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Posts posted by MrRetsej

  1. First, thank all of you folks for making this happen. It's been wonderful to play this again after so long. I was wondering if you would be able to add a slower XP progression option though.


    One thing I noticed while playing was that it felt like I was leveling far too fast, even at the 100% XP rate. Although it is nice to have the option to speed through levels, and the Flashback system allows for playing any missed content, I don't feel I get to really have that visceral connection with a zone as I play through it, which was something I loved back in Issue 0-8.

    I would appreciate a Pay2Win option that allowed for a 75% or even 50% XP rate, allowing for even greater control of how fast or slow I want to level a particular toon.


    Also, I only just learned that Homecoming was a thing two days ago and have been trying my hardest to both enjoy the content but also earn enough merit rewards to get back my old Anniversary badges. Would you consider bringing Luna back after this Month? At the very least, perhaps annually to allow for future opportunities to get those badges?

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