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  • Retired Game Master

Well, you're getting me.  Too bad. 😄


Consider changing options in "Graphics and Audio" to reduce load on your system.  Possibilities include:


Resolution Scaling - While not changing the window resolution, resolution scaling turns down the game resolution but magnifies reduced game video to fit your larger screen.  This is the fastest way to reduce game overhead, but results in poor appearance at the most effective (lowest) settings.

FSAA - Full Screen Antialiasing.  This removes jagged lines on curves and angles.  Safer values are x2 and x4.  Off is the safest, but everything looks like a Nintendo 64 game.

World Draw Distance - This reduces "pop-up" such as graphics from a distance being drawn further away from you rather than closer.  On modern systems around 2K to 4K graphics, this never works to prevent it absolutely, so turning it down may take strain off the CPU.

Ambient Occlusion - Turning this to the lowest setting or off will improve performance.

Shadows - Turning this to the lowest setting or off will improve performance.


Try changing one or more of the above to your liking and see if animations improve.  This advice is neutral to whatever system you're running, but better advice is possible if we know what graphics card you're using to play.

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