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Posts posted by StarseedWarrior

  1. 2 hours ago, battlewraith said:


    That was satire, not making shit up. I was mocking the judgmental tone of it. 


    Is your perspective on people taking your advice unreasonable? Not really.


    What is?

    1. Insisting on lumping all players into one box to fit how you feel people should learn the game.  ["I disagree that it depends all that much on the player."]

    2. Ignoring that these discussions about how people should learn or experience the game are centered on baseless platitudes that have been around since PLing became a thing (ie from the beginning). I've never seen any evidence that it causes people to get bored and leave the game faster or there is some sort of epidemic of bad teaming from people who pled to 50 and don't know how to play. Neither of which is a problem now that the game is f2p. 


    Now maybe you think I'm strawmanning you. You said people should spend "some" time playing.


    Ok, how much time should they spend traditionally leveling. And how are you arriving at this amount?



    Hard disagree ive watched this happen in countless mmos and people do leave in droves while they gain as massive amount of numbers they can you really do not know what your talking about with this. And it does effect the rest of the community that play mmos like this, city of heroes was never about pling anyway its a feature of homecoming its an mmo about the journey as much as the endgame. Also regardless of how someone wants to play an mmo it does not change the facts for example when people expect to solo and solo content to be catered to them when there are countless amazing single player games to be played.


    Mmorpgs that arent manipulated for the most part keep the concept of an mmorpg to begin with its not an mmolite.

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  2. On 6/4/2024 at 5:08 AM, Neiska said:

    Boy oh boy, I foresee absolutely no way that this topic might run off the rails. Gee, I sure hope people will refrain from being judgmental of how other people enjoy hobbies and understand that not everyone likes the same things. What can possibly go wrong?


    Here is an unrelated image.


    Create Meme Popcorn Popcorn Meme Popcorn Popcorn Gif | My XXX Hot Girl

    Another clueless who does not get mmorpgs are about the journey then the endgame newer modern mmos only do this instant grind to make money and degrede the mmo overtime lol.

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  3. On 4/28/2024 at 6:44 AM, Sanguinesun said:


    Now, what you're describing, is just utter nonsense and tinfoil hat style word salad.

    Cool story coming from someone who likely does not do real research the evidence is all over history not to mention modern evidence but you do you lol.

    • Haha 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Krimson said:

    It's a pretty clunky chat client without any sort of spell checking but it doesn't take a lot of space and is nice to look at. While it's not easy to make new friends, this chat app lets me stay in contact with the old ones. There's no voice option which is a big plus for me. Way better than Skype unless you want to transfer files. 

    Wait there is an app for this?

  5. On 4/8/2024 at 8:41 AM, Zect said:

    Define effective. Everyone thinks their builds are effective - that's human nature for you.


    But fire/kin/earth trollers were definitely extremely strong and very meta in the sunset days of Live, the age where controllers ruled the world.


    I find that in general, melee is usually good because this game is still strongly biased in favor of melee: most of the best attacks are melee. (It's not a coincidence that all the examples you list have a melee focus.) Playing against type is also nearly always good in coh, because in this game, 80% of 2 things is a lot stronger than 100% of one and 0% of the other, unless you have some specific task you need to specialize heavily for, e.g. farming, no-insps no-temps AV soloing. Doubly so if one of those two things you have 80% of is dps.


    For this reason, I play against type fairly often. I build tanky blasters, blasty fenders, and scrappy tankers. I build a lot of rainbow blasters, which are blasters with nearly-permahasten and 45% def to all except psi; they can't compete with the top dps builds, but the loss in dps is considerably less than I imagined (the biggest loss tends to be sustained ST damage, so they suffer more on pylon times, but much less so on clear times of regular content where aoe is involved). I also build a lot of DPS tankers and while they aren't as survivable in challenge content, they completely demolish anything the average casual player will encounter.


    The build that I found most unexpectedly effective is my Superman build. You know, the inv/ss tanker with flight and laser eyes. While both powersets are fine in their own right and SS in particular is a top 3 powerset, this specific combo has never been considered especially powergamey for a variety of reasons. However, a few years ago I managed to get a build that has

    • perma-double rage (actual double rage, as in the crashes line up fully)
    • permahasten
    • 40% def to all but psi with 1 foe in range
    • perma 90% SL res
    • 90% non-SL res including psi with 75% uptime (In the quarter of the time the defensive buffs are down, it drops to 72% non-SL res)

    It is less tanky than a full turtle invuln is due to the rage crashes, and it doesn't compete with the best SS builds due to the lack of good epic attacks - it will never do 5 mins trapdoor runs. But it's remarkable how much of each it has, which is very fitting. When you need someone to be fast you call the Flash, and when you need someone to be strong you call the Hulk, but when you need the hero who can be both, it's Superman.

    In my research it is human nature it comes down to how one is raised.

  6. On 4/15/2024 at 10:54 AM, Xaddy said:

    So, maybe I said something I was supposed to. Not real sure. Someone said something to me, irritated me, so I let 'em have it. 
    Now, they say I'm "reported". 

    So...let's say whoever looks at this report decides I'm awful and deserve to be banned or suspended or whatever...do they tell me in an email, send a note to my global? 
    Anyone know what that looks like? 

    So people love to do this where they try and gaslight and be insulting while being condescending without it being obvious then they get their friends involved in chat and act like they are part of the masses and all target you, and try and report you after your best bet is to ignore them all because they are all likely in on it. Then you have the weirdos who only read one sentence and assume your the troll. Its been happening in mmos for years its just now becoming more obvious to people.


