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Do you write fanfic and post to AO3? Link it! Do you have a comic or podcast? Link it!
Please give a little blurb about what it is, though... For instance...


I have several Kindle Vella serials about Vox Veritas up. I started writing about her in 2020, during Lockdown. She's the character upon which I based the Vox Veritas on Everlasting. Same origin, different drop point. On Everlasting, she was dropped onto a car in Atlas Park, by the Vanguard building.

Veritatis: Vox Veritas is about Helena getting found by Angeles Flight, the Los Angeles-based superhero group, after she got transported from her reality into theirs.

The Bureau of Talented: Vox Veritas is about Helena getting found by the Bureau of Talented, the federal agency that deals with super-powered people and incidents.

I didn't learn about the term "isekai" for another two years, after writing these.

Instanced MSRs on Everlasting, 3:30pm Eastern on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Come to the RWZ and look for Barky McBarker for who to /T.

Hit, Heal, Buff, or Debuff. MSRs are not farms, there is no sitting.

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