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Posts posted by alloygray25

  1. My dream City of Heroes 2 would look like this;


    - Created in Unreal Engine or something equivalent.

    Take a look at the Mandalorian and the Superman game concept trailers. A modern CoH could look truly incredible.


    - A seamless world set decades after the the first game.

    We could have hub cities and towns, where we visit other players in order to create super-teams or to hang out, level up, buy stuff, trade, or unlock new costume styles. Random crime happens on the streets, randomly generated supervillains start a raid or a scheme at a major landmark, and Alpha Level threats happen at set intervals in different parts of the world.

    Outside of the cities would be open countryside, suburbs, lairs, highway networks with traffic, large bodies of water with hidden bases, etc. etc.


    - Console accessibility.

    I would much rather play on PS5 than need a graphics card from 2037, for a game theoretically made in 2024-2025.


    - Powerset Archetypes.

    If they created a modernized City of Heroes, the BIGGEST thing I would want to see is the superpowers given much more freedom of choice, personalization, and the ability to match them up thematically. Give us hundreds of "baseline" powers to choose from, and then give us dozens of options in various subcategories to narrow down how they work.

    The process could go like;


    At Level 1 - Create 3 powers. 1 Travel, and 2 of your choice, either offensive, defensive.


    When creating a power, choose the origin first (Magic, Tech, Natural, Mutation, Science). The idea here, is that character's abilities can come from innumerable sources, simultaneously. Look at Marvel's Doctor Doom for example. His melee capabilities come from his powered armor, but his ranged attacks can come from both his suit AND his knowledge of the arcane. So Doom has a mix of many possible powers from different origins. Another example would be Black Canary; Her fighting skills are natural, from training, but her Canary Cry sonic attacks come from a genetic anomaly, so she's technically a DC Mutant.


    Afterwards, you pick a baseline powertype. An attack type, a defensive buff, some form of debuff, or maybe a travel ability, etc.


    Once you have the basic concept, then you pick from the subcategories, allowing you to choose the medium, or the vehicle through which this power is used. If you want to be primarily melee, do you use a primary weapon? Or are you unarmed with enhanced combat skills, such as the classic Super Strength?


    Then you choose the theme of the power. Are you a technological monk who channels artificially produced fire through your martial arts? Or are you an arcane warrior who swings a hexed warhammer around with reckless abandon, protected by a suit of enchanted stone armor?


    A few limited examples for the sake of time and characters typed;


    - The Origin of "Magic", the baseline power "Projectile - Blast", the subcategory "Eye Beams" OR "Palm Burst", and the theme of "Plantlife" OR "Electricity" OR "Sound", etc.


    - The Origin of "Mutation", the baseline power "Control - Root", the subcategory "Thrown - Trap" OR "Manifest Binding", and the theme of "Earth" OR "Water" OR "Metal", etc.


    - The Origin of "Technology", the baseline power "Melee - Dash", the subcategory "Enhanced Unarmed" OR "Weapon - Mace", and the theme of "Impact" OR "Gravity" OR "Air", etc.


    - The Origin of "Natural", the baseline power "Buff Self - Armor", the subcategory "Bubble" OR "Manifest Armor" OR "Manifest Aura", and the theme of "Kinetic" OR "Fire" OR "Blood", etc.


    And lastly, each of your choices could have a small skill tree attached to it, giving you options to further narrow how you want your powers to function. Perhaps you want your fire to burn more intensely, dealing more damage over time, but making it short-lived? Or you want your sonic attacks to have a higher chance to stun enemies, while dealing less raw damage? This of course, could be relegated to the use of enhancements from the current game.


    The possibilities are endless, and open the way for future content packs, helping keep the game sustainable without being predatory. DC Online does this pretty well in my opinion. They sell entire powersets, like Atomic, Munitions and Rage, while still offering over a dozen base-game abilities.


    - Cinematics.

    A game like City of Heroes deserves epic cinematic moments during the main campaign, akin to SWTOR.


    - Interactions.

    A superhero game of this scale could use an NPC companion system, with conversations, background missions and potential romance options for those of us who enjoy that (In the same vein as Mass Effect or Fallout 4). Am I wrong to say that comic books include a TON of situations where superheroes hook up? Why should our hypothetical game not include the choice?

    • Like 1
  2. That's my understanding as well. Simple fact...