    This backwards narrative where the victims are the trolls for simply defending themselves never made sense, it is pure narcissism no matter how one tries to justify attacking the person defending, it does not matter if you like their comments or not, they are not the bully and just because you think that adds to the problem does not mean the problems go away at all in fact they get worse when they are not called out.

  7. On 4/5/2024 at 8:02 PM, Heatstroke said:


    I did.. however it is skippable.. Its different from the blaster version.. its a toggle that stays up.. you only have to resummon if you change zones or enter a building.. 

    I noticed allot of people talk about it, to me it has never been an issue im used to resummoning pets in mmos, its just one.

  8. On 4/5/2024 at 7:23 PM, ShimmerDoll said:

    I thoroughly enjoy my Elec/Elec Sentinel build. It may not be your traditional setup, but it's been serving me well, especially when I'm playing solo at the end game. I've do use Voltaic Sentinel, and while I took a break from using it for a while, I found that my personal performance improved significantly when I brought it back into my strategy. I have a little ritual where I time my gameplay to a certain song, and I consistently perform better with the pet. Of course, it could just be my personal playstyle at play. I prefer an emphasis on fun in my builds over the numbers and dull,  yawn tests. If you're already using it,  you could experiment with not summoning the pet and see how it affects your gameplay. 

    Thank you this makes allot of sense.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Heatstroke said:



    Your welcome. Its been a fun build.. I had an Elec/Elec Blaster built as a sapper on live and I like this much better. I think it does a better job than my Elec/Elec Dom as far as sapping because it does it quicker. 

    Do you usually include volt sentinel? Is it worth it?

  10. 21 hours ago, Heatstroke said:



    I think you will find that people will tend to build things very different. Some people focus on defense. Some focus on more damage. I dont think you will find a build that is like a " benchmark" that everyone uses. 

    That being said if you are trying to make a Sentinel Build as a Sapper, There are several powers that I think are key to any build. 


    1) Short Circuit. This is the core. You aren't sapping much of anything without it.  Synapse Shock is a good IO for this power because it does damage and End Drain. 

    2) Ball Lightning a good targeted AoE that will drain some end and it is fast animating and fast recharging so you can use it often. 

    3)Power Sink in the secondary. Nice because it it drain A LOT of end and it is autohit. 

    Between those three in a cycle you should be able to keep a Mobs end Pretty much floored. The main reason for this is the "Shocked" proc which is trigger by Sentinels, Defenders and Corruptors using Electric Blast ( Blaster and Doms dont get this ). Its a chance to do additional damage and -recovery based on how little end the foe has. The less they have.. the more chance for the proc to trigger


    Mobs will not stop attacking because they have no end.. they will use their weaker, low endurance powers. An its pretty much impossible to drain an AV without several End Drain characters on the same team

    I focused on End Drain and Recharge. I also went with Elec Mastery to add the AoE Immobilize and Lightning Field for more end drain. 



    Amazing post thank you for everything fellow human!

  11. 11 hours ago, Meknomancer said:


    Its rare that anyone builds any AT the same way because nobody plays the game the same way. You don't specify what elec/elec you played on live, sentinels weren't available.

    Why would I need to specify some old build on live that is a blaster? Also there are only a few ways to make end draining effective why did you even interject here if you wherent going to share anything in the first place? Thanks  for nothing lol.

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  12. Just curious if most build them the same way or a little different i like being useful on teams and wanted to try this combo for the end draining properties, I did have an ele/ele back on live but thinking back I did not really like it, it was just my first 50 I am really enjoying it until I run into clockwork lol.


    Thanks all!

  13. On 3/11/2024 at 10:31 PM, TheMoncrief said:

    I've had a long and not particularly happy relationship with Blasters since live release back in the day. My first character was an Energy/Energy Blaster who never made it much past level 20, as the frailty of the AT just meant I had no fun playing. I tried various other builds, like AR/Dev and Fire/Fire, and always bounced, right up until live shut down.


    Which is to say, I've tried to play Blasters for a really long time. I could never make myself keep playing one. But I'm stubborn, or perhaps merely a slow learner, so when Homecoming opened up, Blasters were once more on the menu. The first one I made was a Water/Temporal Blaster, and after various struggles, I figured some stuff out, and actually started to have fun. Sometimes, anyway. But today I finally managed to get my Blaster - still only level 39, so not even at the cap much less incarnated out or anything - to feel fun and satisfying to play consistently.


    Not sharing a build, it's not anything special, just trying to grab Artillery and Thunderstrike sets so my Ranged Defense is enough to keep me alive while I Hover above and wash my enemies away. But to me it feels worth celebrating that the very first AT I played when CoH first went live and have consistently found unsatisfying until today is actually enjoyable for me.

    This was actually next in my list, I just wanted to enjoy my sent more first because I think I might end up liking this one better.

  14. On 6/11/2023 at 11:47 AM, ranagrande said:

    Diablo II:


    Amazon: Archery / Super Reflexes Sentinel

    Assassin: Claws / Ninjitsu Stalker

    Barbarian: Dual Blades / Invulnerability Brute

    Druid: Beast Mastery / Storm Summoning Mastermind

    Necromancer: Necromancy / Poison Mastermind

    Paladin: Shield / Broadsword Tanker

    Sorceress: Fire Blast / Cold Domination Corruptor

    How good is fire/cold on corrupter?

  15. 6 hours ago, Snokle said:


    Maybe from the first two, but Top Cow and other comics are extremely old from IIRC when it was just CoH, no CoV or Goldside around and some of the stuff was non-canonized. Especially anything that had old Praetoria in it would of been re-written.


    The two newer ones, I cannot say for certain; but I would be skeptical.

    Shrug these are all of the issues as far as I know as I clearly stated I do not have time to read them, skeptical of what? Lol those are not made from the server devs.

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