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Posts posted by Lobstar

  1. For Floyd “Castle” Grubb:

    Can you tell us some about the various challenges encountered by the powers team as they developed things like zone pvp, arena pvp and the short lived base-raiding pvp?

    (Follow up question, is it true that the fiercest pvp was typically on the forums?)

    For anyone:

    What is that one thing that you really, really wanted to finish developing for the game but ended up not working out in the long run?


    For anyone:

    Do you have a favorite old school in-game memory that you wouldn’t mind sharing with us?

    For anyone:

    Who created the original, too-small-to-navigate-with-a-team, blue cave maps and why were they so angry that day?

    (Kidding, all in good fun, nothing but love for the OG Devs 🙂)

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  2. 1 hour ago, Shenanigunner said:

    You can eliminate the animation from the player POV with the suppress FX controls. I never used these until I built a Kheld a few months ago, and got tired of my view being blanked out and kinda blinding for several seconds.


    The FX are fine from other-player perspective and a distance, just not alla up in your own UI.


    /SuppressCloseFX 1 will turn on the suppression (turn off the FX); use 0 to turn them back on.

    /SuppressCloseFXDist [feet] sets the distance at which FX are allowed.


    If you set the latter to, say, 20 feet, and turn the feature on with the first command, you will not see your own FX within a camera distance of 20 feet, but will see them from further back. Experiment until you find a distance where the FX are tolerable to see (or set it very high, say 300, to completely suppress them.)


    I can toss up a couple of useful binds if anyone wants them.

    Hey, thanks for that Shenanigunner, I'll give it a shot.  Never did notice a change when I tried using the menu options to suppressFX.  

  3. If you play a kheldian for any reasonable amount of time you probably have ended up fighting your camera as much as the mobs while transforming to Nova or Dwarf form.  (Please see the attached video.)


    Not sure what would be the easier fix, shortening the wispy color flair or toning down the alpha on the effect.  Just tossing this out there as a bit of player feed back.  


    Thanks for your time 🙂

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