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Crux Reincarnate

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Posts posted by Crux Reincarnate

  1. It might be possible that the devs could implement a "Refuse all Incarnate Thread" buff at the P2W  vendor. Much like they have for Insps and recipes.


    Now it would be up to the player to cancel this buff before they join Itrials.


    If you disable XP at level 50 and used said buff, it would be pretty vanilla outside of the incarnate XP gain, as afaik you can't turn that off



    Everyone seems to be jumping the OP. But all they want is an option; they aren't asking for a global nerf. Noting wrong with options, so long as they don't take away a huge amount of dev time. Which brings me to the 'Standard Code Rant', as I have zero clue how tough such a change would be to implement xD


    This would totally be a serviceable slap patch. I can't stomach all the free rewards, and merely being able to opt out until I've earned the slots, or have fully IOed out and what to take it the next level would make a huge difference.

  2. @Jaguaratron


    You are correct! I knew that something was off about earning my Incarnate salvage, but it was threads - not shards (of which I only have 4). I am currently sitting on 272 Incarnate Threads and it was THREADS that you could not earn from normal enemies (according to: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Incarnate_Thread_Component )


    Thank you for the clarification, it's the threads that are dropping in excess. I opted out from level 50 content, so I'm sorry for getting the terms wrong. It's been ages since I actually invested in an Alpha Slot.




    Are you here for anything more than to argue that I'm wrong for not wanting to use the easy mode features? A button made to opt out from these features has no bearing on how you play at ALL. :P

  3. @Solvernia


    My problem isn't incarnate content. It's with the changes made to the system. I think I've already made my position very clear in that regard. Read what I've said and you should be able to understand why turning off XP - which I've done - has not solved this particular issue, and why this suggestion thread was made.

  4. Mace Mastery and Mu Mastery are pretty good and have super defined roles. Mu is for (mostly AoE) damage and locking enemies down, Mace is for utility and cool bane spider bonuses.


    Widow is a little more iffy, but works well with widows. Dark Obliteration rocks. Gloom is... okay. Strong, but y'know, single target ranged damage. Darkest Night is also okay. I do feel like it and Mako, in particular, could use some tweaking.


    Mako could even have some claw-based effects. Kind've like to Night Widows what Scorpion is to Banes. That would leave Ghost Widow available to tweak a little bit more towards the interest of Fortunatas. Maybe.


    It's tricky, because even if every powerset sucks, it'll still havei ts thematic fanbase.

  5. Just as a point, Incarnate Shards were earned from non-incarnate level 50 content back on live as well. Incarnet XP wasn't, but since actually unlocking the slots is pretty fast anyway that's not a major issue.


    I looked this up and you're totally right. Incarnate shards were enabled to drop from any non-grey enemy in 2011. The drop rate seems significantly increased as compared to vanilla, however. My Bane Spider is sitting on something akin to 200 shards after a pair of ITFs, which does not seem remotely consistent with the math on https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Incarnate_Shard_Component


    It is somewhat stomach churning to be given so much for free. An option to halve drop rates seems absurd on its face. Maybe I should just be the annoying guy picketing for the old Incarnate System.


    That or play exclusively on the I24 server. =P

  6. you don't have to use the shards you get through non-incarnate content if you don't want to


    also if you disable XP you do not earn XP even at level 50, which is what gives you the veteran levels you don't want


    I don't want to micromanage my shards and manually add or deduct them based on the value I've collected through Incarnate trials. Nor do I want to have to refer to graphs to inform me when I have or have not earned my next slot. I've avoided playing level 50s because it is the only 100% certain way to avoid Veteran rewards and the easy incarnate rewards system that is tied to it.


    This is a suggestion for people like me who do not want to participate in the easy incarnate system. Not a suggestion to include a salvage/experience micromanagement mini game. Assuming this fix is as simple as creating a switch to disable the new system, I think this could be a good alternative until(if?) the system is retuned later.

  7. For the 'purists' among us, it can feel awkward to be slowly dolled out access to our incarnate abilities once we hit level 50. As someone who really enjoys the challenge of earning what they use in a game, it can quickly feel like I'm playing with cheat codes as I am gifted Incarnate Thread after Incarnate Thread for beating on hellions with somebody on my friends list.


    Completely glossing over the discussion of easy mode and the effects on the level 50 scene, which I'm sure merits discussion (but I'm personally not super interested in), I'm sure there's a handful of us who would really enjoy an option to disable all the rewards we are served merely for continuing to play once we hit level 50. Is there any chance we can get an option to turn off Veteran Levels and Incarnate Thread/slot experience gain from non-Incarnate content?







    In light of the responses below, I should note that turning off XP does not disable Incarnate XP and Incarnate Thread gain outside of Incarnate Trials/Dark Astoria - only the Veteran Levels, themselves. This suggestion pertains not simply to disabling Incarnate slots and abilities, but is rather a suggestion to enable an option that allows players such as myself to earn them the way the game intended them to be earned.


    Yes, we can manually delete salvage and try to keep track of how much progress we've made on our Incarnate Slots, but it can get tedious. Especially if you have multiple characters. An option to play Incarnate content in a more vanilla format would be something I would hugely appreciate.


