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  1. No. Current tooltips (e.g. "5 of 8 complete") is not enough information. I would like to know which other three badges I need to go earn without having to go cross reference all eight to see which ones I am missing. There is something like this for one accolade when you ask Null the Gull to tell you which Praetorians you need to kill to complete the badge. I am just asking for more general solution for all incomplete accolades.
  2. Please have some indication of either completed or uncompleted badges under Badges>Accolades. Perhaps highlited completed badges in green or uncompleted badges in red.
  3. I would like to see a new AT (possibly called Commander). It could have either Tank primary & Controller secondary powers (final pet replaced with taunt) or Controller primary and Sentinel secondary powers (keep final pet). This would be an interesting character for controlling the battlefield in groups.
  4. If nothing else on the Coming Storm is planned in the future, the very least we could have some closure in the dialog with some of the NPCs in Ouroboros. For example: 1. They ran into a chrono-storm on the way here and their entire fleet was obliterated, 2. The Deam Doctor ascended and killed them all. 3. They decided that the well resources on Earth were too miniscule and not worth their time. This is not the planet you are looking for... 4. Their arrival has been delayed for a few hundred years. In the meantime, get stronger.
  5. I would really like to see an issue dedicated to "Prelude to the Coming Storm". Here are some ideas that I have that might be achievable with limited resources: 1. A storyline that presents further hints and explanations about the Coming Storm. If anyone has contact with past CoH developers that could provide feedback and ideas, it would be wonderful. 2. A set of purple Attuned IOs (similar to Winder Event IOs) related to this event. If anyone likes this idea and has more suggestions to add, please do so.
  6. What do you think about progressively increasing power depending on character veteran level? The idea is to reinvigor motivation for playing veteran level characters without breaking the current game. Here are two possible examples: - Decreasing recharge time for incarnate powers - Increasing debuff resistance Each increase should progressively require more levels (e.g. 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, ...)). Please include any other examples that you could think of.
  7. I am happy to see the new Epic powers that have been added in the Beta. However, the lack of an Electric Epic for tanks is a gaping hole for thematic reasons.
  8. I cannot get them on my non-Praetorian character until level 50, even if I do all the Praetorian arcs through Ouroboros. This is what I am saying needs fixing.
  9. Please make the two missions for the Escapist Badge available at level 25 instead of level 50 in Ouroboros.
  10. It would be nice if the Damage Per Activation of the Peacebringer Nova Form attacks could be at least brought up to par with Sentinel attacks.
  11. It would be nice if HamiOs such as Nucleolus, Endoplasm, Golgi. etc.. had Recharge percentage in addition to the stats they already have. This might make them closer to par with IO sets (without the global bonuses).
  12. Does CoH Homecoming run on SteamDeck with SteamOS? If so, is it easy to get it running?
  13. It would be nice to have be able to put purples in support powers. These could be bought with merits as orange and use Catalyst to upgrade to purple.
  14. It would certainly be cool if I could customize my robot pets to look like Praetorian robots.
  15. Thanks for your helpful and well thought out suggestion. However, on careful reflection, I'll stick with the direction that the original developers were trying to take us. On the QA at the end of the original game, Positron made it clear that the power in the Mender Ramiel arc was the intended power for ascension.
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