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Posts posted by Mandrake

  1. What we cannot conclude is that have been transparent enough in this one area (of how they are set up).  Any as long as they are accepting money from people for any reason, they should be clear about where the money is going and to whom.


    If you aren't going to give them a few weeks to get lined out, I don't know what to tell you. I'm not Trashing anyone for questioning something - I am pointing out when people make ASSUMPTIONS and point them out as a FACT LIST, that they have not researched enough.


    Fact: You have got your panties in a wad, and you have not researched Delaware well enough.

    Fact: You can setup and operate a LLC much faster in Delaware compared to a non-profit. Lookup any number of case histories. It is better to setup a LLC, while you wait for your non-Profit to get setup, approved, and instated. Regardless if you are in a state that you can convert it, or file for a separate entity (which is always better)

    Fact: You are conflating the online registration service of an agent-service to the state itself, which does not apply to both types of business models.

    Side note: Every single accountant I know, might recommend Delaware for a LLC, but STRONGLY recommend against it for a Non-Profit. for the very reason you must obtain *and retain* a registered agent for the state, and you will pile up costs you would not otherwise have. You should file in the main state of operations. Or a friendly state that does not require an extra Certificate of Authority that costs you more than your initial filing!

    Fact: In short - LLC in Delaware for the most part, with a couple of exceptions - great. Non-profits in Delaware - terrible idea compared to a good 20 other states.

    Fact: Get over it already. Nobody is trashing anyone - but if you're going to keep on the hype train, other people will point out the factual differences from what you are espousing.


    I get it, the conspiracy theorists are always worried. They haven't been 1000% as transparent as everyone wants them to be because quite simply, who'da thunk it? While they try to get it all lined out.


    Anyone who STOPS the donations, rather than let them keep piling in with half-assed promises to keep them for later use? They've got a long way to go for me before I start hanging them up on the conspiracy line. Whatever floats your boat. I'm done with any commentary here. Believe what you want - I've provided way more information here for free than I would during a normal initial consultation. Best of luck!


    Thanks to the devs and admins who got this going and I'm sorry you have to put up with this stuff while you get it all sorted. I know how much of a pain in the ass it is because I have to setup and dissolve these sorts of small businesses all day every day, and deal with all the different state bologna that goes along with the federal mandates. I rarely even take non-profits because of the hoops. 


    Take care all,


  2. Yes but how do you know that. Their still running under an LLC which is for profit legally. Non-Profit are simple to make in delware. As far as I'm aware you can use an automate process to do so.


    They've already addressed this several times over. They set it up temporarily as an LLC, because it takes time to then get approved as a 501(c or sub-whatever is best) non-profit. You have to start there. Otherwise you're in limbo for as long as a few months, hopefully just weeks. That at least separates it from one individual just waiting in the wings, which could be taken as much more suspicious than an LLC that has paperwork filed for non-profit.


    Being a registrar - I don't know who you've been talking to in Delaware, but just look it up on any website if you don't believe me... Delaware doesn’t allow individuals to file the certificate of incorporation online, and it can take several weeks for the state to respond. Delaware is one of only several states that REQUIRE you to use and MAINTAIN a registered agent. Shorthand: Delaware requires you to use a lobbied group of people that want your money first, and on a continuing basis to even get a non-profit going. If you want one setup super fast, well then sure - you can spend an extra $1000.00 the last time I checked, and get it in a few days instead of weeks. Not something I think these people should have to do.


    Honestly though, can we just play the game? If you are suspicious, don't like something, etc. - then just don't play it. Am I missing something somewhere?






  3. Not legal =! illegal. We're in more of a grey area.


    I'm going to come out of lurking to say this.


    Uh.. What? Please elaborate.


    Not Legal / Unlawful is basically something not expressly authorized in a legal sense. Illegal means an actual criminal statute specifically applies, and is in obvious malice contrast.


    In essence, they're running an open server on code that was either found or given, that everyone running the game has assumed to have purchased at some point in time. They are not charging any fees, and are not making a profit on the property - so they are in a grey area which would be difficult to pursue, specifically where they moved the servers to.


    I couldn't tell you the legaleze of Canada, but that's the basic assumptions from what I can gather.

  4. So it says nothing you couldn't get away with on live, so what about copy characters, cause I've seen atleast 20 captain americas and hulks in just the past week.


    It would fall under their indemnification clause. They are only just now getting everything stabilized, and they don't have a large 24/7 staff to departmentalize into each little thing that needs attention at all times. At least not at the moment. So I would imagine you're going to keep seeing a lot of things in-game that aren't "up to par" with your accusations, however they have to set the guidelines so that they will be able to enforce them as they are able to do so.


    Try herding 100,000 cats with a skeleton crew. It will take a while to get it all leveled out. That's about it really. My 2 cents anyway. I know what it takes to run servers like these... it's a bit of insanity with a cherry on top to keep you interested :)

  5. I played a LOT back in the day. I'm dead smack in the middle of the USA in Missouri. I played on both US and UK servers to play with friends. I visited some friends in Finland and we played several Leagues (multiple teams combined for the newbies out there) with my buds back in the US in FW and such without any issues beyond normal issues that are unavoidable in CoH just due to its architecture... like invasions and everything else which just makes it hliariously fun - so many effects and entities popping off, combined with everyone being sidekicked up or down / all the mobs adjusting for every player... it's insanity on steroids and just fun x infinity.


    Seriously, just relax already. Other than Canadians themselves... we're all going to have the same fun experience we've always had, and not really notice much change. Canuks might notice a LITTLE bit during high server loads. Although that's even debatable.


    I had a lan party last weekend with some friends, and their friends (I have Verizon wireless internet. Figured out I can't host an internet server) - we had about 30+ people going on my 48 port switch in the basement. Had to bring out all the tables. I got the i25 server from the Ouro site up and running.


    Even on a local LAN, with the Halloween event running, we would get a bit of sliding / rubber banding on some machines when we were all fighting a zombie spawn, or one of the spook banners (damn I can't remember what they're called. haha). I forgot how much fun door knocks were in big teams :)


    So, TL;DR - relax. It'll be ok :D


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