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Posts posted by Takoa

  1. So essentially, for the defensive items, most likely, stick to 3 slots but look into sets that might be worth going beyond 3. I assume attacks its good to max since you might want recharge/accuracy/damage or other things like that, which would require more slots then. Hmm ok.. I'll have to go into a builder and see what this means for a character.


    Any tips for Street Justice? Or any ancillary powers that might be good to help WP or SJ?

  2. So its been a long long time since I have even thought about slot priorities and enhancement sets and ED problems when looking in to all of this.

    Would anyone happen to have a resource to help look into the priorities for slots and possible enhancement theory crafting for WP specifically, cause I think it then comes down to looking at what you have remaining to put into SJ after you've made sure you can't die to anything.


    I assume some pretty safe assumptions is, max slot every WP passive, as well as active defenses, but maybe not on the self resurrection, and I also remember throwing some taunt into Rise to the Challenge, but beyond that, I can't for the life of me remember anything else.

    In regards to SJ, if there are certain abilities (outside of the two AOE attacks that are no brainers for maxing slots on), is there anything in particular that should receive some slot love?

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