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Posts posted by Willowe

  1. I wasn't on facebook the past month and randomly saw something from CoH Survivors come up on my fed. I was just perusing the page when I read that this all happened. I was so excited I called my mother immediately (even though she didn't answer...womp womp). See, my mother and I used to play when I was a teen, and when I moved out of state, it was a way we could still play video games together. This place is home, and even playing it the last couple of days, it still seems unreal. When she was finally available to talk (hours later with me stewing in my excitement), all I said was, it's back, it's back online," to which she responded, '"you're lying, no way!?" She knew exactly what I was talking about without me even saying it. That is what that game meant to us, and we're beyond thankful it's here again. Thank you.

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