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Confusion QoL

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I'd like to talk about confusion quality of life for a bit.

I am 100% fine with the current incredibly minimal exp penalty for confused mobs doing damage.  Though it does feel a bit like a relic. My reason for making this post is, uncontrolled pet targeting behavior, and debuffs. For whatever reason on my controller my pets seem to love to focus on any enemy I have confused.  It's absolutely infuriating.  Additionally all my holds/debuffs hit them. Which can of course make them completely worthless as well. I propose 2 things. 1 any AI targeting such as controller pets, mastermind pets set to aggressive give confused enemies the lowest possible priority when choosing targets.  And secondly, I would like to see confusion suppress other debuffs and controls from the confuser for the duration of confuse. I know the 2nd is waaaay harder than the first, I'm ok with not having it, but the first is so vital, the number of times I'm fighting a group of 10 and my pets focus my confused enemy is rage inducing.  Thank you.

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