I was playing Iron Man based on agreed upon Iron Man rules very similar to what most people have proposed. But I was playing with two other people who were also playing by the same Iron Man rules. While we were in a mission, on a map on Gold Side, I died. But I stayed dead as a corpse to watch how the rest of the level played out. During that time, my fellow Iron Man team mates finished the mission, and when they did, I leveled. Mind you, I helped them as a corpse, laying in a hallway. I told them where enemies were according to my perspective and even gave them the last of my inspirations. Because of all of that, I leveled when they neared completion of the mission, thus making me become alive again. Does that allow me to continue as my Iron Man character? I am asking because it was a one in a million chance that that could have happened. I say that for Iron Man, if you can stay active in a mission while dead, long enough to be revived, you should be able to continue with that character. What do you all think?
Feel free to inundate me with basic Iron Man rules so I can make a decision.