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Posts posted by Tendo

  1. SG Name: The Watchpoint
    Passcode: WATCHPOINT-13202
    SG Lead Global: @Tendo

    After watching that 90s Batman cartoon I was inspired to make a Batcave-inspired superbase for my vigilante hero, Nightshield. it's still a work in progress in places, but it's main room feels "done" enough for me to feel confident in submitting it. 🙂 Hope everyone who takes a peek at it, finds it pretty cool!

    Also: Next to the training mat, there's a console with a blue holo panel. Click on each of the displays next to it, and click the handscanner next to the coffin, under the supercomputer. And the holo-globe. I've added in some interact-able stuff for immersion purposes. 🙂

  2. On 3/31/2020 at 12:17 PM, Tipsy said:

    I just wanted to chime in here and say that I've spoken with a lot of RPers who would absolutely use a diceroll feature.  I actually thought this already existed (beyond 1d6) because it seems so obvious in value. 


    This should be relatively easy since it's just multiplication.  I've seen this on old school MUDs.


    /dice 2d10

    /dice 1d100


    Hope this happens someday 🙂

    110% this. I needs my dice.

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