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Seeking DB/Energy Stalker Build


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Anyone have a Dual Blades/Energy Stalker build. my understanding is that you have to take all the primary abilities to cover all the combination attacks. Not sure how to slot and where to spend my skills.

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  • 1 month later

This is my DB/Energy Stalker. I skipped Nimble Slash and Vengeful Slice because the couple points of extra damage from Attack Vitals doesn't really amount to anything. I skipped Placate because with the Stalker ATO and decent recharge, Build Up is up enough that Empower doesn't really add much either.


My typical attack chain is Build Up -> Assassin's Blades -> Ablating Strike (Triggering Sweep) and then Sweeping Strike -> Power Slice -> One Thousand Cuts (Triggering Weaken). The second chain gets you enough stacks to crit with Assassin's Blades again and with good positioning, a large group is Weakened by the AoE, while your main target is debuffed by Ablating Strike, making your follow up still pretty devastating even when you're not Hidden.


As for Energy Aura, I skipped Disrupt because the Stun doesn't add much compared to the utility of the Leadership Pool. I skipped Overload because I'm usually so far over the Defense softcap that it's overkill with the crash being a huge drawback.


For pools, it's all utility. Fighting pool for Tough and Weave, Leaping for Combat Jumping and Super Jump, Speed for Hasten. You can trade out SJ for SS if you prefer that travel power. Leadership so I hit harder more often and keep that Defense high. Energy Mastery was thematic and Energy Aura, but I only took Superior Conditioning and Physical Perfection for the passive buffs. Focused Accuracy is an option, but IMO you get more mileage out of Tactics as a team buff.


This is an older build, so the order in which I took the powers was necessary back then. Now you can take the primary and secondary powers sooner, but even as is, it comes fully online very quickly if you're slotting as you go.


Hope this helps!

Bloodgutter - Stalker (Dual Blades).mbd

Edited by Taurus Maximus
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