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Posts posted by SkyeVeran

  1. 44 minutes ago, Shenanigunner said:


    But as long as your focal point is zipping all over the screen and switching rapidly between look and click, on that one input device... I can't think of another solution. It's not a game or technical fault that can be corrected, per se.


    Super legit points, but I feel that this actually is correctable, as long as the code allows it (which, again, depends largely on what they're working with.) There's a duration between RMB-press and RMB-release which triggers a context menu; simply, during this time, cancel the appearance of a context menu if the camera (or more specifically, the mouse) is moved during this duration. Problem fully solved. You could argue that this is fail-proofing some accidental camera movement while people are trying to right-click entities, but I would expect it to be much more likely that people trying to right-click something are not moving their mouse while doing so.


    I got a nice example of the issue here. As far as I'm concerned, these menus should not even be appearing at all. Admittedly in the case of the last one, it appeared due to a static right-click in an attempt to close the previous menu which was photobombed by my bot leaping into frame, but it is hilarious that I managed to unintentionally hit a hotkey to set it to aggressive instead of strafing while specifically trying to show off the menu popups.


    58 minutes ago, Shenanigunner said:


    At a guess, this is a player issue involving a collision of frequent switching from free-look to pointer, especially while accessing various clicky-points in the UI.



    Fully understandable that many players don't experience this issue, but in this case "clicky-points in the UI" is actually "any clickable entity in the game" so that specificity doesn't really apply.

  3. So, we all have different ways of using the camera in MMOs, and for most of us this may not be a problem. For me, I like to use RMB almost exclusively. RMB, Forward, Back, and Strafe are my entire movement options; I don't use the keyboard to move the camera at all.


    Unfortunately, RMB is also the context pop-up menu button, and this function can't be rebound. This wouldn't be a problem, except that the interval for clicking RMB and getting a menu is way too long, and, more importantly, is not interrupted by mouse movement between pressing and releasing the button.


    This means that moving the camera for a very short period of time using RMB will cause a pop-up menu to appear, if RMB is released while hovering over an entity. This will make your next key press do either: nothing, removing the context menu, or whatever hotkey you've accidentally pressed within the menu. As a Mastermind, I'm constantly setting one pet to Aggressive or Defensive instead of strafing after making a small camera adjustment. It's extremely aggravating to have these constant control hiccups as I'm playing the game.


    Shortening the interval itself could solve this problem, but probably a much better option is just to make sure that mouse movement interrupts the ability for a context menu to appear after clicking down RMB. I'm hoping that would be an easy adjustment in the code, but god only knows. Possibly an easier fix would be the ability to rebind the context menus to another button. In the meantime, I have to bind camera look to mousewheel click, which is kind of an uncomfy stopgap. Would love to see this fixed!

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    So, this was the mission titled "Get sample from the Clockwork" from contact Calleen Saramago. In it, there's a spawner that creates Clockwork Gears, but for whatever reason it appears to be broken. It spawned upwards of 50 gears and would not stop, to the point where I was repeatedly overwhelmed and had to ask for help, despite clearing missions at that difficulty just fine solo up til that point.


    I couldn't interact with the spawner, but I can't say with total certainty that it wasn't just because of how chaotic the fight was. I forgot to ask my helpful companions if they were able to destroy it; one way or another, we finished the mission.


    Excuse my poor play in the video, I'm still getting the hang of Mastermind.


    EDIT: It looks like one of my pets blasts the spawner around 1:06 and destroys it, completing the mission. I was never able to target it.

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