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Posts posted by magitek2

  1. Coming up with MM set ideas is just too easy. I have to restrain myself to prevent this post from being pages long  ;D


    Also, it's not explicitly a control set, but there's quite a bit of control in /dark. You can grab Bonfire from the Fire EPP (and add a KB->KD enhancement) for even more control.

  2. Most KB comes from the BigBot. He definitely gets the Overwhelming proc. I don't have room for Sudden Accel. KD procs in ProtBots or Battle Drones. But just managing BigBot's KB is huge.


    Yeah, that's the most important. Having the assault bot not immediately knock everything out of the burn patches it just made is very useful.

  3. Drones and Protector bots both KB with their charge-up blast. Photon grenades, iirc, don't have any knockback.


    The Assbot gets KB on its single plasma blast, dual plasma blast, and regular (non-fire) missiles. It's a good candidate for the Overwhelming Force KB->KD enhancement.

  4. Well, clearly it's a secret handshake and a passphrase. The phrase is "Do you know who I am!?"  :P


    Build at the bottom. Bear in mind it's a work in progress and I'm not exactly an expert myself. There's still a couple of power picks and some slots to play with. Most of the enhancements are 50+5, but don't have to be.


    Key changes from yours:


    1. No repair. As you've found, it's useless when you've got Twilight Grasp.


    2. Tar Patch is going to be your main damage booster, and you want it up at the beginning of each fight. I like to put some extra slow in it, because mobs lose their freaking minds when you use it on them and will try to run out of it.


    3. You're missing a couple of unique IOs that boost pet durability, so definitely get those.


    4. Throw an Overwhelming Force: Damage/Chance for KD/KB->KD enhancement into your Assault Bot. It'll add a bit of extra control while preventing him from knocking mobs all over the goddamn place and out of your Tar Patch.


    5. Defense enhancements in your Protector Bots are essential. It's an extra ~3.5% defense per bubble, and your drones/assault bot get two of them.


    6. EPPs. I went with Heat because I love Bonfire. Extra control, extra damage, and can take a Chance for -Res enhancement. It's a big help when I find myself fighting 3 /8 groups because my Drones' cone attack seems to have a range measured in miles. The empty slot in my build is for the Sudden Acceleration KB to KD enhancement. The more popular pick among experts seems to be to take Mace Mastery and take Scorpion Shield, for the synergy with bodyguard mode (also Web Envelope and Power Boost aren't bad either).


    You should also get into the habit of using Fearsome Stare more often. The damage mitigation and control are both enormous, it makes an amazing opener, and it's up often enough to use multiple times in a fight. It does require a bit of practice and dancing around (with Hover) to get good positioning in the middle of combat, though. My usual rotation is to put bots on defensive, then Fearsome Stare, Tar Patch (queued up while FS is animating). Then engage the bots either by giving an attack order (if everything is feared) or by tanking return fire with bodyguard (if something didn't get feared). Then switching to aggressive stance, etc etc.



  5. Does this mean secondary sets like /Dark are even better, because they can slot the two unique IOs from the Recharge Intensive Pets sets?  That frees up slots from your three mastermind pet types.


    fluffy is too important to mule them. but there are three primaries that have a 4th pet that can mule them - thugs, demons, necro.


    Strangely enough, despite being a recharge intensive pet, Dark Servant won't take Recharge Intensive Pet IOs.

  6. Not a fan of your naming policy, especially if the character HAS to be 50 in order to not be lost. Names were first come first served on live so I don't see why you'd stray from that. That said you need an option besides getting to 50... I'm obviously not going to get every character I have to 50 in a year while also working on incarnates and ios for my existing 50's. Could you maybe settle at 32 or even 38 by the time you have all your primary and secondary powers?


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