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Posts posted by Sorth_31

  1. I'll see your Brute-and-his-merry-band-of-Corruptors team, and up the ante:


    Eight Masterminds.  Covering most or all Primaries and Secondaries.  All six pets each, all fully upgraded.  Every MM running full Leadership toggles.


    I still remember playing an eight man thug MM team. Leadership? Wait, our pets can actually miss?

  2. Very similar boat to several here. Running a char doing both red and blue contacts, trying to get all of them that I can legitimately unlock, also looking to grab all the exploration and defeat badges as I level. It's...taking a while. Currently working through Redside stuff in the 10-14 range after which I can turn exp back on, do red stuff and then switch to blueside again. Running a Thugs/Nature mastery Mastermind through it all by the name of Gutter Shaman.


    Sadly the only resource I can find is Paragon Wiki (specifically the Hero Contacts level x-y, Villain contacts level x-y and unlockable contacts pages with the occasional trawl through the basic hero/villain contacts pages) and the contact finder which will tend to point you to newer contacts and out of the way zones, but only ever seems to have one normal contact from each level range in it.

  3. Heh, thanks. Here's a pic of him with weapons drawn. Not fantastically happy with the shield because the lighting changes between the costume editor and the game make it awkward to get just the right colours, and even when you think you do they look off in game. So when I get the column background to match the shield, it comes out grey in game, but if I make it lighter it seems to adopt a golden tinge. Frustrating but what are you gonna do?



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  4. All that happens is you get in game when you click play but when you try to log in you get an error telling you that you're running the wrong version of the game, or not the most up to date version I forget the exact wording. Had it happen to me a little while ago.

  5. Okay, I kinda think this thread has derailed at this point despite some peoples valiant attempts to use it for the reason it was made and actually post costumes. Just as a suggestion, can people looking to discuss sexuality politics, or any other political issue really, either take it to tells or make a new forum topic about it? Because this really isn't the place for it.


    And now to at least have my message not be entirely pointless to this thread, have a couple of random costumes.


    Celenia Steel


    Dual Blade/Willpower Brute. I got bored of Fae style characters having names with nearly as many syllables as letters, so Ms Steel was made. Originally didn't have wings, but when they added those insect wings to the game I had to have them.

    Edit: And now I look at her again I forgot to add the right ears. Darn.


    Imad al-Din


    Shield/Axe Tank. I wanted to try making a Middle Eastern/Arabian themed hero. He's got a recoloured version of the basic axe and a round shield with the pillar design on it in gold and white. Could have gone Broadsword and probably wound up with a better looking weapon, but I wanted an axe for some reason. Eh.

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  6. I'm primarily a solo player too, I have some (admittedly mild) anxiety issues. But I can say that in the years I played this game on live I was still part of plenty of teams, and most of those didn't care how many missions you played. If you joined and did one or two missions, then dropped out? Fine. Come back later and want back in? Drop a tell and you were pretty much guaranteed unless the team had filled. Or you were a jerk, but that's a totally different kettle of fish.


    As long as you don't join something like a multi hour TF (Hi Quarterfield) you should be perfectly fine just playing at your own pace and taking breaks when you need to. Hell we all need breaks, it just varies how often. So my advice would be to look for someone who's just doing basic contact missions, paper missions or tip missions. That way you can dive in, do a couple and see how you feel. Then just say you have to leave but might be back later if they're ok with inviting you back. Always worked for me. You can also try shorter TF's if you feel up to it.


    But all in all you do you. You have no need to explain or justify why you play the way you do to anyone. As long as you're having fun that's the main thing.

  7. I'm still really enjoying it personally. There are numerous things I never got to try out before it shut down and I'm always up for making new characters just to potter around at lower levels before inevitably finding something else slightly shinier that catches my attention power set wise.


    Even back on live when totally burned out on the game it was STILL the only game that, no matter my mood, I could just boot up and zone out in. Choose my own activities, set my own pace and either blitz content to relieve stress or just chill out and relax while taking my time. No other game has ever been able to recreate that feeling in me and I'm happy to say it's not diminished over the years.

  8. As much as I like FF it can be a difficult one to justify at times. Having extra defence above cap is nice for -def effects, but they aren't a constant so a lot of the time it can feel like wasted effort. What it does help with are any back line team members, ranged masterminds (who are who I tend to take FF on personally with a tendency towards bots), defenders and controllers etc who may not have capped their defences off as easily as people with access to armours. It's also a solid set to have in groups if you know the people and tend to team most of the time since it allows them to not focus as much on slotting for defence. I'm also a great fan of the Force Bolt and Force Bubble powers, back on live their kb and repulsion helped me and others survive numerous times when high damage melee opponents slipped past the front line fighters. Though admittedly Force Bubble can be a pain when people run it carelessly and split carefully grouped mobs up.


    All in all it has its place, it's not a bad set and I've never encountered anyone that's kicked me off a team for having it like some other sets. But it's not one of the top tier competitors.

  9. Well, since people are sharing I may as well throw my trash on screen.

    That and it took me way longer than I'd care to admit to remember how to actually post images and I don't want that time to be wasted.


    So starting with the more boring/generic ones first:


    General Anaesthetic:


    Mercs/Poison Mastermind. I mainly like him because of the pun, I know the costume's a bit "meh" but there's not much you can do with a generic modern military commander.


    String Theory:


    Archery/Time Defender. I don't normally do spandex, so I decided to go a little more classic on this one. Plus I was just happy when I got the name on live. You can't see it but she uses the vanguard (energy) bow.


    Mr Hoke:


    Robotics/Field Mastermind. I got bored of seeing black and red villains side, so I made this costume. Used to be one of my mains back on live but I haven't really touched him yet here.




    Kinetic/Energy Brute. Fairly generic mech suit, but I loved the play style of kinetics and couldn't imagine making a different character to use it. Plus I liked his colour scheme for some reason.




    Storm/Water Defender. Used to be Storm/Ice on live but I thought water fitted better. She's meant to be a loose interpretation of a Nereid, even has the name of one of them. Though she doesn't look anything like the actual myths of them. Mainly came about when I saw that the plant gloves and boots and resistance hair could be made to look like seaweed.




    Claws/Invuln Scrapper. An anthropomorphic representation of hope, not an angel. He's basically my current main and this is his 6th costume. Starting basic and getting steadily more ornate I want to get to his 9th by 48 (he's 40 right now).




    Rad/Dark Corruptor. Part of a duo I'm running with someone I know, I love the contrast the bright green gives. The boots look a little off colour and the shoulder pads hang over the back in the editor but in game you pretty much can't tell, which makes me happy. He has the second tech spine option on his back too.




    Plant/Earth Dominator. One of my favourite costume designs from live so I had to bring him back here. He's a bit of a mish-mash, but that was always intentional with him having basically been an accidental creation flushed into a sewer.




    Illusion/Time Controller. This guy...changes. I can never pick a power set and stick with it on him, so he's liable to switch to something else on a whim. Kinda wanted to go "superhero mage" with this rather than just normal generic dude in robes. My only complaint is the tanker top leaves part of his left shoulder bare, which doesn't look great.

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