    Although, through creativity, we can explain away the various non-generic powersets as being based on an origin obviously not likely to them, it cannot be ignored that we have powers that are "very" specific. My original concept is just an idea for a powerset that fills in the essentially empty fantasy corner of magic in COH.


    Demon Summoning has some, but not all magic users are demon-worshipers. Zombie Summoning too has some. But again, not all magic casters draw the darkest parts of the universe. Also, not all magic is freaking summoning magic. We also have the Sorcery pool, which begs to have something else to compliment it thematically.


    That's it for magic. Everything else is based on imagination, through multiple elements, weapons, armour and appearances, but nothing remotely specific like other powersets afford. And the same argument can be made for other origins as well. If an Arcane set existed, creativity could easily explain why a scientist is using scienced-magic (Doctor Fate), mutant-magic is a thing (Illiana Rasputin, Scarlet Witch), someone could have a natural spark of arcane potential, and someone else could build an advanced reactor that draws in magic energy and imprints it on a piece of high-tech gear (Doctor Doom)


    Meanwhile... a proper mage, could be a proper mage, finally.

  3. 12 hours ago, Player2 said:

    I think what we need for a "magic" set is a combining a few existing sets with elemental and energy type effects.


    Add blast powers from Dark Blast, Electrical Blast, Fire Blast, Ice Blast, and Water Blast for Blaster / Corruptor Primary and Defender Secondary.  Call it "Arcane Blast," but players can still decide whether it's actual magic or a mutant ability or even a tech-based effect for their characters.


    Avoid heals and pull some effects from Force Field, Dark Miasma, Kinetics, Time Manipulation, Thermal Radiation, and Cold Domination for a buff and debuff Primary for Defenders and secondary for Controllers and Masterminds.  Call it "Arcane Manipulation."


    For a control set...  well, you see where I'm going with all this, right?

    Problem with this? This isn't arcane.


    You just described "Elemental Blast", essentially a powerset that gives a character an array of elemental abilities that have no crossover and no uniqueness.


    To create a proper Arcane set, it would need a uniform collection of VFX with a clear, or somewhat magical theme, and to make it unique from all the single elemental powers, mixing energy with another damage type creates the illusion of a "spell" effect. So example, to make it generic *and* arcane, maybe;


    T1 - Arcane Bolt: You draw from an unknown source, firing a quick bolt of power that deals minor energy and smashing damage.

    T2 - Arcane Blast: Pulling from somewhere beyond, you launch a burst of power that deals moderate energy and cold damage.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 hours ago, CursedSorcerer said:

    I feel the same way about Powersets being tied to a player's Origin, so I have an alternative idea for a Powerset: Staff Blast.


    "You use a staff to bombard enemies with various elemental attacks." Even better idea borrowed from the Dual Pistols Powerset: Have a Power similar to Swap Ammo to choose which type of Element you use. Possible options would include:


    • Fire (does Fire damage with minor DoT)
    • Ice (does Cold damage with -Recharge and Slow)
    • Energy (Does Energy and Smashing damage with Knockback)
    • Darkness (Does Negative Energy damage with -Accuracy)
    • Psychic (Does Psionic damage with -Recharge)
    • Electricity (Does Energy damage with -Endurance and -Recovery)

    Also, Weapon customization would allow for selecting Magic staves, Technology Staves, etc.

    I seriously like this idea, though the animations *might* be a bit limited for a staff, aside from the one used to cast the bonus "wand" powers from the P2W vendor.


    Personally though? I prefer proper spells, so maybe renaming some of my powers with more generic terms would leave it more origin-ambiguous

  5. 3 hours ago, CloudMouse said:

    "I can't believe City of Heroes never had any real arcane powersets, even with MAGIC being one of the origins. I mean, various Marvel and DC heroes and villains are either mutants or aliens with natural magical powers, so there's no good argument against the other origins making use of the mystic arts. Hence: Arcane Blast and Mystical Aura!"


    Agreed. When the Dev team did the player community event in palo alto years and years ago I asked one of the powers team devs about this and they said that origin + powers = arcane which...I understand the low hanging fruit there, but did not agree, and didn't want to be rude about it...but I agreed with you. 


    Been dreaming up my own arcane sets for years and love what you've come up with. All I ask....arcane snipe = magic missle (for the culture). 



