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Posts posted by Savantir

  1. The Brickstown Conspiracy [A City of Dread Story]

    Official Release


    • A mysterious prisoner has broken out of the Ziggurat to speak with you. Will you uncover the heinous crimes and put an end to the mastermind behind them?
    • Spoiler
      • Heroic story, following the player character's first assignment as a member of The Veiled.
    • Five missions, with an intriguing narrative that has a beginning and an end.
    • Three Elite Bosses, two of which you must defeat without an NPC ally. 
    • Takes place after the events of the City of Dread saga, Priscilla's Behest, HoHL, and T&T.


    Thank you for playing City of Dread, The Complete Saga, Priscilla's Behest, HoHL, T&T, and The Brickstown Conspiracy.

  2. 8 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

    This post breaks my heart as Dom Hurl Boulder is literally the fastest example of this power in the game, compared to SS's Hurl and Stone's version of Hurl Boulder

    I actually did not know it was the fastest. Interesting. Still seems slow to me.


    Edit: I think part of me is a bit spoiled since my first dominator was Plant/Fiery, and Fiery Assault's damage is not only fast to cast but incredibly hard hitting. Perhaps I need to get out of that head space where I want every dominator secondary to be as good as Fiery. 

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  3. Ran into a rather annoying bug today. I checked my published AE arcs and on multiple occasions, there are enemy groups that are listed to be in the arc but aren't and then the correct enemy groups aren't listed at all. For example, in my arc #10860, Void Hunters and Shivans are listed despite never being used but Arachnos and Longbow are missing despite actually being in the arc. In my arc #42618, Wailers are listed incorrectly, but Arachnoids are missing completely. There are many more like this, but just wanted to give a few examples. Thanks.

  4. On 6/12/2022 at 5:44 AM, xenonlights said:

    Custom group in later episodes was great, well-designed too.

    Their powersets went through a lot of trial and error because I wanted a variety that was perfect. The costumes were an absolute blast to create, I kept having ideas one after the other then I had the whole group envisioned quite fast. For the final trilogy, I know I needed to go the extra mile, so that's why there's not only a custom group, but many arch-villains as well. 

  5. On 6/3/2022 at 7:41 PM, DanofEarth said:

    I really dislike the level changes. 42 to 50, then down to 26 randomly in Episode 2. Not sure what that's about. Still progressing through it.

    I've already explained the reasoning behind this, I replied to you on Reddit. For those wondering here on the forums, the level shifts are due to the limitations that Architect Entertainment has, but if you're reading dialogue then I provide a story explanation when you're scaled down. Thank you.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, capricorpse said:

    Do you think it's better to do these as an Incarnate with fragile lowbies tagging along, or as a lower-level team?

    The real difficulty spike is the last trilogy because it has many AVs, but if you toy with the notoriety settings then you should be able to do the entire saga with both examples you gave me. Whichever you decide, I am excited that you are excited. I hope you have fun and enjoy the story!

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  7. My Architect Entertainment saga titled City of Dread is a nine-episode adventure with a total of 45 unique quests to complete, handfuls of unique custom characters to team with or defeat, and compelling stories from beginning to end. Since the release of City of Dread, The Complete Saga, I've released four spin-offs titled Priscilla's BehestThe Heist of Han LiuTrials & Tales, and The Brickstown Conspiracy.


    Clues, NPC dialogue, ally/boss descriptions, and everything in-between always ties the story together. I highly suggest making a new "Story" tab in your chat window specifically for Cutscene Captions and NPC Dialogue. This is very important, as it will make sure you don't miss out on anything that progresses the story and character development.


    I've personally tested every mission. I provide NPC allies when necessary, but I recommend being a well-slotted level 50 if you wish to complete the saga and its spin-offs with few road bumps. If you do decide to play through the saga and its spin-offs, then I thank you. I'm honored to provide content created by a lifelong fan. To find the arcs in-game, search the arc ID, City of Dread, or Savantir.


    If you are stuck, you may always lower the difficulty. Difficulty recommendations and arc IDs are listed below.


    Difficulty, Author's Recommendation

    Level 50, Solo, Incarnate, +2x3

    Level 50, Solo, No Incarnate, +1x2

    Level 50, Duo, Incarnate, +3x4

    Level 50, Duo, No Incarnate, +2x3


    City of Dread and Spin-offs


    Episode 1 Arc ID: #10860

    Episode 2 Arc ID: #11104

    Episode 3 Arc ID: #11332

    Episode 4 Arc ID: #42551

    Episode 5 Arc ID: #42618

    Episode 6 Arc ID: #42715

    Episode 7 Arc ID: #49533

    Episode 8 Arc ID: #49675

    Episode 9 Arc ID: #49732

    Priscilla's Behest Arc ID: #54075

    The Heist of Han Liu Arc ID: #55937

    Trials & Tales Arc ID: #56009

    The Brickstown Conspiracy Arc ID: #62250



    The Brickstown Conspiracy [A City of Dread Story]

    Official Release


    • A mysterious prisoner has broken out of the Ziggurat to speak with you. Will you uncover the heinous crimes and put an end to the mastermind behind them?
    • Spoiler
      • Heroic story, following the player character's first assignment as a member of The Veiled.
    • Five missions, with an intriguing narrative that has a beginning and an end.
    • Three Elite Bosses, two of which you must defeat without an NPC ally. 
    • Takes place after the events of the City of Dread saga, Priscilla's Behest, HoHL, and T&T.


