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Posts posted by HBGooch

  1. Got it! The recharge rate increase is added to each individual power which means your recharge rate bonus doesn't increase.  Thanks for the help.  I did unslot the alpha and pop hover, took note of the defense and then popped the alpha back in and saw a difference.  I just have all slotted defense so I didn't see a change.

  2. Is there a way to do so other than the info after right clicking on the buff? I just got the Agility Core Paragon and it says it boosts end mod, recharge rate, and defense and yet nothing shows up on the combat attributes page. Do I have to maths it up myself to figure out what my actual recharge rate is?  I'm afraid to take out any defensive sets since I don't know if I'm missing something and they're there but invisible or something.


    Please help this noob out!  Is this intentional or am I missing something?

  3. Hey Brigg,


    I'm enjoying the map thoroughly and it is the go to map for my farming.  I thought of some to put in if you're so inclined.


    Eleven from Stranger Things




    The Dude from The Big Lebowski (and/or Walter Sobchek)





    Tobias Funke from Arrested Development after he "blue" himself (or as a never-nude)




    Thanks for all the time you've spent making the map awesome.

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