    Thanks! I LOVE coming with this kind of material, it's fun and inspirational.


    And, this is just me, but when I sat down and typed this all out, I was thinking along the lines of the Sentinel's Blast type, because I like Sents better than paper-like Blasters, haha!


    But sure, you could easily substitute Arcane Shackles or Necrotic Volley with a Magic Missile, or potentially an Arcane Beam snipe attack.


    "You draw in mass amounts of residual magic energy, forming a roiling ball of destruction within your hands, and in an instant, cast it towards your distant foes."


    - Or -


    "You draw in mass amounts of residual magic energy, causing your hands to glow with an arcane heat, and in an instant, fire a beam of undiluted power directly at your distant foes."

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, MTeague said:

    My only quibble is I don't like powersets to virtually REQUIRE a particular origin. I like Energy Blast, because the source of the energy is indeterminate. It can be magical. Or a mutant power. Or powers you gained by science, from a tech suit, or maybe you're an inhuman and it's natural for your species.  Ditto with Energy Aura.  


    By contrast, "Arcane Blast" with "Mage Bolt" or "Mystical Aura" with "Residual Magic" feel much too baked into Magic Origin.  I'd just rather the powerset / power names be kept more fungible.  Even if the combat effects would be exactly as you propose, I'd like the concept/naming to plausible as something that COULD be Magic, or Tech, or Mutant, etc.


    Yes, there is the Sorcery pool, but that's even labeled an Origin pool, and it's neither a primary nor secondary.



    Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. And its probably why this'll never get made. Though, think about some of the characters whose origins are actually other than straight magic.


    - Doctor Doom, highly technologically advanced, also knows sorcery and has made pacts with Mephisto

    - Magik/Illiana Rasputin, a mutant with the ability to draw power from a dimension filled with magical energy

    - Doctor Fate, a scientist who wears a magical helmet that imbues him with mystic powers

    - Gwen Tennyson, a natural-born alien/human hybrid with magical abilities on a level that was never fully explored

    - And for good measure, Shazam, a kid who learned a simple of word of power, and can effectively transform into a magical god.


    Also, while I agree with you to a point, I think Energy Blast is a bad example personally, as honestly, it looks nothing like magic. It looks like something created by tech or science, or *maybe* by an alien energy being.


    Fire would be the best universal elemental power for any origin. Human Torch = Science, Pyro = Mutant, Scorcher = Tech, Ghost Rider = Magic, Surtur = Natural (Fire Demon)


    One other thing to consider, there are a few powersets that feel shoehorned into specific origins.


    - Traps, not a single one of those powers could pass as magical or mutant. They're chunks of metal and chemistry that explode in various ways.

    - Assault Rifle, maybe some people say "oh but you could have a magical gun", fine, but thematically an assault rifle is just a simple, mechanical piece of equipment. No magic, no mutations, unlikely to be scientific.

    - Sonic Attacks? When has "sound magic" ever been a thing? XD I can believe any other origin, but never magical-based sound powers.

    - Robotics, does this one even need explanation? Magic robots?


    So my point is, while maybe renaming some of the powers to sound less magical could work, you can get away with things in another origin. Using science to open a gateway into a magical dimension, a magical mutation, a natural alien born with magical potential, using technology to "capture" magic energy in something like a pair of gauntlets or a mask?

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Ahh. Which wiki? The paragonwiki archive shows it, and that's "archive from end of live. I know if you search on COH stuff (google, bing, etc,) though, the old... not always trusted Wikia site  seems to show up on top, as well. Make sure you're not looking there. 🙂  Easiest thing to do is just snag the wiki links from the top of the forum.


    Edit: Yep. When I look at the WIkia site, it's got the out of date FIghting pool with only four items, as well as an ... interesting... mix of things. (Like minimum levels for Fitness.)  Make sure you're using Paragonwiki and you'll be good to go. *nods*

    Yup, been looking at the outdated wikipage this entire time.


    And I've made a couple of changes...

  8. 1 minute ago, Greycat said:

    ... ?


    Fighting has three. Punch, Kick and Cross Punch, as well as Tough and Weave. (And, honestly, has synergy between them that makes each attack more potent as you pick up the others.)

