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Posts posted by Nunother

  1. One of the most fun characters I have is my Storm Def, but I'm wondering if she would have been better as a Corr.  Does anyone have any feedback on playing both?


    This also made me start wondering are there sets that just make more sense to play on a Def and vice-versa on a Corr?  For example, I've read that Kin is better for a Corr to get the most out of the higher damage ceiling that the Corr has. 

  2. 1 hour ago, ScrewlooseCohh said:

    The Steel Canyon Safeguard mission (level 20-25) gives a ATT like temporary power with a much shorter recharge.  The power is temporary, but duration is based on active play time, so it can last you quite a while on a level basis.


    It is one that I always try to do.

    Thanks.  This is what I was looking for or if there are others like it.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Mikr2006 said:

    Hiyas there, welcome back first and foremost!


    The Assemble Team Power is bought from the Pay 2 Win vendor for what I think is 10 mill inf. These powers are permanent but have a moderate cool down. You also can buy from the P2W vendor summon team mates, Team mission teleport, base teleport, and self mission teleport powers. They all cost about between the range of 1 mil to 10 mil max but the powers are very helpful especially in Long TF/SFs like Dr Q where you need to travel long distances and other zones for quests! Enjoy!

    My first thought was a P2W power.  I looked again and I don't see a summon teammate other than the Assemble the Team power.  Are you talking about that one, or does the vendor offer another one?

    • Pizza (Pineapple) 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Frozen Burn said:


    It was most likely the Incandescence Incarnate ability that recharges in 2 mins.  You have to be lvl 50 with Destiny Incarnate unlocked for this ability. 

    Oh, hmmm.  I thought this was more of a Team Teleport power all this time (all move as one).  Not the Assemble Team type.  Thanks for the info.  

  5. Only thing I dislike about it is that Fade seems to give an annoying flickering graphic effect to everyone.  I don't remember it doing that on live though, so I wonder if it is just a bug or graphical glitch that I'm getting.  Not sure if anyone else has that issue with it?


    Even beyond that, in general it is another case of I wish there was a minimal graphic version that doesn't turn everyone in my team into looking like a wraith.  I'm not a fan of forcing such a big change on other people's looks (just like I didn't like turning everyone into an ice cube with /cold).


    I get the flicker as well.  My main issue is that it makes you look like you have some stealth when really you don't.  It has caused myself to think I could get closer to a mob...big mistake.  I wish it just did the eye effect and that was it. 

  6. I'm loving it overall. But if I had to pick one power to be the MVP, it's Soul Absorption. Well slotted it will keep your team healed and in end for the entire time. I use it a fair bit even on solo mobs like AVs, where the +end really outshines the +regen.


    It may be a little bit too powerful, if I'm honest.


    I used to LOVE Rad as a secondary, but my earth/dark is now my fav character.  Soul Absorption, from my experience, is better regen then Speed Boost or AM in terms of numbers.  I know that SB and AM both have additional benefits. 


    Power Boosted/Fade, Soul Absorption, a strong heal, extra pet (with a heal, and more -tohit)...the set is very strong and I'm loving it!

  7. Fade along with Shadowfall and Combat Jumping/Hover with APP/PPP Defense armor should be enough for you.


    Using Power Boost (Primal Forces) in conjunction with Fade will provide ~+10% Defense(all). You can also take the S/L Resist toggle on top of this. It's tough to justify taking a pool that only provides a marginally larger amount of S/L-only Defense.


    I didn't think Power Boost worked with any power that allows for +res?

  8. I've played all tank sets and I have never had issues keeping the mob's attention only on me.  Use the taunt power for those ranged guys that are hitting on your back line.  Use line-of-site to make the mobs come to you.  Once they are in melee range your taunt aura will handle the rest.  If you are playing with a tank make sure you give it a sec before using all of those AOEs.  I know it's fun to make the first hit, but it's more fun to have them all grouped and then use those AOEs.  When I play a tank, my taunt is the most used power, that thing is always on cooldown.  Nothing is more frustrating for me when I'm on a team than before the tank even runs in, the troller is throwing cages, let the tank group them up, then use your cages.  Once those mobs are caged near the tank, the blasters and scrappers can do their thing and unleash the beast!  As I tank, once the mobs are almost done I leave the team to start grouping up the next mob.  That way they are in place as the rest of the team is done with the last set of mobs. 

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