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 How many times have you been on a task force, and someone asks, “How do I get to Faultline?” One person says to take the train to Skyway, then go south. One person says to use the teleporter to go to your base, or one of the transport hubs on your server. Another person says to just use the Long Range Teleporter (LRT).


And then everyone says, “Huh. What’s that?” Or, “I have so many alts I don’t have time to get that.”


Well, it takes five minutes or less to get at level 1. It’s the first thing you should do when you create a character.


The LRT will take you to the supergroup portal in any zone that you have an exploration badge in. As a bonus, it can also teleport you to your base and Echo Plaza. It has a recharge of 10 minutes.


To get it, you need to get all the exploration badges in one zone (which gives you the Tour Guide badge for that zone). Atlas Park is the easiest zone to do this in.


(You can also buy the LRT outright from the Pay2Win vendor, but that’s a cool million.)


If you have VidiotMaps installed the necessary badge locations are marked on your map. If you don’t, you can create a popmenu (see below) that will show you where all the Atlas Park exploration badges can be found. Note that some of these locations are inside buildings, and the popmenu will helpfully show you the proper doors.


You can do this at level 1, even though some of the badges are up high. And you can do this for free, without having to buy a travel power. Take the tour before you do anything else, to avoid advancing to level 2 before you can buy your Amplifiers for the lowest possible price (see below).


  • Go to the P2W Field Agent just west of the Atlas statue in Atlas Park.
  • Get her to show you her wares.
  • Under Prestige Powers > Travel > Jump select either Jump Pack or Steam Jump.
  • Under Prestige Powers > Travel > Movement select one of the runs (my favorite is Athletic Run — it uses a normal running posture).


After you install the tourguide.mnu popmenu file and create the macro:


  • Turn on Sprint and Athletic Run.
  • Click the tour macro button to display the menu.
  • Click a menu entry, such as Hero Corps Insider, and a thumbtack will be placed on the map.
  • Go to that location and get the badge.


The menu entries are in the order that’s quickest to visit.


When you get to a badge that’s up high, such as Silent Sentinel or Top Dog, turn on your Jump Pack or Steam Jump power to jump up. They work for 30 seconds at a time, so don’t turn them on till you need them (they recharge in 30 seconds).

Once you visit all the badge locations in Atlas Park you’ll get the LRT and 5 reward merits.


Of course, you can do the tour at any time, and it's faster and easier if you've got a flight power.


You can unlock teleports to other zones by getting one exploration badge in that zone. You can get these as needed, when you happen to be in the zone for some other reason. Or you can use a supergroup teleporter to go to that zone and then visit the closest exploration badge location. Most of these can be obtained in less than a minute. A flight power is very useful here, as some of these locations are on top of tall buildings that might be difficult to leap in a single bound.


Also, be sure to check out this guide for getting around City of Heroes: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/8194-getting-around-the-cities-of-heroes-and-villains/


Finally, when you log out remember to park your character next to the supergroup portal in any zone to get credit towards the Monitor Duty Teleporter and Rapid Response Portal powers. With these, the LFG teleport queue, the Ouroboros portal and the LRT, you’ll have near perma access to a teleport to most any zone.


Defense, Offense and Survival Amplifiers

You can use the merits you got above to buy something at a merit vendor (there’s one in Wentworth’s in Atlas Park), which you can sell on Wentworth’s to get some influence, which you should immediately use to buy the Defense, Offense and Survival Amplifiers from P2W.


If you get these at level 1, they only cost 1,000 inf per hour, for up to eight hours. It’s the best deal in the game for the status protection alone. The price becomes ridiculous at higher levels, so be sure to get these before you go up to level 2.


Atlas Park Tour Guide Pop Menu


// This shows you all the locations of the exploration badges in Atlas Park.
// Copy this text and place it in a file called tourguide.mnu, and save it in your Homecoming
// installation folder:
// <game install>/data/texts/english/menus
// Then start up City of Heroes and enter the following command to add a macro:
// /macro tour "popmenu tourguide"

Menu "tourguide"
Title "Atlas Park Tour Guide"
Option "Hero Corps Insider" "thumbtack 282.0, 16.1, -891.5"
Option "Undefeated" "thumbtack 545.0 58.4 -2307.0"
Option "Silent Sentinel" "thumbtack -1168.5 107.9 -1585.5"
Option "Observant" "thumbtack -135.5, -94.0, 469.0"
Option "Top Dog" "thumbtack 131.0, 319.7, -319.5"
Option "Freedom" "thumbtack 126.1, 170.3, -652.4"
Option "Patriot" "thumbtack 164.0, -768.0, -673.0"
Option "Edge of Chaos" "thumbtack -145.5, -784.0, -902.0"




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