    Oh, I was looking at the COH Wiki power pools page for reference on naming and wording. It doesn't list Cross Punch. -_-

  9. 14 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    First thing, need a fifth power for your pistol pool, but it's been something that has been asked for in the past. While people will probably discuss the powers, I don't think anyone would argue with *having* it.


    Only other thing is a question of ... flavor, I guess -


    "I can't believe City of Heroes never had any real arcane powersets, even with MAGIC being one of the origins. I mean, various Marvel and DC heroes and villains are either mutants or aliens with natural magical powers, so there's no good argument against the other origins making use of the mystic arts. Hence: Arcane Blast and Mystical Aura! "


    For the most part, COH keeps the powers... fairly neutral, letting the players decide where the abilities come from. (Even "obvious" ones like blades and rifles/guns I've seen explained in other ways - like "spellguns," which explained why the bullets in DP are curving all over the place, for instance.) So while on the one hand, yes, they didn't have any arcane powersets, on the other hand, they all were. 🙂  I also see you copied the old T9 nuke text about being drained of endurance for a while. While I, frankly, still like those - and this sounds like one that you should have that option, with a power boost to the nuke in return, most T9 nukes don't do that now.  (And, honestly, I kind of like the idea of blood pact. If you're giving a cost like that, though, there should probably be something else with it - "the pact puts you into a state of frenzy. Your accuracy may suffer, but your attacks come faster as you try for that kill..." or something.

    For my Sidearm idea, I was following the Fighting pool set, which only has 4 abilities; 2 attacks and 2 buffs.


    And yeah, I can see that idea of pretty much any power being possible from any origin, like claws that were magically attached to the body, or fire powers based on technology, etc.


    Also, that makes a lot of sense for Blood Pact to enable a short-lived "Bloodthirsty" effect, maybe decreasing endurance costs, and increasing power recharge speeds, basically allowing you to spam spells quickly for that desperate kill.

  10. Just have a handful of Powerset ideas to share, not greatly fleshed out, but that I would love to see possibly added!

    P.S. I didn't add any recharge rates, since they'd be in-line with all other equivalent powers.


    Sonic Armour/Aura


    With Sonic Attacks and now Sonic Manipulation, I think it would be superb to get a Sonic Armour/Aura set to compliment the fantasy.

    Defenses would be primarily focused on protection against energy-type damages, while being weaker against physical, and weakest against toxic attacks.


    Molecular Vibration - T1 Permanent power; Grants light Smashing, Lethal and Energy protection, along with a minor resistance to Hold and Immobilize.

    "Your body constantly vibrates at a frequency that makes you harder to strike or snare."


    Echolocation - T1/T2 Permanent power; Grants a strong permanent bonus to Accuracy.

    "You can detect residual sound-waves which paint a clearer picture of your surroundings, enabling you to pick out your targets with greater precision."


    Sonic Weave - T3 Toggle power; Grants moderate resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy damage.

    "You create a sonic barrier around your body that redirects energy-based attacks."


    Molecular Stabilization - T4 Self Heal power; You vibrate your molecules in such a way as to promote rapid cellular repair. For a few moments afterwards, the molecular bonds in your cells are also hardened, granting moderate Knockback resistance.


    Sonic Dissonance - T5 AOE Toggle Debuff; Creates a field of disruptive, low-level sound that makes it difficult for enemies to concentrate when they stand near you, reducing their To Hit chance and resistance to Disorient, Fear and Confusion.


    Molecular Disparity - T6 Stealth Toggle; Grants minor stealth and a small boost to Endurance Recovery while active.

    "You vibrate your molecules much more quickly, making your physical form blur before the naked eye, with the side effect of a slightly enhanced metabolic rate."


    Sonic Rebound - T7 Toggle power; Grants good protection against Psionic damage, along with resistance to Sleep, Disorient and Fear.

    "You set up an extremely high-pitched hum in your brain, which makes external attempts to affect your mind far more difficult."


    Sonic Cocoon/Echo Chamber - T8 Self Hold power; Place yourself into a sonic bubble that renders you invulnerable for a very short time, allowing rapid recuperation of your health and endurance.

    "You become wrapped in impenetrable layers of sound, while buffeting yourself with echoing blasts of restorative vibrations, which knit together wounds and relax weary muscles."


    Molecularity Shift - T9 Self buff power; grants superior protection against all damage types except Toxic for a very brief period; After a moment of concentration, you phase almost entirely out of sync with the physical world, becoming nearly untouchable. The effort is extremely taxing however, lasting only a short time, and leaving you drained of nearly all your health and endurance when you return to solidity.


