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Posts posted by Dyzalot

  1. Exactly. A controller might take longer to defeat enemies, but they can do so in absolute safety. Defenders do lower damage then the main 'damage dealer' archtypes, but again tend to be completely safe. How is that not 'solo friendly'?


    Okay, so sonic or force field doesn't have as many tools to aid the soloing defender. But even they can handle greater odds then in other contemporary MMOs like Everquest 1 or 2.


    When I'm playing WoW my 'tank' build characters can handle 1 or 2 enemies at a time. Maybe 3 depending on what type it is and what class I'm playing. But if it's an Elite enemy, then I'll struggle to defeat a single one without backup. Doesn't matter my level, if the Elite mob is conning white and I don't have a tanky pet to hold it's agro I'm probably going to die while trying to fight it. And if I do have a tanky pet, I'll be having to heal that pet quite a lot during the attempt.


    Conversely in City of Heroes once I get to SO enhancement levels my characters are generally capable of handling 5-10 enemies at a time, at least. Multiple bosses at the same time? Yeah, that's doable. By the way, bosses feel about on par with Elite 'trash' mobs in WoW for power. Is that an Elite Boss? Hmm, I think I just might be able to take them. And if not, just load up on consumables and try again. Probably with more success. Elite Bosses would be the equivalent of the 'end boss' for a typical WOW dungeon. While Archvillains would be the equivalent of a Raid Boss.


    I've never heard of anyone in WoW soloing a raid boss without having massively out leveled said raid. Let alone soloing dungeons without having first outl eveled the dungeon.


    Now I am confused. You've gone from saying CoH isn't solo friendly to sounding like you're arguing that it is...


    And not being able to tank raid bosses or large packs solo doesn't make a game "not solo friendly" either. Solo friendly just means that you can level and quest at a reasonable rate solo. WoW had that from day one. And, in recent years, has changed a LOT from what you described. Still can't solo raid bosses you haven't massively outleveled, but it's often a simple matter to solo multiple enemies.


    Everquest, that was not solo friendly save for a couple classes. Soloing even one mob at a time was a time consuming struggle for most classes.


    Wrong eq had quite a few solo classes and you can solo about the same pace with unsolo friendly classes, but it was better to team just like cox, you prove to me you can solo better then eq1 with a force field/radiation defender with a video if you believe this so much.


    The bolded is about as wrong as you can get.  I'm a long time EQ player here, playing as recently as a few months ago when they opened their latest "classic" server.  There are a small few classes that can solo well in EQ.  Most classes can't solo past level 10 or so unless you count killing one mob and then resting for ten minutes between each kill as "soloing".  And that would be with a class like a warrior, the basic tank.  I played mostly rogues.  They were probably the most unfriendly soloing class.  Just to give you an idea, at lvl 40, my rogue would have trouble soloing single spawns that were normal mobs 5-8 levels lower than me.  By the time you reach 50 as a rogue, soloing anything that gives xp, which would be about ten levels below you, is near impossible.  Everquest was easily the least solo friendly of any MMO I ever played.  And, for whatever reason, it is still my favorite.  People talk about the community here and it is similar to how EQ players today talk about their communities.  Also I think that because both EQ and CoH have slower combat, it lends itself to more chatter when grouping/teaming.  There isn't time to type comments out if you have to constantly be doing other things on your keyboard. But here and especially in EQ, there isn't a lot of "button management" required compared to newer MMOs and I think that is one of the reasons why those communities seem friendlier or at least more engaging.  Even though I mostly solo here in CoH, I find the experience of the game itself and the helpfulness of the community to be the most similar I ever found to what I loved about EQ back in the day.

  2. Just for clarity


    2 accounts/2 computers <> Multiboxing - that's called having multiple users in the same location (gaming time is family time)

    2 accounts/1 computer = Multiboxing


    That's not true since a "box" = "computer".  One person running two accounts or more over more than one "box" is multiboxing.  One person running multiple accounts on one computer is multiaccounting. 

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