Actively using jab with 3 strikes guarantees the +Res All stacked 3 times every time. I am unsure how to prove this but this is my experience with my tank. Nothing else gets me 3 stacks fast enough than jab does with SS/INV. Its a slot mule for the ATO. This is basic slotting criteria. With the absorb proc yeah not a huge need but procs well with haymaker better with KB. I chose to Proc damage x4 in KB with ACC/DAM x2 Hami's instead. The Idea for this post, is to gain awareness that a change to Invulnerability would be nice to mesh well with updated Sets, with how old it is. If you were to compare the INV set for sentinels that would be amazing on a tank, however a reflecting chance of minor DOT to proc the Res+All would be amazing.