    Sidearm Training: Power Pool Set




    A small idea for a low cost, auxiliary attack set, for those who prefer guns over fists.


    Crackshot - T1 Ranged attack; Deals minor Lethal damage, with a small bonus to Accuracy.


    Pistol Whip - T1/T2 Melee attack; Deals moderate Smashing damage with a good chance to disorient your enemy.


    *EDIT* - Added power

     Flare - T3 Debuff power; Deals minor energy damage and places a To Hit debuff on the main target. Has a chance to disorient nearby foes.


    *EDIT* - Added power

    Hollow-Point Rounds - T4 Toggle power; While active, grants a moderate Lethal damage boost to all ranged attacks.


    High Noon/Quick Draw - T5 Self Buff power; Grants a brief but strong boost to ranged Accuracy and Power Recharge Rate.

    "Like the cowboys of the old wild west, your mind and body become one for a brief moment, enabling you to attack from range with blistering speed and pinpoint accuracy!"



    Arcane Blast




    I can't believe City of Heroes never had any real arcane powersets, even with MAGIC being one of the origins. I mean, various Marvel and DC heroes and villains are either mutants or aliens with natural magical powers, so there's no good argument against the other origins making use of the mystic arts. Hence: Arcane Blast and Mystical Aura!


    The primary weakness of Arcane Blast is the short range of it's abilities, these being spells rather than long-range capable attacks like in other Blast powersets.


    Arcane Blast's special side effect could be "Elemental Overload"; Using certain Arcane Blast powers will build a stack of Overload. Upon reaching 3 stacks, if you cast a detonation power, you will create an explosion of either Fire, Ice or Energy damage that hits all enemies in a small AOE, causing either minor damage over time, a minor slow, or a chance of a very brief stun.


    Mage Bolt - T1 Ranged attack; Deals minor Energy damage. Builds Overload stacks.

    "You cast a small, rudimentary bolt of neutral magic at an enemy, causing some injury."


    Runic Blast - T1/T2 Ranged attack; Deals moderate Energy and Cold damage, with a minor chance to slow enemy movement and attack speed. Builds Overload stacks.

    "Summoning the winds of the North, you pelt an enemy with shards of magical ice that hinders movement, and causes severe harm."


    Arcane Sphere - T3 Ranged Targeted AOE; Deals moderate Energy damage in a small area around the primary target, while potentially knocking down any enemy struck. Detonates Overload stacks.

    "With a wave of your hands and a whispered word, you pull together an orb of raw power and hurl it at an enemy, causing it to forcefully erupt, knocking your hapless foe and those close by to the ground."


    Eldritch Rain - T4 Ranged Location AOE; Deals high Energy damage in a large area around you, and applies a minor Toxic damage-over-time effect to enemies hit. Builds Overload stacks.

    "Raising your hands to the sky, you bellow an arcane curse at the clouds, forcing them to suddenly and violently pour down venomous rain on all those nearby."


    Mind Tear - T5 Ranged attack/Self Buff power; Deals minimal Psionic damage to an enemy, and steals a portion of their intelligence, increasing your damage for a short time.

    "Reaching into your foe's mind, you rip out a fragment of their intellect, no matter how minuscule, and add it to your own temporarily."


    Rippling Chaos - T6 Ranged Cone Knockback; Deals moderate Energy and Fire damage in a wide cone, with a high chance of knocking back enemies hit. Detonates Overload stacks.

    "Conjuring forth the chaotic powers of Hell itself, you unleash an undulating wave of magical flame towards your helpless adversaries, casting them away."


    Arcane Shackles - T7 Ranged Immobilize power; Ensnares an enemy in a magical trap, dealing moderate Energy damage for the duration of the Immobilize effect.

    "With a quick gesture and a snap of your fingers, you imprison an enemy within an arcane circle that binds their feet, and shocks them into submission."


    Necrotic Volley - T8 Ranged attack; Deals superior Energy and Negative Energy damage. Detonates Overload stacks.

    "Calling to the Netherworld, you release an incredibly strong blast of dark magic that strikes an enemy with the force of the void itself."


