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Posts posted by dwarvenlord1

  1. Back when the game first launched, I started a supergroup invited all my real life friends, and built a large base.  Due to life's chaos, I have not played in a while.  Neither have many of my friends.  When we came back to the game, it appears we are no longer in the supergroup.  I can enter through the passcode macro I had set up, so I know the SG id, but we don't have access to the supergroup any longer.  Is there a way to fix this?

  2. So I have been trying to figure this out, but I am missing something.


    I understand that while in SG Edit Mode, I can enter:

    /sgpasscode YourCodeWordHere

    and that will set the base passcode to the YourCodeWordHere-####, where #### is you supergroup id number.


    Unfortunately, I am not getting any text back and can not find where to find my supergroup id number, or anywhere that the passcode is listed.


    So how the heck do I find out what my SG ID # is, and is the passcode listed anywhere?

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  3. I have been having problems with the Logitech gaming mice for the last couple years.  A $70 mouse should not last less than a year before acting up.  Perhaps it was just the model I was buying, but I have decided to stop buying logitech mice for a while.  My keyboard, headset, and gaming pad are all logitech as I am a big fan of the company.  My 2 cents.


    I am using a Tecknet HYPERTRAK



    $27 on amazon.  It has 5 thumb buttons, which are quite ergonomic.  I am very happy with the mouse overall.  The software is much like logitech's, but the gui makes it look very basic.

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