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Posts posted by Dynamistress

  1. Thank you for posting this, CrowCall. Jacquie was the first COH player I met IRL and had the pleasure of doing so a number of times, including once with her husband Michael in Chicago. She was a delightful person and I will continue to miss her terribly.

  2. On 9/2/2019 at 12:22 PM, BONEZONE said:

    Epoin, I've discovered that it seems to be a character-specific corruption. Have you tried making a new character and testing the camera on them? I tried it on a different computer and my characters were fine, as well as making a new character on the first computer. I'm going to mess around with some files and see if I can figure out what exactly is corrupted.

    I'm having the same non-functioning mouse issue only on one character. Did you ever figure out the corruption?


    What are you selecting? I tested them just now to make sure nothing is broken and don't have any issues myself. There should be a message in your System tab when you receive the enhancement (or if there's a bug with it). Could you check that for me please?


    I get "Unknown command: influence_add" (just one example) in the system dialogue box.  Doesn't matter what I click. Same message, with just the command text changing.


  4. I was thinking just last night of one of my favorite memories in COH.


    I logged in one day, popping up at Pocket D.  As I stepped out of the Tiki Room, I saw another character walk by.


    WALK. By.


    Sent a tell.  You're WALKING!!!


    We'd been wanting it forever, and finally go the ability to not run.  Kind of weird how awesome that is.

  5. Meh, I think if you can't get a "Good name", you just need to practice using your imagination more. There's an infinite number of possibilities out there.


    I'm a perfect example of this.  All the "good" Dyna(mic) names were spoken for.  "Mistress" was a last resort.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything, now.

  6. Maybe I'm the oddball, here, but I don't see what I do as "building" characters. I know the common thing to do is to maximize everything you can do, but I've never felt comfortable with that. I don't need to deal the most damage, fly the fastest, or have all the moneyz. It's always been important to me to have the choices of new abilities feel like an organic progression. And this means sometimes NOT taking some very useful abilities. And obviously, it means rarely being the most powerful on a team. I'm curious to hear other RPers' takes on this.

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  7. My first character was an energy/energy blaster.  I figured that if guys were flying all over the place, they couldn't hit me, and kicking them back kept me out of melee range. 


    So I slotted EVERYTHING for knockback.  I got booted from so many teams before I figured out why.  It took way to long to dawn on me that scrappers and tankers might not have wanted enemies pushed back a mile.


    I hear ya.  My first was (and still is) an energy/energy blaster. And while I didn't do anything to increase the natural knockback of several powers, I still managed to piss off the scrappers.

  8. Using multi-level construction is a great way to make even the smallest base plot into something quite useful.  But just how many levels can we do?  Does base-clipping apply to the vertical as well as horizontal and, if so, does that mean we can build higher and higher?

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  9. To date, there have been two Dynamistress novels, with a third on the way. I'd love to translate these into graphic novels, but lacking a talented artist, I'll just have to live with good ol' words without pics.


    Dyna's story is not that of a typical character. There is no "nemesis," save perhaps herself. Overall, it's a story of a woman who becomes a "hero" for all the wrong reasons (i.e., fame, etc.) and who, over time, comes to become a "real" hero.


    Lots of other characters, some adapted from COH characters (with their players' permission), and plenty of originals, too.  Feel free to check out her website. LOTS of art and whatnot, including a comic strip (showing the funny side of a serious character).



  10. Ultradynamic here. Among others, I played Ultradynamic, American Promise, the Battling Bulldog, Kid Tartarus, Empowered Woman, Scarlet Falcon, Riot Bomb, and Glorious Protector. I had been a member of groups like The United Sentinels of America, the All-Star Teen Sentinels, Union Supreme, Justice Supreme, and the founder and leader of Teens Supreme.


    I remember Ultradynamic! Good to see you!

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