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The Mischief Family of Heroes


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Has anyone else created a whole family of superheroes? Like the Superman Family? I built a whole family around the main toon I’ve played since closed beta. I have used virtually every AT in the game. The connecting theme of their powers is Mind Control, and Psionic Powers – although I also tossed in a couple other power pools as well. Here’s my cast of heroes:


  • MISCHIEF  (Controller–Mind/Empathy) Malcom Tricks, a former teenage sidekick, and now the leader of the Mischief Family. Mischief (AKA The Purple Prankster) is one of the first openly gay superheroes in Paragon City.
  • KID MISCHIEF (Dominator–Mind/Psi) Mischief’s sassy, but loyal gay, teenage, sidekick.
  • DR MISCHIEF (Defender–Empathy/Psi) Mischief’s dad, and former mentor. Dr Mischief is semi-retired.
  • MOTHER MISCHIEF (Controller-Illusion/Empathy) After discovering an enchanted ring, the over 60-year-old mother of Mischief can turn into a younger woman with illusionary powers.
  • WILD MISCHIEF (Mastermind-Beast/Nature) Mischief’s straight brother who can communicate to critters with his mind.
  • MIGHTY MISCHIEF (Tank-Will Power/Psi) Mischief’s husband, a former circus strongman from Bombay, India.
  • MAJOR MISCHIEF (Scrapper-Psi/Will Power) Military officer and Mischief’s straight cousin.
  • MISCHIEFMAKER (Stalker-Psi/Super Reflexes) Mischief’s other straight cousin, and Major Mischief’s brother.
  • MISS MISCHIEF (Corruptor-Psi/Empathy) Mischief’s teenage lesbian niece, and Wild Mischief’s daughter.
  • AGENT OF MISCHIEF (Sentinel-Psi/Will Power) Mischief’s straight best friend. Member of the secret ops team, MISCHIEF (Mental Initiative Search Collective Hero Intel Exploration Force)
  • LADY MISCHIEF (Blaster-Psi/Psi) Agent of MISCHIEF’s trans sister and Major Mischief’s girlfriend.
  • MINI MISCHIEF (Dominator-Mind/Psi) A Fifth Dimensional Imp, who is both antagonist and ally to Mischief. This prankish anti-hero dresses himself like a miniature version of Mischief to mock him.
  • MISCHIEF MONSTER (Brute-Psi/Invulnerability) A mutated clone of Mischief gone wrong. At 7’ tall, he is a lovable imbecile, but a loyal hero, and team mascot.
  • SPIRIT OF MISCHIEF (Ghost Widow) The ghost of Mischief's, great-great grandfather from Northern England.
  • MERGED MISCHIEF (Peacebringer) Mischief’s straight nephew (Wild Mischief's son, and Miss Mischief's brother), who is the human host to a Kheldian.
Edited by Mischief61
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Do you mean have has anyone gotten 3+ players to each play a member of a family or do you mean has anyone made 3+ family members as alts?  


Because I have seen both and a family of alts is pritty common and fun.  


Getting a nice mix of powers like weather control elemental control from the parents and you can build there kids in lots of neet ways.

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I have never gotten a official hero family going. Most I think ever was 3 members a sister and a half brother. Or maybe they where a clone or alt dimension gender swapped me, can't remember. 


I have made alot of "family" with just alts. A fun one was whether control/electricity (who would now just be storm blaster/weather control) and a fire/ice/earth. Parents. 


With the new power set I just might remake them but I never liked that the family could never be together and fight as a super family, if I did remake them tho. 


Mom: corruptor storm blast/ weather control. 

Dad tank: stone/fire/ice 


Kids 5 2b 2g 1 other

Powers could be swapped around but would proably build there personality to match. 


Teen boy: brute 

Super strength/stone super jump 

Personality would be more dumb but lovable he is always willing to get hurt to protect others. But would have anger issues. 


Young boy: blaster 

Fire/Fire/Fire can fly. 

 Bit of a hot head love to burn things and play with his powers. Would often be in trouble but knows when to get serious


Teen girl: stalker  

Ele/energy (maybe shield) super speed 

 Likes to study not into the hero thing but does it for now mostly to look after her younger siblings



Young girl: defender  

Wind powers from Strom/strom only.   

 Bit of a tomboy. Trained with her powers the least of the family is more into doing her own thing.



Teen outher: Sentinel 


Is often trying to change the world when not in costume at Rally's or defacing crey/city property thinks they should be doing more outside hero work. 


Given how I rp and LVL my stuff the kids would get exp turned off some where around LVL 8-10 teens around LVL 15-20 and adults lvl 25-30. Unless there above street level adult heros.  


Could also expand the family if I wanted one of every at. But I would try and keep them all elemental I think. I could a cousin or something who uses lava (water/fire or  water/stone) but if I wanted them all a different AT I would proably change them all around to better mix and match into each AT.  


And might go and do that now 😛 and remake them all, how could you do this to me.


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