    I also confused Incarnate Shards with Incarnate Threads for the first page of this discussion thread. Please read all references to Incarnate Shards as Incarnate Threads. Sorry for the confusion. :P

  8. The only time the game is actually balanced around fighting +4 enemies is in incarnate trials, and Supremacy already grants incarnate shifts to henchman during trials to make them at least 50. Outside of that, being able to fight all-purple enemies is not an intended feature of the game, just a bonus for powerfully-built characters.


    I find the concept of Masterminds being the sole class unallowed to fight +4s on even footing to be a quality of life issue. I never really thought of it as a possible debate. What legitimate cause is there to deny the MM class from doing what any other class theoretically can? The idea that MMs just shouldn't be allowed? :P


    If it's a bonus for powerfully built classes, then MMs should be able to achieve that same bonus, the same as any other archetype. Whether farming alone or playing with friends, I feel like a Mastermind should be able to contribute in the same way that another archetype does. Do you disagree?


    Being able to fight +4s is not an explicit goal of any class or build combination. If they can? Great. If they can't, they weren't intended to anyway.


    +4 was not a feature when the game was released. The Mastermind was overlooked, not specifically designed to be inferior at certain difficulty levels - hence the QoL suggestion. :P


    Note that, again, this is not me asking for a buff. Rather, I am asking for minions to be allowed to do damage to the same foes the Mastermind can do damage to. You wouldn't be cheating. You would simply be allowed to participate.

  9. The only time the game is actually balanced around fighting +4 enemies is in incarnate trials, and Supremacy already grants incarnate shifts to henchman during trials to make them at least 50. Outside of that, being able to fight all-purple enemies is not an intended feature of the game, just a bonus for powerfully-built characters.


    I find the concept of Masterminds being the sole class unallowed to fight +4s on even footing to be a quality of life issue. I never really thought of it as a possible debate. What legitimate cause is there to deny the MM class from doing what any other class theoretically can? The idea that MMs just shouldn't be allowed? :P


    If it's a bonus for powerfully built classes, then MMs should be able to achieve that same bonus, the same as any other archetype. Whether farming alone or playing with friends, I feel like a Mastermind should be able to contribute in the same way that another archetype does. Do you disagree?

  10. I'd be pretty keen on something like this, sure. But given the option, I would prefer a version with a nerfed AE, and a more vanilla approach to merits, incarnates and rewards across the table.


    I still think boss farms should be a thing for particularly efficient teams (as they're fun :P), but am of the camp that rewards should only be fractionally better than standard mission content. Especially with Incarnate powers being a thing.

  11. Is farming bad when Masterminds try to do it?


    As a mastermind, your damage is nerfed at a rate much higher than other ATs. It's not balanced. I've also never seen a MM farm a x8+4 on their own and challenge your contention. +7 enemies will one shot your henchmen. It doesn't strike me as physically possible to do at any rate that makes it worthwhile.


    This is not something that can be solved by trying hard or playing better. You are mechanically gated at a rate that no other AT is gated at. Imagine a brute's most efficient damaging powers working at a 10% efficiency. This is the issue I am propsing a solution to. Not a buff - just a negation of the mechanical gate that prevents you t2s and t3s from damaging +3, 4 and 5 enemies like they should.

  12. That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.

    Don't characters at the level cap earn "double inf" anyway since they already aren't earning XP? This shouldn't affect them one way or the other.


    Yuppers, I've seen a few guys exploiting that system with lvl 49 characters. The recipe intake alone is super ridiculous. There's no doubt that the economy is going to become 100 million inamy recipes within a month or so.


    To Mjolnerd: I already addressed your question about inflation. Let's not spam this up. I'm gonna stop now.

  13. Let low level henchmen treat enemies as +4, maximum, up to a 7 level disadvantage. Since your weakest henchmen are two levels below you, they will routinely be coming across +7 enemies in high difficulty farms, putting them at a crippling disadvantage that other ATs simply don't have to contend with.


    By allowing them to do damage to foes at a consistent level disadvantage cap, they can remain much more relevant as you tackle higher difficulty missions. I think this small change, if possible to implement, could dramatically improve the MM Archetype's quality of life.

  14. That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.


    If that were true, they wouldn't've seeded the market with cheap salvage.


    I'm anti-inflation, but let's not pretend that the easy xp and incarnate powers and merits and salvage don't contribute to that in spades already.



    Seeding the market keeps the maximum price of salvage down, thus reducing inflation. Easier and greater access to IO recipes outside the market means that the richest players can't monopolize market access to them with high prices, thus reducing inflation.


    That doesn't make any sense at all. :P

    The money's still there. Recipes will be more expensive in the long term, but salvage - which any low level can get their hands on - remains at a fixed rate. There is no conceivable way this could reduce inflation. =P


    That said, I'm not here to argue. But I don't think anti-inflation has been a top priority movign forward. Level 50 farms are more productive than ever.

  15. That's just gonna make it easier for level-capped farmers to generate more inf, and I think they want to avoid inflation on the market.


    If that were true, they wouldn't've seeded the market with cheap salvage.


    I'm anti-inflation, but let's not pretend that the easy xp and incarnate powers and merits and salvage don't contribute to that in spades already.

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