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Posts posted by FoneBot

  1. 2 hours ago, CometCometh said:


    Nope. I can give a list of the remembered nerfs specifically for my fire/ice tanker. I had dozens of characters, but don't remember all the nerfs and what I was capable of before. So previously upon release of the game the Fire branch for Tanker had Burn which would make a patch of fire on the ground and do massive dot damage. It was literally the first nerfed introduced to the game. They reduced the damage a tiny bit and added a fear effect to the enemies hit by burn so they would try to get out. To use burn after than you had to get provoke to counter the fear effect. Until the nerfed provoke to not override fear effects. I was also using Ice so I could drop an ice patch first to make enemies slip and then drop burn. So they couldn't get away with the fear because they were slipping. Then they nerfed the ice patch so that the slip effect check was less frequent. At one point the slip check only ever happened once per enemy. So they could slip once ever and never again. I think they reverted that a tad later because the power was basically unusable at that point. Then the damage from Burn continued to be nerf over and over and over. It started doing tickle damage at one point. 


    Let me put it this way, before all the major nerfs to Burn and Ice patch, I could literally pull an entire hazard zone 20+ levels above my character, jump into a dumpster to get the enemies to stack inside each other as they followed me in while jumping, and they would immediately start slipping and burning until death. Only the toughest bosses had a chance to escape or would take a long time to kill. Those weren't worth killing so I would move on to grabbing all the respawns instead. Again, that was probably too strong, but literally being able to take out hundreds of mobs in a few seconds was fun. My blasters couldn't do that, but they zoomed from group to group and literally 1 shot a group many levels above it as well. Basically many of the power sets, not all, had a massive AoE damage ability that could be used to 1 shot enemies 10+ levels above your current level. That was all nerfed into the ground at one point. I know some nerfs were lightened back up, and then some re-nerfed at some point. I know this because I came back one shortly before the game was closing. Got on my max level fire/ice tanker and tried to kill some mobs. Even a group that was 20 levels lower than me without bosses I couldn't kill with probably wasting a huge amount of time trying. I was wondering if the game was still in that state or not.

    Yeah Fire/ice was a super effective PL build back in the day and without respeccing it when you came back at the end of live it would have been completely gimped, you are correct. The big hit to that build was ED and I THINK burn had a ToHit check added where it had none previously. If it was anything like mine you only had burn and frozen fists to do damage with 😅

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  2. Hello!


    I am missing a character from my character select screen. I tried renaming the playerslot file and that did cause some other characters to reappear that I hadn't yet realized were missing but one is still missing. I tried search and checked all shards to ensure he hadn't moved somehow and I can still see him in the SG.

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