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More Def help Demon / EA build


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     I was wondering if there is a way to work a little more def into this build.  I play 90% on teams and with this build generally in the middle of the fight so I can thow down Faraday Cage and use Energizing plus Insulating Circuit.

     I have been toying with the idea of not even taking or at least not slotting the Demonlings because I find them to be more of a pain then a Benefit to the team.   I picked the powerset to be more of a support teammate.  When I Tank and Fold Space is used properly its awesome and really helps me out. Im not 100% sold on it if that power pool needs to change to get more def  but I was curious to try  it. I am relatively new to the MM Archetype atm but play Tank primarily and Def from time to time. I figure I would just play as if the tank on the team was me and what would I want me to do during certain situations lol.  Thanks for all you guys help with this.

demon EA MM.mxd

Edited by emeyer406
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  • emeyer406 changed the title to More Def help Demon / EA build

after playing with slots and talking to some MM in game and getting some pointers this is my final build. hope to test it on +4 ITF and a few other TF's later today after work. I made the build last night but didn't get a chance to really test it.  Was only able to come up with a few tweaks here and there but  I think with my playstyle it should be pretty fun and some what survivable. 

To get it out of the way Yes I know this is not a cheap build but I Farm a lot and have multiple char near inf. cap and what the point in doing that if not to splurge here and there. 

Feel free to throw your 2 cents in if you see any way to fill any gaps in the build you might see but sense I'm the first to reply to my own post with a improved option I'll take that as a sing that there aren't any. 

demon EA MM.mxd

Edited by emeyer406
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