode, that is - Destroy 1000 assorted Turrets

    Dr Crystal Popper - Nictus Cysts are a blemish on the world - Destroy 50 Shadow Cyst Crystals

    Crab Cakes & Calamari - Take these Kheldians out for a fish supper, then never call them back - Defeat 200 Dwarves and Novas

    No Blueberries - You've thrashed a great many of these galactic goons black and blue - Defeat 300 Galaxy Soldiers

    Who Hunts The Hunters - Void Hunters don't like it when their game fights back - Defeat 100 Void Hunters

    Sapper Slapper - You really don't have the energy to deal with this today - Defeat 100 Malta Sappers

    See You In Hell - You've broken the hearts of many a Girlfriend From Hell - Defeat 50 Girlfriends From Hell

    Feverish - You've done your best to contain the outbreak, better break out the hand sanitizer - Defeat 100 Infected

    Eight Legged Freak - They're pitiable, but they won't stop coming. The bug spray, it does nothing! - Defeat 200 Arachnoids

    Beholder - They just won't stop staring... They never stop staring... - Defeat 200 Watchers, Observers or Overseers

    Kicking And Screaming - Someone's got to drag these Luddites into the 21st Century, whether they like it or not - Defeat 300 Luddites

    Shaping Up - You've taken the Cult Of The Shaper down, right to its ancient root - Defeat Calystix The Shaper

    Bloody Vicious - Some guys need to learn there's always a bigger fish - Defeat Bloody Vicious

    Poked The Nest - You took out the infestation beneath the streets of Praetoria - Defeat 100 Infested

    Jelly Mold - These Shivans look... gone off, somehow. Time for them to be just gone - Defeat 100 Neo-Shivans





  16. Was wondering what your PA recharge is w/o siphon speed. I rolled one recently and dumped a bunch on purple sets for the 10% recharge. Purely a team build with no intention of ever soloing so I didn't worry about any defense/resist caps. I've gotten hasten at 3 secs and PA at 10 with one more set  of Armageddon to slot. I might respec just to 5 slot brawl and set 5 hecatomb in there lol. 

  17. 5 hours ago, Cinnder said:


    I have tested this twice now.  Trading in salvage for a new costume doesn't increment the badge counter.


    While you can't acquire multiple copies of a temp power, when it comes to counting costume drops from doors (required for the badges), it's possible to get the same random drop you received before.  In this case you won't see anything new in your trays, but the badge counter for costumes will increment.  It has been this way since the old days.

    Weird. I got the last badge while trading in Salvage in Croatoa. I wasn't looking at the badge counter at the time. Maybe it was a delayed completion? 

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