(Not sure if this is the right place to put this, so feel free to move it if needed!)
We miss The Paragon Times.
Newspapers and writing have been a favorite pastime for many years. Even graduated college with a communications major. We wanted to translate that to the world of City of Heroes. So say hello to THE PARAGON GAZETTE. A monthly newspaper with some quick in-game stories and worldbuilding. We also want to use this as a way to bring a spotlight to characters from ALL Homecoming Servers and shine some light on the community!
We look forward to bringing this to you every month, and we can’t wait for you all to read it! We’ve supplied a screenshot below of what the layouts will look like. [We blurred out the words since you gotta wait to read what I’m talking about!] It's currently being written and proofread in real time, so it should be out in mid-January, or even sooner if our team pushes the pedal to the metal!
Remember, there isn’t anyone like The Paragon Gazette!