    Cataclysm - T9 Point Blank AOE; Deals extreme Fire, Cold and Energy damage to all nearby enemies. Those that survive take minor damage over time, will move slower, and may be stunned by electrical shock briefly. This attack is so powerful that you will be left drained of endurance after casting it, and be unable to recover any for a short time.

    "You gather every ounce of magical potential in and around yourself, and after but a moment, explode with an Earth-shattering display of elemental power."



    Mystical Aura



    A perfect complement to round out the Magic fantasy, with Arcane Blast and the Sorcery Power pool set!


    Residual Magic - T1 Permanent power; Grants a passive minor boost to defense against Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy damage.

    "As a practitioner of the arcane arts, you learned early on how to draw protection from the inherent magic in the environment, granting you increased resistance to the elements."


    Arcane Barrier - T1/T2 Toggle power; While active, grants a protective barrier that moderately reduces Smashing and Lethal damage.

    "A simple wave of your hand creates an oscillating field of magical energy, capable of deflecting bullet and blade alike."


    Mystic Surge - T3 Self Buff power; Briefly increases all damage dealt, and Endurance Recovery.

    "Focusing inward, you breathe deep of the arcane knowledge stored within your soul, increasing your power exponentially - albeit briefly."


    Elementally Attuned - T4 Toggle Power; While toggled on, you gain significant protection against Fire, Cold and Energy damage.

    "The elements bend to your every whim, going so far as to avoid injuring you as severely as others."


    Wellspring - T5 Self Heal power; Allows you to regain a degree of health.

    "Drawing from the magical wellspring of life energy within the Earth itself, you close cuts and fuse broken bone."


    Mystic Ingenuity - T6 Toggle power; While active, you gain a high degree of resistance against Sleep, Hold, Disorient.

    "One does not become a master of the mystical with a weak and foolish mind."


    Mystic Mirror - T6 Permanent power; Grants you passive moderate protection from Psionic damage, along with minor resistance to Fear.

    "Using an ancient and forgotten sorcery, you erect a permanent reflective barrier around your mind, protecting your thoughts from forceful intrusion."


    Cursed Aura - T7 Toggle AOE Debuff; While active, creates an AOE effect which reduces enemy resistances, and has both a chance to slow movement and reduce To Hit chance.

    "A cursed word of power causes a whirlwind of corruption to surround you, making armor and weapons brittle, and causing muscles to atrophy."


    *EDIT* - Added effect (Bloodthirsty Effect)

    Blood Pact - T9 Self-Rez power; Allows you to revive yourself with full health and endurance, however there is a cost; Until you defeat an enemy, your borrowed vitality will slowly drain away. However, you cannot die from this health drain effect, and you gain the Bloodthirsty effect, increasing Endurance Recovery and Power Recharge rate, while reducing accuracy as long as the buff remains active.

    "At the edge of the Abyss, you cast dire blood magic that draws life essence from all nearby foes, reviving you at full strength. And yet, this powerful ritual requires a sacrifice to seal your soul back into your body."



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  11. Your feedback is appreciated, and gives me something to think over for next time. These 3 sets were rather spontaneous, so they're a bit barebones when it comes to real depth.


    I have other ideas too, such as;


    Plasma Blast / Plasma Melee / Plasmic Aura


    Magma Blast / Lava Melee / Geothermal Armor


    Ectoplasm Manipulation / Spectral Warding / Poltergeists (Ghost Summons)




    Tempest Blast / Tempest Melee / Tempest Armor


    Arcane Blast / Arcane Melee / Arcane Aura


    Once I get around to fleshing out these power sets, I'll keep your feedback in mind!

  12. Do you think the descriptions and effects sound plausible for actual in-game play?


    Yes -- I think -- but as written they're all very close to existing powersets.


