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Posts posted by CVigilante88

  1. I don't really find this origin funny...


    but I kinda appreciate it for what it is.  Honestly as a guy who was in an abusive relationship with an overbearing, demanding, physically, emotionally, gas lighting 90 lb woman who would do everything she can to get me to react physically just so if I do snap she can use it as leverage to control me more with police support (I'm not kidding, she even brags about this sort of thing to friends and I've seen her do it with other men...yes other men because she reduced me so low I didn't care who she saw or how much of a "real man" they were instead of me).


    It put me in a really dark, angry, resentful place.  It took me years to recover and be a strong, self assured individual again.  But honestly, I could see an abuse victim of a husband going completely to the dark side and taking out his anger on civilians.


    Also just to stop anyone there that attacks me for sharing my abuse story - no I'm not into that whole MGTOW crab, I have a loving an supportive partner now who is a strong capable woman, Yes I was a pathetic shell of a man who wasn't perfect then either but who is when they are abused?


    I also resent the fact that I know I have to put this disclaimer because some people will never believe what I went through.

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