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Posts posted by Snapple


    Welcome Home, Steamy.


    Thank you!


    Your sarcastic memeing is not conducive to continued constructive discussion.


    Your mind is closed.

    Thank you for making that clear.


    Ahhh, yes. By declaring that I am closed minded in response to your disrespectful discourse you reject my position without having to discuss or refute the particulars of it while presenting yourself as the egalitarian party who has tried to present reason and been met with stonewalling foolishness.


    It's remarkably common for women to be shut down like that. Presented as unreasonable or illogical. Didn't expect it to be my second post on the forum that caught -that- particular reaction.


    Not liking people using Sarcasm to talk down to you in an example of classic infantilization is close mindedness, you heard it here, first, folks!


    This screams, "My opinion is valid because of what's between my legs instead of any merit of my argument". Your opinion was dismissed on the internet because it had no merit, no one is aware of your gender, you're not discriminated against as such. Please leave your politics at the door.

  2. PBs are actually disgustingly good at their job, no changes necessary.


    Also, knockback is the single best form of CC in the game. Mobs can't kill players when they're being chucked 50 feet through the air on loop.


    No, it's not, it's the single worst CC in the game, mobs can still fire off attacks while they're flying/getting up due to how the game works. It causes other players to be disrupted, and diminishes the effectiveness of ground placed AOEs. It's garbage and you should feel bad for using it. The small amount of instances of it being useful for herding, are better serviced by repel powers, and the small amount of players who know how to use it properly is not worth the aggrevation of the horde of morons who use it thoughtlessly.

  3. Maybe have it tied to the lvl 50 badge. Can do 1 dfb per day, unless you have a lvl 50 on your account.  But I don't think there are account flags like that :(

    I agree that newbs should not be doing farms, but at the same time,  I don't want to get stuck in the lower levels when I have a new character concept I want to try out.

  4. I'd like to talk about confusion quality of life for a bit.

    I am 100% fine with the current incredibly minimal exp penalty for confused mobs doing damage.  Though it does feel a bit like a relic. My reason for making this post is, uncontrolled pet targeting behavior, and debuffs. For whatever reason on my controller my pets seem to love to focus on any enemy I have confused.  It's absolutely infuriating.  Additionally all my holds/debuffs hit them. Which can of course make them completely worthless as well. I propose 2 things. 1 any AI targeting such as controller pets, mastermind pets set to aggressive give confused enemies the lowest possible priority when choosing targets.  And secondly, I would like to see confusion suppress other debuffs and controls from the confuser for the duration of confuse. I know the 2nd is waaaay harder than the first, I'm ok with not having it, but the first is so vital, the number of times I'm fighting a group of 10 and my pets focus my confused enemy is rage inducing.  Thank you.

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