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Posts posted by Pyreblade

  1. I'm not sure if you could have a power that simply LOWERED maximum speed (I believe Afterburner was the first that INCREASED it) but they did a lot of work recently changing how different powers increase maximum speed, and made most travel powers quite a bit better.  If it is possible to lower a statistic that can be raised (which, everything else seems to work that way) it may not be very difficult at all.  Since there are not many things that increase maximum speed this would in essence give you the desired level of speed.

    You may be right that it would serve a small population, after all having another button to click is an annoyance - but we used to have to cycle between Hover/Flight and Combat Jumping/Super Jump and we got through that fine, so it wouldn't be any more work than we used to have to deal with.  I'm not sure we will know for sure until it's an option that people can choose to use or not.


    1 minute ago, UltraAlt said:


    Correct. You can turn superspeed on and off. It's a toggle.


    My point is that it is all or nothing.  I know that you can turn it off, but it is useless if you do not want the massive speed boost it provides, and that can leave you quite slow in an environment where it would provide too much speed.

    • Confused 1
  2. Playing TFs just now with lots of Kinetics switching between various mission map types, and seeing the different new power suppression options it occurs to me..

    Null can shut off (external?) Speed buffs, but you must visit Pocket D each time as far as I know, which is not practical when you may want them in a big outdoor map and then not have them in a small cave map.. thinking LGTF for instance.

    So what about turning that idea into a power, or set of powers, to determine your maximum speed?  Sort of the reverse of Afterburner.

    I feel given we're superheroes (or villains) after all, we would have the ability to adjust for things like an increase in speed, Walking instead of running, without losing our powers essentially.  Even a user of Super Speed wouldn't be in an all or nothing situation in every case.

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