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Posts posted by deathevan

  1. So far I've been deliberately role-playing up the ambiguity and mystery of it. One of the things I like about the Elder Scrolls series of games is that various factions ("historians" "researchers" "whatever") have very different ideas about "what really happened."


    I'm perfectly fine with the idea that some people "noticed" 5 years missing, other people don't. Maybe it was an illusion, maybe some people really are quantum copies from some other shard. Maybe it is just another needlessly complex plot by Nemesis.


    At any rate, two of my characters will insist that something happened but they have no idea what (they are low level yet after all and don't have a reputation or access to the sorts of things that would tell them what happened) and the other character will absolutely insist that nothing happened at all and it is just another conspiracy theory.


    Let there be no right answer.


    This is actually a really good response. Since there are theoretically an infinite number of alternate universes that are so similar it'd take a lifetime to find out what was different(if anything), anyone's interpretation as to the what or the why could be correct. So really there is no 'right' interpretation of what happened

  2. This is basically what I settled on after reading through all the lore AMAs and Tyrants bio in MxM, it's pretty similar to your own with a one big divergence.


    We know what was supposed to go down before the game closed so my own headcanon is that Live servers went through the coming storm and defeated it in the method it was laid out in the Lore AMAs/MxM and intended to occur by Paragon Studios. Tyrant pretends to be statesman and serves as the symbol everyone needed, rallies everyone, and they win. The End


    New shards are alternate realities where for reason x, y, or z, those events haven't transpired yet, if at all

  3. I've been playing with this set on a Water blaster for a while now and I've been just trying to figure out how it can be best used. Reach for the Limit/Reaction Time/Inner Will all seem to be really solid powers, but it seems like many of the powers are very skippable and I was just wondering if anyone with a bit more experience with the set could give some pointers on it.


    From what I can glean, it's more of a utility set as opposed to something that would give you a lot of Burst DPS.

  4. The Roy Cooling arc in the 20s for heroes.  You end up fighting the Sky Raiders only for it to turn out the Malta Group is using them as a patsy and really the ones pulling the strings, which ticked me off for two reasons: one, Malta is supposed to be suuuuuper seekrit until Crimson and Indigo expose them later on


    my theory is that chronologically Crimson already did expose them. CoX timeline seems to progress based off issues instead of level. I forget what contact it is but there's a contact around level 30 blueside which is post praetorian war despite the player not even being high enough level to have been involved in it

  5. CO is boring in just about every aspect except for its combat, which is only marginally less boring than CoH's and I personally don't like the art style of the game.


    besides that, the only thing it has going for it is better customization, but it just wasn't enough for me. I tried it twice and the furthest I got was around level 25 before I got bored.

  6. What do you mean by “fix?” It is working as designed.


    AE was never designed or meant for farming, or the devs at cryptic wouldn't have hit it several times with a nerf bat. Anyone can do whatever they want with it,  more power to you, but to say this is pure delusion.

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