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Posts posted by Sidney

  1. 15 hours ago, Leandro said:


    • Native High DPI Scaling mode. The game will now use the Windows UI Scaling setting for the monitor it is currently played on. You can disable Automatic UI Scaling from the Options (under the Windows tab) and change it manually. This slider can scale a lot more things than the old Window Scaling setting, which is still available via slash commands for individual windows.
    • Added option under Windows tab to independently change the size of the names above players' / NPCs' heads.
    • Added the ability to select Borderless Fullscreen mode in any monitor connected to the system.


    One!  Two!  Three!  Three amazing QoL improvements, ahh, ha, ha! 🧛‍♂️

  2. I said it before when the change was originally announced and I'll say it again, I don't like the changes to Time Bomb.  Not because it didn't need a buff (it sure as shit did), but the direction the HC devs decided to go has changed it from a unique power with its own flavor to a generic delayed AoE.  The only thing that I would have changed was its redonculous CD.  Leave the long activation time and interrupt time and their concomitant massive bonus to Defiance.  The new version still has that 10 minute cooldown making it a hard pass for me.

    • Confused 2
  3. In all the noise about ToHit, the biggest issue I have with the sniper changes has taken a back seat.  I really, really hate that my "in combat" or "out of combat" status determines which snipe you get.  It is extremely counter-intuitive.  Everything around me could be dead; nothing could be attacking me, but I'm still forced to use the fast snipe?


    Instead, please make it based on the aggro status of the target!  If the target is not aggroed on anything, it should be a slow snipe.  After all, you're catching it unawares.  If it is aggroed on anything, then it's moving around too much for that "perfect shot" that the slow snipe represents, so you shoot quickly for center of mass.

  4. Since many are concerned about ToHit being made useless I'm going to repost my suggestion from the previous thread:


    Why not simply have the casting time scale with ToHit?  +22% still being needed to get your instasnipe, but lesser amounts being helpful.  So a +11% would cut your casting time in half (2.442s cast with 1.5s interrupt) as 11% is halfway to the 22% for insta.  +5.5% would shave a quarter of the time off.  Make it a dynamic sliding scale.  This way any amount of ToHit is still beneficial, but anyone going all in can still get their insta-snipe.

  5. Time Bomb animation is now 2.77 seconds, interrupt time removed, countdown reduced to 5 seconds, defiance values reduced to match (this only applies to this set, not to the Traps support set versions.)


    Please reconsider this nerf to Time Bomb.  The Defiance bonus from this power was massive and was a major draw for /Dev.  Now it's just a delayed PBAoE.  It's boring and cuts your DPS.  Want to change Time Bomb?  Leave it as it was, but instead of it detonating after 15s, it detonates when the player clicks the skill again (like clicking a remote detonator).

  6. So even if my Tanker is keeping all the mobs off me, my sniper will have its range nerfed because I shot something w/in the last 15 seconds?  My recharge is gaining a 3 second nerf?  "Sorry guys I can't get that runner cause my bullets are tired."


    I've never had an issue using my sniper in combat because I'd use teleport, SS, Energy Blast's KB, or simply have good teammates that keep stuff off me so I can shoot.  Reducing the interrupt time by 1s isn't useful, but the nerfs that came with it suck.


    This is a bad change.  I'm not saying no change is needed, but this isn't it.


    Why not simply have the casting time scale with ToHit?  +22% still being needed to get your instasnipe, but lesser amounts being helpful.  So a +11% would cut your casting time in half (2.442s cast with 1.5s interrupt) as 11% is halfway to the 22% for insta.  +5.5% would shave a quarter of the time off.  Make it a dynamic sliding scale.  This way any amount of ToHit is still beneficial, but anyone going all in can still get their insta-snipe.


    Quick edit: The damage scale increase is pretty cool (not enough for the range and recharge nerf, but cool).  Why not make it so that the higher scale is used when shooting something that isn't aggroed against anything?

  7. I've looked here, on Reddit, and on several CoH discord servers and can't find the answer to this.  What are the differences between the various CoH servers such as Rebirth, Pleiades, COHX, Homecoming, etc.?


    I understand they're run by different groups, and I believe they have different code bases, but from a player's perspective, what are the differences?  My friends and I want to start, but we want to choose the server that's the best fit for us.  Thanks!

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