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Posts posted by Team7

  1. 4 hours ago, 5099y_74c05 said:

    Your power selection and slotting will vary for teaming, solo and IO set builds. I am going to assume you will be teaming primarily. Power selection may look like this:



    • Stone Prison: Take for a fluid attack chain at low levels; you can skip it if you take a Ancilliary power pool substitute or you don't need an attack chain
    • Fossilize: Take
    • Stone Cages: Take. Recommend slotting an End Redux to preserve endurance. One Acc one End Redux
    • Quicksand: Optional. A good single slot power. Wont break or make your build if skip it or take it. Can be used as a -DEF debuff in addition to being a control (area of denial)
    • Salt Crystals: Skip. Earth has an abundance of control.
    • Stalagmites: Take.
    • Earthquake: Take. Good with minimal slotting. One to three Recharge
    • Volcanic Gasses: Take.
    • Animate Stone: Take.

    Unless specified above, for SOs you will want to five slot all of your powers with One Acc, Two to three Control, Two to three Recharge. Mr. Poo get two Acc and three Damage.


    Thermal Rad.:

    • Warmth: Manditory. Up to five slots two to three Heal, two to three Rech
    • Thermal Shield: Take. Recommend two to three slot with +RES
    • Cauterize: Take. Up to five slots two to three Heal, two to three Rech
    • Plasma Shield: Take. Recommend two to three slot with +RES
    • PofF: Rez. Utility on teams. Minimal slotting
    • Thaw: Mez breaker/prevention. Utility on teams. Minimal slotting
    • Forge: Take. +20% ToHit +40% Dmg buff.
    • Heat Exhaustion: Take. Recommend five slots. Two Accuracy and three recharge
    • Melt Armor. Take Same as above. You can also slot the -Res Proc in this.

    I may have over committed slots and left you slot starved for your Epic/Ancillary power pools; you can adjust your slotting needs accordingly, the above is just a rough guideline to consider if you are new to the sets. Later on if you commit to IOs you can build for +Rech bonuses to maximize your power uptime across the board, come back to the forums when you want to discuss such a IO set strategy or any other specialized builds.


    Order of battle recommendations:




    Prebattle buff everyone up with the two Shields. You can reasonably keep Forge on two to three targets; four+ on high recharge builds. Priority to damage dealing ATs. Top off any damaged teammates.


    Earth/ is top tier when it comes to control of the battle space. It has a few area (of denial) controls which are also persistent. You can easily lock down two groups with ease, three or more depending on your global recharge. Earthquake and Stalagmites are my go to openers. EQ while breaking line of sight (LoS) is a good opener if a tank type isn't available. You can also drop Mr. Poo/Stoney into the fray if you need an alpha breaker; he is pretty tough. If you picked up Quicksand, you can also cast this out of LoS and use it as a clustering tool.


    You can reserve your debuffs for hard targets. Mend teammates as needed. Reapply buffs and control


    Thank you.  I did forget to mention that it is for team play.  This will definitely make me better.


  2. 16 hours ago, Ball 01-10 said:

    If however you’re like me, dual blades works great. I organise my attack icons so I can easily chain them together for the specials, as long as they hit it’s easy to get the specials to fire off. Because they’re so fast (especially if you three slot hasten and have it on auto), the combos are practically constant. I think DB’s strength comes from the speed of the attacks.

    Can you share you attack chain?

  3. Hey everyone, loving the game so far.  I just hit level 47 on my Brute and I know that he could have a better build than what I have made for him when I hit 50.  I'm on a Mac so I don't have access to a Hero Planner so I was hoping someone could make a nice build for me.  I use leaping as my travel power because that fits his style and I would like to take it at an earlier level since I tend to go back and do lower level missions.  Any help would be great.

  4. Failed to install Homebrew


    I loaded Island Rum and I get a message that Homebrew failed to install and to install it manually.  I paste the code into Terminal and it gets to  point where it asks for a password.  I don't require a password to log into my computer and I have tried a password that I would have used IF i used one, but I still get the incorrect password results.  Am I missing something here?

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