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Posts posted by JustaGuy

  1. Hung around Virtue for a (long) while back in the day even if I left a shade before the end. You might know me from Erazor, Neural Overload, Cherry Nobyl, and a few others that escape me at the moment. Long time participant in Fight Nights at the Golden Giza, and if you ever found yourself in Siren's or the 'burg there was a good chance I was there or had just left.


    All the best folks, and happy trails

  2. Was part of a large group that liked a particular game. Was told over and over again it's dead, let it go.


    Turns out it was a lie, and a pattern of psychological abuse, for anyone questioning the 'official' narrative for well over half a decade.


    Now I wonder about the complete lack of care over having multiple public facing servers with several thousand players, growing everyday, and how if all this is so illegal, why doesn't anyone discuss anything other than 'tainted' char db (that will never see the light of day and isnt being used by anyone at all, no sir)?


    It seems extremely odd to have a group so paranoid they'd make alice in wonderland's queen of hearts blush would be so nonchalant about it, and i cant help but wonder what might be up several sleeves...


    But, y'know, that's just my perception.


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