    • Earth Blast: For mechanical reasons, the -dmg component from Cripple would need to have limited (or no) stacking.  The lack of power interactions (combos or etc) makes the set feel a little dated.  I also feel like the design space for the set is pretty well occupied by Ice Blast.
      I'd suggest looking at "earth power" characters from media and games for not just visual inspiration, but stylistic inspiration; Earth users tend to trap their foes and manipulate the battlefield.  A set that uses several placeable damage fields like Rain of Fire or Whirlpool or targeted AoEs, and traps enemies in those fields with slows and immobilizes (and associated -KB), seems more in-theme.
    • Magnetic Blast: I like that you gave this more power interactions!  However, it's worth thinking about what the interaction does a bit more.  In this case it seems like the interaction effect is purely bonus single-target damage (since -def doesn't rely on the interaction).  What that means is that the powers would be adjusted to do slightly less damage up-front.  Without anything else to sell the set, it might feel a little lackluster in comparison to, e.g. Beam Rifle, which has kind of a similar effect but expands the interactions a bit.
    • Magnetic Shielding: This set looks a lot like Energy Aura but doesn't appear to follow the standard positional vs typed defense structure.  This would probably result in it being less effective (since one type pair or one position of Defense adds balancing cost) and potentially harder to build, but it doesn't seem to offer any particularly new tools.  There are some other minor issues (as written, the set has no debuff resistance), but occupying essentially the same design space as Energy Aura is probably the largest.


    This is the kind of feedback I hope for when I take the time to come up with these kinds of things!


    Everything you mentioned makes sense, especially seeing as I had the Powerset wiki up most of the time I was typing out my ideas lol. I tried to keep the abilities as stand-apart as possible, but as I read through the various aura and armor powersets, I noticed most of them were quite similar. So I figured making my Magnetic Shielding concept incorporate some of those same effects would make it feel in-line with the actual functioning powers.


    Making my sets too outrageous would make them extremely unlikely to ever be considered for use. Of course I realize that its already highly unlikely we'll see new powers, I hoped that by keeping them on the slightly simpler side, they might be a viable addition at some point, hopefully helping anyone working on such things to less coding work.


    And to be honest, I feel like having these, even as basically reskins, is acceptable, since the fantasy of it all is what we're all playing this for anyway!  :D

  13. A handful of suggestions I really hope to see acknowledged!


    First, I really want to see an Earth Blast powerset added, as currently the Sentinel can use Stone Armor, but has nothing sensible to go with it. Same goes for the Blaster and Defender, they both have Earth/Stone based support powers, but no ranged Earth attacks. And while Dominators get Earth Assault, the ranged attacks in that set are deceptive, being cast on-target, rather than traveling from the player character.


    I propose using in-game assets (by shrinking/expanding/skewing pre-existing geometry) to create various hurled bits of rock as ranged attacks.



    This set could have a unique secondary effect, Cripple, which could reduce an enemy's movement speed by 15% and their damage output by 10% for a few seconds.


    Pebble Torrent: A stream of fast moving gravel pelts your target, slowing them and dealing minimal damage. This attack has a very low chance to cripple a target. Recharge: Very Fast


    Rock Toss: Summon a pair of mid-sized rocks, flinging them at your enemy. The impact deals moderate Smash damage, and has a small chance to cripple your target. Recharge: Moderate


    Dust Storm: Create a vortex of dust and gravel, shunting your enemies away in a small AoE around you, and dealing moderate Smash damage. Recharge: Moderate


    Crystal Spear: Form a large spike of crystal and hurl it forward, impaling your target for heavy Lethal damage, and causing them to bleed for a short time. This attack has a good chance to cripple your target. Recharge: Slow


    Aim: Greatly increases your chance to hit for a short time, and slightly increases damage dealt. Recharge: Long


    Crystal Cage: Create a ring of razor sharp crystals around a single enemy, dealing minimal Lethal damage, but immobilizing them for a short time. This attack has a good chance to cripple your target. Recharge: Moderate


    Skipping Stone: Fling a single tiny stone with superhuman accuracy, striking an enemy in the head. The impact deals heavy Smash damage, has a high chance to disorient your foe, and also has a very small chance to put your target to sleep for a short while. Recharge: Slow


    Landslide: Generate a wave of rock along the ground that knocks down anyone in its path, dealing moderate Smash damage, but almost always crippling the affected targets. Recharge: Long


    Meteoric Blast: Call down an asteroid from orbit at a targeted area, dealing extreme Smash damage on the initial impact, and leaving behind a flaming patch of molten rock from the heat of reentry, which deals high Fire DoT. Recharge: Very Long



    Additionally, I hope that these next ideas are somewhat plausible, since we have a magnetic aura in the game, with no powers to go with it...



