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Strange login issues


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I search but didnt find any other thread about this.

I got pretty strange issues login: sometimes, and this is the key: "SOMETIMES", correctly using my account/pass I can't log, it says that my credentials aren't correct. 

I tried multiple times and tested the pass (outside on notepad, writing it on the user to see if there is any cap...) but is correct. Found that SOMETIMES just relaunching the game works fine again, other times found that rebooting the system, and others, like this, I can't login on the game...


Has anyone experienced a similar behavior? As said, can't find anything on the forums.


(EDIT: Just tried again and now worked... is kinda strange...)


Lot of thanks!!

Edited by judgebeo
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  • Retired Game Master

The text field/tab order isn't how most web browsers and apps have trained us Internet users over the decades.  You may have seen pressing Enter on the error message doesn't fade it, it just comes right back.  Also, you need to manually clear the password field on an incorrect login attempt.  If you just type the original characters will remain in place.


Another possibility: the login screen (and the parts in-between from login to character selection) can time out.  If you take longer than a few minutes before picking a character, you'll find yourself back to the login screen.  If you don't make it that far and the login screen halts for a few moments before giving an error message, you may be facing a network issue.  (Wrong name/password is pretty quick to error out.)


Apart from that, I find myself in the same boat when I type too fast.  When I slow down and take things a key at a time it works.


There can be more than one reason you can't progress past the login screen.  If you are getting an error other than "The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect", we'll need to know what it says before we can help.

Edited by GM Tock



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Thanks a lot for the answers... but i wrote pretty slow, is not that i wrote fast and didn't catch, also, didnt hit enter, i used to click on login to test it. Everything gives the same result: "random login error", i thought that it maybe an issue about connection, maybe the login server is not accepting the connection and, instead of giving yo a error messages, just gives you the login error. Also, if you try later, seems it works... seems random but, I think, that it must be a reason for thas weird login issue.



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  • Retired Game Master

If the Internet connection is inconsistent, the login process does not finish.  Try doing a ping to the login server.


Windows, open Command Prompt in the Start Menu.

Mac, press CMD-Space and type Terminal.


"ping -t"  You should see a number of ping messages.  If any of them say "Request Timed Out", your network isn't reaching the login server.


Possible fixes depend on how you're connecting:

Wi-Fi: relocate closer to the router (Laptop is usually cake.  Desktop, good luck.) Eliminate obstacles by repositioning your antennas or moving the router box higher in your house (at head level or above is best). Identify objects that interfere with Wi-Fi, such as cement walls or floors, metal items (appliances, filing cabinets), full bookcases (books absorb radio signals like a sponge), microwaves (whether on or off) and plan your network around those trouble spots.


Wired (also Wi-Fi advice): check your router settings.  If you're using a municipal, school or work network, you probably won't be able to do this.  If you use Cable or DSL and cannot log into your router, see if they can provide or point to the settings.  (Most places usually have a sticker in the device box if you kept it.) 


We can't provide specific help with Home Network equipment because there's 100's of routers and millions more Wi-Fi devices out there. 


What we can share is from the Homecoming Wiki:


Make sure NAT is available and enabled.  Most routers come with this turned on by default.

Make sure your network device (laptop or computer you game on) is prioritized if possible (any features that tell the router the device is a favorite or needs to run in High Priority mode, etc.), and any Quality of Service settings for gaming is enabled.  (Router sets Gaming traffic above other data.)

As a last resort (because for 80% of players it is unlikely to make a difference), make sure port forwarding is set to the following:

  • TCP 2104
  • TCP 2106
  • TCP 443
  • UDP 7000-7200
Edited by GM Tock
Better IP Address to use.



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6 hours ago, GM Tock said:

If the Internet connection is inconsistent, the login process does not finish.  Try doing a ping to the login server.


Windows, open Command Prompt in the Start Menu.

Mac, press CMD-Space and type Terminal.


"ping -t"  You should see a number of ping messages.  If any of them say "Request Timed Out", your network isn't reaching the login server.


Possible fixes depend on how you're connecting:

Wi-Fi: relocate closer to the router (Laptop is usually cake.  Desktop, good luck.) Eliminate obstacles by repositioning your antennas or moving the router box higher in your house (at head level or above is best). Identify objects that interfere with Wi-Fi, such as cement walls or floors, metal items (appliances, filing cabinets), full bookcases (books absorb radio signals like a sponge), microwaves (whether on or off) and plan your network around those trouble spots.


Wired (also Wi-Fi advice): check your router settings.  If you're using a municipal, school or work network, you probably won't be able to do this.  If you use Cable or DSL and cannot log into your router, see if they can provide or point to the settings.  (Most places usually have a sticker in the device box if you kept it.) 


We can't provide specific help with Home Network equipment because there's 100's of routers and millions more Wi-Fi devices out there. 


What we can share is from the Homecoming Wiki:


Make sure NAT is available and enabled.  Most routers come with this turned on by default.

Make sure your network device (laptop or computer you game on) is prioritized if possible (any features that tell the router the device is a favorite or needs to run in High Priority mode, etc.), and any Quality of Service settings for gaming is enabled.  (Router sets Gaming traffic above other data.)

As a last resort (because for 80% of players it is unlikely to make a difference), make sure port forwarding is set to the following:

  • TCP 2104
  • TCP 2106
  • TCP 443
  • UDP 7000-7200



i tried, before read you, disabling windows firewall, but got the same issue. Also, there was something strange if there was a security/network issue: why sometimes work and others didn't?

Well, after trying to change the firewall (and didnt work) thought that maybe is something on "server side". Maybe there is a "confusion" while accesing the user. I got the same user/pass for the forums and, for the game, maybe, it is trying to log using the forum? or something like this? so I changed the game account pass... this was 2 days ago and I was testing it, actually i can say this solved the problem. Seems you may have random login issues if you got the same user/pass for forums and game accounts.


Thanks for all your help!

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  • Retired Game Master

Right.  Sorry about the network dead end.


PSA: Don’t use the same password for both.  The forum password can be long and complex.  Take advantage of it, because the game password is capped at 15 characters.

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