    Thank you for playing City of Dread, The Complete Saga, Priscilla's Behest, HoHL, T&T, and The Brickstown Conspiracy.

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  8. 13 hours ago, Replacement said:

    More importantly - It turns out Thunder Strike is using the same 2.533s cast time as Total Focus, etc.

    Are you sure this is true? After double checking in character creation and in-game, Total Focus is marked as having a 2.53s activation/cast time, but both Thunder Strike and Incandescent Strike are marked as still having the 3.30s activation/cast time. Even if they forgot to edit the info, after personally testing each power in-game, Total Focus is noticeably faster than both Thunder and Incandescent Strike. 

  9. Thought I'd make a forum post about this for people to discuss. Not entirely sure if it's been mentioned before, but the cast times for Thunder Strike in Electric Melee and Incandescent Strike for Peacebringers is still ridiculously slow and a bit depressing when it either misses or the target dies before you hit. Total Focus for Energy was sped up for every archetype and it's the sole reason I made an Energy Melee Stalker! I'd love to see Thunder/Incandescent Strike sped up as well. What do you all think? 🙂

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  10. Hello everyone! I'm very excited to announce that I have finished the second trilogy of my saga, The City of Dread. Along with the release of the second trilogy, I've also added new/extra dialogue to the first trilogy. I highly suggest playing through Episodes 1-3 before moving onto Episodes 4-6 😄 Few things I should note here for people who are interested, I have thoroughly tested every mission in every episode with a level 50 dominator and a level 50 brute without using any incarnates! I suggest being at least level 40+ and decently slotted because some fights may be a challenge. If you're looking to make the world feel more lived in and deliver a greater challenge, use your notoriety settings to kick it up a notch!


    Clues, NPC dialogue, ally/boss descriptions, and everything in-between ties the story together from the start of the first episode all the way to the end of the second trilogy, so I suggest making a new "Story" tab in your chat window specifically for Cutscene Captions and NPC Dialogue. This will make sure you don't miss out on anything, and don't forget to read the clues and things! 😜


    All details for Episodes 1-6 will be listed below, but just a heads up- the first trilogy and second trilogy were two years apart IRL so I probably won't start working on the last/third trilogy until either the end of this year or the start of next year. My creative juices need time to build up again! To find The City of Dread episodes in-game, you may search the arc ID or my global name which is Savantir07


    Episode 1 Arc ID: #10860


    Episode 2 Arc ID: #11104


    Episode 3 Arc ID: #11332


    Episode 4 Arc ID: #42551


    Episode 5 Arc ID: #42618


    Episode 6 Arc ID: #42715



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  11. If anyone’s following this post:


    Fixed multiple spelling and grammar mistakes throughout all three parts.


    Fixed multiple groups having the default animation throughout all three parts.


    Fixed a bug that gave Detective Nycto green pants.


    Fixed a bug where Detective Thomas Jae would run up and try to hug enemies.


    Archon Demetrius will now spawn as you’re escorting Detective Thomas Jae.


    Added a new(ish) group to the third mission of part two. Custom made level 45+ Gold Brickers.


    Special Agent Wilem’s backup shall now spawn when he is half health instead of one fourth.


    Tweaked the colour of the suit that the contact is wearing in part three.


    Added two extra bosses in mission two of part three.


    Added an ally for mission five of part three along with multiple new ambushes and dialogue.

  12. The final drafts of all three parts of The City of Dread have finally been released to the mass public. I have worked for countless hours on this trilogy to give the player the finest experience! Without spoiling anything, all three parts have a different goal that must be achieved by the final mission, but everything's connected from the start to the finish so continuity is not absent. Dialogue and clues are very important throughout this trilogy and I suggest you read everything to properly understand the storyline. Below this paragraph will be a bunch of details regarding each part! If you have suggestion and feedback, please email me on the Excelsior shard to the global @Savantir07 🙂 Have fun!!! 🙂


    The City of Dread [Part One]

    Arc ID: 10860

    Enemy Groups: Malta Operatives, Crazed, Council, Arachnos, Longbow

    Description: Embark on a journey to unveil the mystery. Figure out who is behind everything, test your limits, and do what you have to in order to save the world. This part of the story is only the beginning...


    The City of Dread [Part Two]

    Arc ID: 11104

    Enemy Groups: Family, Crey, Council, Arachnos, Custom Group

    Description: Continue the journey to cripple the ** Spoiler ** and ensure the safety of Rhode Island. Test your limits again with new allies, new enemies, and a whole lot of kickass! This story continues...


    The City of Dread [Part Three]

    Arc ID: 11332

    Enemy Groups: Devouring Earth, Ghosts, Reflections, Talons of Vengeance, Snakes

    Description: The ** Spoiler ** has detonated, and Paragon City is under dire threat. You must be Paragon's Hero, you must finish the journey and destroy all those who threaten the world! (First mission has a defeat all task, have fun and be patient. Final boss in the fourth mission is tough! Be prepared.)

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