    Magnetic attacks could possess two stacking debuffs, each of which can only affect a target once at a time, called Debilitating Polarity - Positive, and Debilitating Polarity - Negative. Both could reduce their defense against energy damage slightly, but also, when used in an alternating cycle, can cause bonus Smashing damage. The idea behind this being, you are magnetically charging an enemy either positively, or negatively, which causes the next attack to strike your enemy with greater force, since it becomes attracted to them.


    Magnetic Bolts: Hurl an array of small magnetic bolts at your foe, dealing minor Energy damage, and adding a stack of Debilitating Polarity - Positive. Recharge: Fast


    Shrapnel Barrage: Magnetically launch multiple slivers of metal at your foe, dealing moderate Lethal and Energy damage, and adding a stack of Debilitating Polarity - Positive. Recharge: Moderate


    Repulsive Wave: Release an arc of magnetic force in a cone in front of you, knocking back anyone caught by the rippling energy. This attack deals moderate Energy and Smash damage, as well as adding a stack of Debilitating Polarity - Negative. Recharge: Slow


    Magnetic Grasp: Reach out and magnetically toss a random object at your enemy, dealing high Smash damage, and disorienting them for a short while. Recharge: Slow


    Reverse Polarity: Make yourself into a living magnet, causing all of your attacks to be more accurate and damaging for a short time. Additionally, your magnetic attacks place 3 stacks of Debilitating Polarity - Positive, on any targets hit during the duration. Recharge: Long


    Magnetic Lance: Summon a large metal spike and hurl it at your foe. The impact deals high Lethal damage, knocks the enemy down, and adds a stack of Debilitating Polarity - Negative. Recharge: Slow


    Electromagnetic Prison: Trap an enemy inside an electromagnetic sphere for a short time, causing minor Energy DoT, and immobilizing them for the duration. Also adds a stack of Debilitating Polarity - Positive. Recharge: Moderate


    Magnetic Bomb: Generate a large sphere of magnetic force, and blast a small AoE, causing very high Energy damage to anyone caught in the explosion. Adds a stack of Debilitating Polarity - Negative. Recharge: Long


    Polarity Shift: Change the polarity in a very large AoE, causing multiple massive metal objects to launch themselves at the affected zone. This attack deals extreme Smash damage, while consuming all active stacks of Debilitating Polarity - Positive and Debilitating Polarity - Negative, allowing it to deal even more. Recharge: Very Long




    Repulsive Aura: When this power is toggled on, you gain a protective field that repels projectiles and some elemental attacks, increasing your defense against Lethal, Energy and Fire damage. Recharge: Fast


    Shrapnel Field: When you toggle this power, you summon a swirling vortex of tiny metal fragments that deals constant, minor Lethal damage to any enemies who come into melee range. The vortex also has a very small chance to knock down your foes on the initial hit. Recharge: Moderate


    Directional Sense: You are naturally adept at sensing the Earth's magnetic poles, extending even to the point of being near-precognitive in the case of which direction an attack is coming from. This power automatically makes you more likely to dodge some melee and ranged attacks, and also slightly increases your resistance against Lethal, Smash and Disorient. This power is always on.


    Shielded Mind: When this power is toggled on, your mind gains protective insulation from external intrusion, affording you a high degree of Psionic defense. Recharge: Fast


    Magnetic Induction: Your body is naturally attuned to magnetic fields, giving you a resistance to energy distortion and control effects. This power affords you a small degree of protection against Sleep, Immobilize, Hold and Knockback. This power is always on.


    Balance Polarity: You can re-balance your body's polarity, enabling you to recover from detrimental effects more quickly. When activated, you regenerate a moderate amount of health, and gain temporary resistance to Toxic, Negative and Disorient. Recharge: Long


    Metallic Armor: Using magnetism, you encase yourself in a shimmering sphere of fast moving metal shards, affording you a high degree of Ranged, Energy and Smash defense for a brief time. Recharge: Long


    Electromagnetic Singularity: When you toggle this power, you charge your body with an intense amount of electrons, effectively causing yourself to collapse most positrons nearby. This drastically reduces the damage you take from Energy, Negative and Cold. Recharge: Fast


    Polarity Drain: Absorbs positrons and electrons from all foes nearby, reducing their Energy defenses, and reinforcing your own magnetic fields, which drastically increases your protection from most kinds of damage, and restores some of your endurance. When this power wears off, you are left unbalanced for a brief period of time, which reduces your endurance severely. Recharge: Very Long


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