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Angela Hu - Seize Carnival Artifacts (can't complete)

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  1. Timed once you enter, 4 min.
  2. The Mistress to defeat was near first two click objectives, got her.
  3. Clicked the first two objectives.
  4. Went up lift, skipped through mobs (not enough time), clicked remaining two objectives.
  5. Objective text now only says "escape" with no timer and no points of interest on map.
  6. Went to exit and left.
  7. Mission not failed but being pointed at contact for missions.


Picked up mission again and did all the above apart from point 7.


  1. killed remaining mobs while being ambushed by the DUST spawns
  2. map was empty and no more DUST spawns
  3. still no complete or objectives or points of interest
  4. left the map manually, no failure but need to see contact.


Forgive the quality of images, had to make alterations for the upload limitation.









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